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Marduk Alzerich? Hearing Miyamura Masamichi's answer, Li Yexing was slightly startled. Who is this person? Why does it sound so familiar? Seeing Li Yexing's doubts, Miyamura Masamichi immediately Shen Sheng explained: He is the K of the Black Umbrella European Department. The moment he was reminded by Miyamura Masamichi, Li Yexing's eyes suddenly widened. He finally remembered where he had heard this awkward name. ! Casimir seemed to often mention this person to himself when he was complaining to himself, but most of the time, Casimir would not call him by name. In front of Li Yexing, he preferred to call his minister damn Old thing On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's surprised expression, Miyamura Masamichi felt proud. In his opinion, Li Yexing had already understood what he meant, and he only needed to remind himself a little bit, so , he continued in a deep voice: I know Mr. Li may not believe it, but the fact is that the cause of this large-scale experiment was that the European branch took the lead in submitting a plan for a large-scale experiment, and they worked with someone from country A. Politicians in Congress cooperated and prepared to use this terrorist attack led by certain forces to conduct experiments on their new products. Because the plan was complete, the joint committee quickly passed it... A slight pause After a pause, Masamichi Miyamura continued: Maybe you are not very clear about the actual data collection work of BOW, which must be coordinated by an armed force. This work used to be the responsibility of the security forces, but this time, Alzerich The minister said he had a better choice. After knowing clearly that the National Guard would not enter Tall Oaks, he claimed that he had summoned a group of highly capable mercenaries through channels to participate in the experiment and arranged for them A reasonable entrustment was made. Speaking of this, Miyamura Masamichi frowned slightly, and he looked serious: At this point, you should have understood, Mr. Li? Li Youxing stared blankly at the English-speaking person in front of him. The Japanese executive, who was extremely standard and didn't look like a Japanese, had a lot of thoughts in his mind. The chaotic thoughts were sorted out, then twisted together, and finally turned into one sentence: What nonsense are you talking about? Listen. When Miyamura Masamichi said this, Li Yexing really understood. For some reason, this unfamiliar executive wanted to alienate the Asia Armed Forces and the European branch. To this end, he also made up a story. The general idea was that the European branch The Ministry wanted to sell the Asia Armed Forces and let Li Yexing and Li Yexing's team serve as guinea pigs for the new monster created by the European branch. However, he did not know and could not have imagined that the Asia Armed Forces entered Tall Oak City from the beginning to the end. It wasn't because he received the commission, but because he, the boss behind the Huanya Armed Forces, had cleared Resident Evil 6 in his previous life! In an instant, he exposed Miyamura Masamichi's lies in his heart, and Li Yexing looked at Miyamura Masamichi with something in his eyes. After a trace of exploration and a moment of silence, he asked in a deep voice: The cooperation between the Asian Armed Forces and the European Branch has always been very pleasant. Why does the European Branch want to beat around the bush to harm the Asian Armed Forces? I don't understand. I Think about it, Mr. Li, do you know something you shouldn't know? Taking Li Yexing's silence as a sign of being shaken, Miyamura Masamichi took advantage of the victory and asked. Then they must have also participated in the work of the security forces, It has provided help for the data collection of the new BOW. As long as these guys have seen the BOW developed by the European branch, Li Yexing will unconsciously think in that direction even if he doesn't point it out. Compared with the rapid calculation of Li Yexing's Miyamura Masamichi and Li Yexing's reactions seemed a lot weirder. The European branch planned to find a reason to kill me because I knew too much? Li Yehang did not deny that he knew the European branch very well. Because of a psychotic owner who likes to brag about his new toys every day, the European branch is like a girl who has her pants taken off in Li Yexing's eyes. There are almost no secrets at all. Speaking of which, Cassie That guy Mir is also a loser. Every few months, he brags to himself how much money he has defrauded of his new toy, and explains in detail the characteristics and capabilities of his new toy. It is almost like giving a work report. , the most outrageous thing is that if he hints that he is not interested in his toys, he will still get angry! As if - a chatterbox who has been ordered to shut up! Damn it, don't there even be confidentiality regulations in the European branch? Is that? I’m just a mercenary! Tell me everything else! Of course, Li Yexing will not tell the executive in front of him these things, and he bets that the executive in front of him will never think that the European branch Director Casimir, the powerful cadre, will be his father-in-law! There is no change in the expression on his face. At this moment, Li Yexing just wants to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this guy in front of him. After a moment of silence, He said expressionlessly: Do you have any good suggestions? Mr. Executive Officer? Of course! The fish finally bit the hook, and a hint of unnoticeable excitement flashed in Miyamura Masamichi's eyes, and he frowned. He frowned and said seriously: As you know, we at Black Umbrella attach great importance to our credibility. We will protect the interests of every partner as much as possible to ensure that we maintain a stable cooperative relationship, such as the European branch. The behavior of harming partners has seriously violated the will of the Joint Committee. As an executive from the headquarters, I have the right and obligation to report this shameless behavior of the European branch to the Joint Committee and let them investigate the European branch. The minister sanctioned it! Then I wish you good luck in your work.

Li Yexing nodded and said: 'Can my team and I leave?' I'm sorry, it's not possible. As expected by Li Yexing, Miyamura Masamichi shook his head, posing with his serious face. Facing Li Yexing, he said in a deep voice, Mr. Li, in order to punish Alzeric for his bad behavior, we need you and your team to serve as witnesses and return to our organization with us.

Hearing Miyamura Masamichi's words, Li Yexing finally realized that this was what you had been talking about for so long! It seems that even after surviving the last crisis, Ou

The situation in the European branch is still not optimistic. Three years have passed, and some people in the joint committee are still sparing no effort to pour dirty water on the head of the European branch. The executive officer in front of me is probably for whom. He works for a congressman from a rival faction. Otherwise, why would he, a arrogant and coaxing executive, talk to me in such a low voice? Doesn’t he expect that he can take the piss out of the European branch at a critical moment? It can’t be because of greed. Me and my men, right? If Black Umbrella can only stand out in this way, then Casimir should find another job as soon as possible, not here

F, no future. Seeing Li Yexing's silence, Miyamura Masamichi thought about it. I, Miyamura Masamichi, the third executive officer of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, swear as a pure martial artist that I will never deceive you! Martial artist... ah .The weak-looking Wu Tuji suddenly came to mind. Li Yexing seemed to be sighing with emotion: Speaking of which, I really know a pure and flawless warrior in my home. Mr. Li, we don't have much time. Don't worry! Not paying attention to Li Yexing's soliloquy, Miyamura Masamichi urged him urgently. I know, I know, you are in a hurry. In fact, I am also in a hurry. He waved his hand gently and stopped Miyamura. At Masamichi's words, Li Yexing slowly lowered his head, with a cold and wild arc at the corner of his mouth. He chuckled at the expectant Miyamura Masamichi and said, But, I refuse!

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