What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-73. Strong men have daily feuds

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Franklin Street, which had fallen into a brief ceasefire, was once again shrouded in darkness, showing an eerie silence. Above this silence, Executive Officer Masamichi Miyamura's face darkened a little bit. He stared at Li Yexing, trying to escape from Li Yexing. A trace of fear and wavering could be found on Li Yexing's face, but it was obvious that the furious smile on Li Yexing's face was sincere and had no meaning of bluffing, so Miyamura Masamichi's face became even more ugly. Mr. Li, I think you may not understand what I mean. After a moment, Miyamura Masamichi said in a deep voice: As a partner of Black Umbrella, Huanya Armed Forces has sufficient reasons to help us maintain the stability and stability of the internal environment. Harmony, this is also beneficial to the Huaya Armed Forces itself. After a slight pause, Miyamura Masamichi continued: What's more, the Huanya Armed Forces have already received a lot of benefits from our hands, haven't they? A little bit. To correct you, the one we are cooperating with is not your organization, but the European branch... Li Yexing responded with a smile: It's not that I don't believe what the CEO said, I just simply think that, regardless of whether we are being The European branch has been cheated. This is a problem between our Pan-Asian armed forces and the European branch. We and the European branch can negotiate. Mr. Li! I am safeguarding your rights and interests! Miyamura Masamichi Shinobu He couldn't help but raise his voice and said: Unlike the short-sighted European branch, we attach great importance to cooperation with the Pan-Asian armed forces. If the European branch cannot properly handle the cooperative relationship with the Pan-Asian armed forces, the headquarters can completely separate you from the European arm. The branch's cooperative relationship has been taken over to provide you with more benefits! He said a lot with a dry mouth. Seeing that Li Yexing was unmoved, Miyamura Masamichi sighed. He shook his head slightly and said: That's all, Mr. Li, just follow me back with your team. Subsequent communication with the senior leaders of the Pan-Asian Armed Forces will be handled by the joint committee. I believe that your superiors will be able to make reasonable trade-offs and judgments. Li Ye Xing understood clearly, Miyamura Masamichi's subtext was: You stinky mercenary, you know nothing! This is your fault, executive officer... In his mind, there was a person who was a boss in front of him and a person behind him. With the disgusted face above, Li Yexing couldn't help but smile and joked: I think my boss would be more willing to trust my judgment than that joint committee. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Miyamura Masamichi slightly confirmed, and then Then he came to the conclusion that if what Li Yexing said is true, then there is only one possibility. Li Yexing's status within the Huanya Armed Forces is definitely not low! He may even have the right to participate in management-level decisions! Thinking of this, Miyamura Masamichi looked at Li Yexing with even more eager eyes. He gently put his hand on the handle of the knife and rubbed it repeatedly, forcibly suppressing the desire shown in his eyebrows. In just a few seconds, Miyamura Masamichi's face He lost his expression and said regretfully: What a pity. I thought that as a warrior, you would believe me. But in fact, you believe more in those insidious guys who do whatever it takes for their own benefit. It's really... pity. I just believe in myself more. Li Yexing said with a smile. It seems that reasoning does not make sense anymore. Shaking his head lightly, Miyamura Masamichi raised his hand and gently pressed it on the communicator next to his ear. He said with a cold face: The experiment continues. Following Miyamura Masamichi's order, within just a few seconds, the roar of gunshots was heard again on Franklin Street. At the same time, Petronev's intermittent voice also came from the communicator. He said loudly: ... .... Li didn't reply. Li Yexing suddenly raised his gun and without saying a word, he pulled the trigger directly at Miyamura Masamichi's head. Unexpectedly, Miyamura Masamichi was already prepared and swung the black gun violently. The windbreaker turned over and hid behind the flower bed beside Tiantian, letting the bullets pass through the hem of his windbreaker. Mr. Li, you shouldn't be like this! Behind the flower bed, the half-straddled leader Miyamura frowned and said loudly, We can completely solve the problem in a peaceful way.

For this problem, you only need to take a trip with us. After saying that, Miyamura Masamichi suddenly took out a black pistol with an extended magazine from his arms, and at the same time, he stuck out his head and opened fire directly at Li Yexing's position. Li Yexing instantly lowered his body and ran towards the flower bed, then squatted down. He lowered his body and leaned closely behind the flower bed to avoid the firepower coming from Miyamura Masamichi. Hanging the AR-5 on his waist, Li Yexing took out his pistol and looked around fearfully from time to time: What you mean by peaceful solution is to block my team with bombs and monsters, and also... Shoot at me? You are a unique and maverick warrior... Immediately, Miyamura Masamichi's answer came from the other side of the flower bed. He said loudly: In order to make you listen to my reasoning. , it is necessary for me to take some coercive measures against you. I hope that after you follow me back to the headquarters, you will not resent me for my rudeness at the moment. I can't go back with you, and don't talk to me like that. It makes me feel like you're a faggot staring at my ass! From time to time, he looked to the other side of the flower bed and saw Miyamura Masamichi hiding tightly. In fact, Li Yexing said loudly: By the way, I hate you very much now, and I want to kill you right away! As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing started to move directly. He held the pistol and lowered his body, leaning against The flower bed moved forward at a high speed without making any sound. The moment he turned the corner, Li Yexing was slightly startled. On the other side of the flower bed, Miyamura Masamichi also came over. He probably had the same idea as Li Yexing, and wanted to Had a sneak attack

The moment they collided, the two of them subconsciously retracted into the flower bed. At the same time, they suddenly raised their pistols and fired at each other. For a moment, there was a loud sound of gunfire, and the bullets punched holes in the ground and flower beds, until both sides found out. Unable to help each other, they ceased fire. Didn't you say you wanted to resolve it peacefully? Why, you came here in the blink of an eye? Li Yexing, leaning against the flower bed to put on a new magazine, frowned and said, Are all Japanese warriors as dishonest as you? Warriors The earth path is in decline! I am just a warrior, I dare not call myself a samurai. Masamichi Miyamura, who was opposite the flower bed, responded loudly: What I can do is just for the sake of peace.

My master has dedicated his life to this matter, and I don’t stick to trivial matters for this! “Damn, how dare you say that.” Cursing the other party’s sanctimony in a low voice, Li Yexing stuck his head out, held the flower bed above his head with a gun, and joked loudly to himself at the same time. I'm really disillusioned. I thought we could have an upright martial arts duel, very Japanese-style. After that, Li Yexing suddenly jumped onto the flower bed, and under the cover of the gunfire on Franklin Street, He kept stepping over the rain-soaked flowers and grass, and quickly sneaked towards the other side of the flower bed. Right in front of him, the head of Miyamura who was hiding under the flower bed didn't seem to notice Li Yexing's arrival. He was minding his own business. shouted loudly: 'I am also willing to have a romantic showdown in the rain with Mr. Li, but I always feel that as long as I dare to put down the gun and draw my knife, Mr. Li will immediately open fire on me!

You are more informal than me! Li Yexing knew very well that Miyamura Masamichi was scolding him in a roundabout way, but he didn't care. In Li Yexing's view, this executive was already a dead person.

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