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It's finally over. Miyamura Masamichi thought as he silently watched the streets flickering with gunfire and the large group of zombies on the street attracted by the fierce firefight. B0w from each branch have begun to enter the scene. These monsters will effectively slow down the pace of the convoy. The security forces that blocked the nearby area and later came to the scene to support can already start to consider retreating. In this situation, even if Without detonating a bomb, it would be very difficult for the convoy to leave. In other words, although the bomb planted on the road ahead failed to blow up the convoy, it still had its intended effect. It successfully blocked the convoy! Next, do your job conscientiously and help us test the actual combat data of those trial works. Stroking the black handle with his fingers, Miyamura Masamichi whispered in Japanese expressionlessly, He quickly Evacuation orders were issued to each team and evacuation routes were planned for them. It seemed that because the casualties were too heavy, many teams did not respond. However, Miyamura Masamichi did not care about the zombies swarming in. D. Miyamura Masamichi It is very clear that even if he chooses the most worrying evacuation route for the security forces, there are still only a few who can escape. As for those who can return to the stronghold before Black Umbrella's technical department evacuates, I am afraid that there are even fewer. . But it's not important. The data has been obtained and the experiment was successful. Whether it is the police and citizens of Tall Oak City, the unidentified armed forces, or the security forces of Black Umbrella, it has nothing to do with me. I can do it. left. lThe prerequisite is to deal with the evil ghost climbing out of the underworld first. Thinking of this, Miyamura Masamichi dodged slightly, and then gunshots rang out, and three consecutive bullets hit pieces of rubble where he originally stood. Although I have never had any expectations for the security forces, I really didn't expect that you actually annihilated two teams with just one person and came to me unscathed. A look appeared between the eyebrows. With a hint of admiration, Miyamura Masamichi turned around, playing with the detonator in his hand - and said to Li Yexing, who was walking out of the stairwell: You are really strong, more powerful than I imagined. Soldier, I wonder if I am lucky enough to call your name? Li Yexing, who was holding a gun, covered in mud, and with sweat stains on his forehead, looked quite embarrassed, suppressed the faint fatigue between his brows, and ignored Gong. Instead of asking the question, Miyamura Masamichi frowned and asked: Are you the executive officer? You actually know the executive officer?! The expression that seemed steady but hinted at indifference finally changed a little, Miyamura Masamichi's face He showed uncontrollable surprise, but then he felt relieved. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he shook his head gently, as if sighing: It turns out it's you, Lolus' mad dog, Li. Traveling at night, Mr. Li. As he spoke, Miyamura Masamichi raised his head again, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He asked in a deep voice: Since Mr. Li, you can recognize my identity at a glance, then you should also know Black Umbrella. The security force is the right one. As far as I know, your Huanya armed force has maintained a close cooperative relationship with the departments under our organization and provided excellent security services to our organization. But this time, why did you... I also want to understand this question, why were we stabbed in the back by our partners? Thoughts flashed through his mind instantly, and Li Yexing's plan came to mind. He pretended to be angry, and spoke to Miyamura Masamichi in a deep voice with the corner of his mouth pulled indifferently. Questioned:' 'Our Pan-Asian Armed Forces accepted the commission of a certain big shot and entered Tall Oak City to evacuate survivors as much as possible, but you and your team couldn't help but attack the monsters on our team's head and blocked us. The road to evacuate. In this case, we have to fight back. Your Excellency, Executive Officer, may I ask you what this means? Or, does it mean fear? Or does it mean the European branch? Or, Is this what the Joint Committee means? As the terms popped out of Li Yexing's mouth one by one, Miyamura Masamichi became more and more certain that the relationship between Li Yexing and the European branch was very unusual, which surprised him and made him a little jealous. , in a sense, the Asia-Pacific armed forces are almost the supernumerary security forces of the European branch. The predecessor of this force directly paralyzed the Eastern European branch a few years ago, leading to the destruction of the Eastern European branch. This is enough to show that they Its combat capability is much stronger than that of conventional security forces, but now, this team is in the hands of the European branch! This is extremely unreasonable! For a long time, for the environment that has been boasted by his colleague Powell Miyamura Masamichi has always had a disdainful attitude towards the Asian Armed Forces, but just now, he has witnessed with his own eyes the combat effectiveness of the Asian Armed Forces and the terrifying strength of the legendary mercenary. In Miyamura Masamichi’s view, this is The armed forces should be firmly in the hands of the headquarters and placed in the branches. They appear to be overqualified. Moreover, the most important point is that the Minister of Black Umbrella Europe Division, Marduk Alzerich, is an out-and-out remnant of the Queen's era! Such an armed force cannot be in the hands of a Queen's faction! In an instant, Miyamura Masamichi had a plan in his mind, and a non-pretentious apology appeared on his face. He first pretended to hold down the communicator next to his ear.

He yelled into the air: Cease fire! Cease fire! Everyone retreats one block! We are fighting friendly forces! Then, he pressed the communicator and shouted to the manager of the technical department: Emergency! Stop all BOW activities and enter a temporary standby state! Immediately! Following Miyamura Masamichi's order, the gunfire on Franklin Street gradually became sparse. After a while, Li Yexing's communicator rang, Pietro Nev's voice said intermittently: Everyone here... stop. What's the situation on your side? I can't hear you clearly. Looking at Miyamura Masamichi and the detonator in his hand, Li Yexing whispered: No. Break through rashly and wait for my news

I have asked the security forces to evacuate, and all BOWs in the experiment have entered temporary standby mode. On the other side, General Masamichi Miyamura

The hand that was on the communicator by his ear returned to the black knife handle, and then he bowed deeply to Li Yexing and said, I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble.

It's okay. Surprised by Miyamura Masamichi's talkative appearance, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows subconsciously. He tilted his head slightly and said, Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, it means that my team and I can withdraw from time to time. Of course. He gently shook the detonator in his hand, hinting to Li Yexing, No, you can't leave yet. Miyamura Masamichi's eyebrows showed a hint of confusion, as if he was hesitating. Something, after a moment, he sighed slightly, looking at Li Yexing with a hint of sincerity in his eyes, and heard him say in a deep voice: The following words are not spoken to you as a subordinate executive of the Joint Committee, I am speaking to you as a warrior who admires your strength. Mr. Li, do you know who led this large-scale experiment on Black Umbrella? Who? Li Youxing asked subconsciously. After the formation was brewing, Miyamura Masamichi's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness and severity, and he replied in a deep voice: Marduk Alzerich.

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