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203, midnight on June 29, outside Tall Oaks. Under the night sky, in the lake surrounded by mountains and woods, Leon and Helena waved their limbs, struggled out of the water, and came into contact with the fresh air again. The two couldn't help but take big breaths to relieve their lack of energy. Feeling uncomfortable due to the oxygen, they looked around at the water around them, and then each swam to a piece of driftwood on the lake. They held on to the driftwood to steady themselves, and then they were able to breathe. Feeling relieved, he subconsciously looked around. He glanced around, but couldn't find the petite figure that slipped out of the mountain waterway with them. Oops! He must be a landlubber, right?! Miss Tililis! Feeling nervous, Leon couldn't help shouting loudly, - Seeing Helena next to him, she suddenly realized that the silver-haired girl had been accompanying him. She did not follow them to the surface, and her expression was tainted with a trace of anxiety. She - while constantly looking around - followed Leon and shouted: Miss Tillylis! Can you hear me?! Tilly Jingsi Miss? No, I have to go down to find her... After calling to no avail, Leon turned his head and shouted to Helena, a trace of determination appeared on his eyebrows. Helena instinctively felt that this was not a good idea, but she could not open her mouth to stop it. , However, at this moment, bursts of bubbles suddenly appeared on the water between the two of them. The bubbles became more and more numerous and bigger, until a few seconds later, the girl with silver hair and red eyes broke out of the water. , under the moonlight, the silver hair fluttered with water drops, and there was something red. Only the indifferent girl turned her head in the stagnant time, and her eyes collided with Leon. The next second, Tililith raised her head and opened her mouth, Like a whale, it spat out a column of water, and then fell back to the water. The upper half of its face was exposed to the water, and the lower half was buried in the water. Her long silver hair spread out on the water, and Tililith spat out expressionlessly. Bubbles. Thank God, I thought you were drowning. Seeing Tililith surfaced, Helena finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile of relief on her face, and Leon, who was preparing to go into the water to rescue people, also relaxed. -0 angry. The frowned brows began to relax a little bit. If something happened to Tililith, Leon really didn't know how to explain to Li Yexing.

After parting ways with Ada in the large underground cave, Leon and Heena continued to move forward, while Tililith followed them unhurriedly without saying a word. At first, Leon wanted to try to see if he could escape from Tililith. There was a little bit of useful information here, but after encountering Tililith's disdainful eyes, Leon gave up.

What the hell is going on with this girl? Is she really a B0W? Doesn’t her mind spin too fast?! Why does she know what I’m going to say before I even open my mouth?

For a moment, Leon even suspected that he had no secrets at all in front of Tiililith. After only a few steps back, Leon was completely defeated. He no longer tried to get information from Tiililith, but instead Not long after all their thoughts were focused on the road ahead, the three of them were blocked by a stone door with a pattern of ouroboros. Leon recognized the pattern on the stone knife at a glance, because the pattern was related to Ada's gift. The badge on the ring he gave himself looked like something, so Leon inserted the ring into the groove on the stone door. Sure enough, with the sound of the mechanism running, the stone door opened immediately. Only then did Leon finally understand what Ada meant when she said you can use it later when she gave him the ring. After opening the stone door, Helena and Tillylith began to go to the deepest part of the Great Hollow, which is also the family tomb of the Simmons family. Here, zombies are rampant and there are many institutions. Time has made Leon doubtful about life. Fortunately, at this time , Ti Lilith’s role is reflected. There are many doors that are not easy to open, and Tililith can open them. There are many wooden bridges that are not easy to put down, and Tililith can put them down. There are many fat zombies blocking the road, and Tililith can jump them into the abyss with her feet. This On the way, Leon and Helena did not encounter any monsters that could withstand Tililith's blow. In this atmosphere, the adventure in the ancient tomb that was supposed to be filled with murderous intentions suddenly turned into a spring outing for primary school students. This situation did not begin to change until everyone entered the underground waterway. Leon really did not expect that there would be a shark-like BOW wandering on the waterway. The monster was huge, strong and extremely powerful in the water. It is flexible, has razor-like teeth, and has a strong desire to attack. Whether it is a living person or a floating corpse, it will not let go. From this point of view, it is indeed not an easy task to cross the underground waterway guarded by this monster. things. At least that's what Leon thought before Tilly Jingsi forcibly dragged the shark monster ashore and cut it into sashimi with a meat grinder. In this way, as the last obstacle was eliminated, the road ahead became clear again. It didn't take long for Leon to find a mountain stream path that could lead to the outside. It was a stone path with a spacious interior and a smooth inner wall, an underground waterway. The water flowed straight down the stone path, like a waterfall. i Water slide! Looking at the fast-flowing stone path, Tililith's red eyes lit up instantly, and Lyon said that this was the path leading to the stone path. Road outside 5. Before Leon could react, Tililith kicked up her legs and jumped directly.

Immediately, the inexplicable and weird exclamation sound came faintly from the water sheet with echo, and gradually faded away. At this moment, Leon only felt that his scalp was numb and he didn't bother to prepare. Leon turned his head and said in a deep voice to Helena, who had a subtle expression on the side: Let's dance. Wait. Helena wanted to say something else, but Leon jumped down without saying a word, and then slid further and further with a muffled sound. Helena had no choice but to follow, and the three of them followed the water quickly through the stone path, and finally rushed out and fell into the mountain wall. In the lake nearby. He grabbed the driftwood and floated on the water. Seeing that everyone was safe and sound, Leon began to search for the lake shore closest to everyone. At this moment, a roar suddenly came from above his head. Leon was slightly startled, and then he immediately raised his head. Meet two fighter companions

The roaring sound quickly tore through the dark night sky and passed over everyone's heads, flying towards Tall Oak City on the other side of the mountain. A few seconds later, accompanied by a muffled sound, the sky on the other side of the mountain was instantly illuminated by fire. , a dazzling huge ball of light rose up, almost over the layers of trees. Above the ball of light, layers of light wrapped around the clouds and mist spread out like ripples, and the strong wind stirred up the branches and leaves of the trees on the mountain. Tremble. So beautiful... The firelight illuminated her face. Tilisilis opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the layers of halo above the fireball. Helena's jaw was wide open, her eyes were blank, and a strange sound came from her throat. The sound seemed to be stunned by the scene before him. As for Leon, he put one arm on the driftwood and looked at the night sky illuminated by the nuclear explosion, with a trace of hatred between his eyebrows. The same explosion, the same zombies, the same nuclear explosion. Five years later, five years of fighting for this world, but the Raccoon City incident finally happened again. He clenched his teeth, and then released them. All kinds of anger reached his lips but he couldn't express it. In the end, Leon just shook his head, He whispered to Helena and Tililith, Come ashore... At this moment, Leon was exhausted both physically and mentally.

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