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It didn’t take everyone too much time to get from the lake to the shore, but after all, it was a very physically demanding sport. After everyone got on the shore, Leon and Helena were out of breath, but Tililith didn’t seem to have any reaction. , she stood alone behind the two of them, throwing her silky silver hair in front of her, and twisting it gently with her delicate little hands, the lake water was squeezed out from between the silver hair. Gently shaking his blond hair, Leon swept away the mud stuck to his black leather jacket. Beside him, Helena held her knees and gasped slightly. Then she patted her trouser legs and stood up straight. The two of them turned their heads together. , looking behind him, he saw the silver-haired girl twirling her hair while staring at the light that illuminated the sky behind the mountains. Although the explosion had ended, the light had not dissipated. It was like the sunrise. Generally, it is slightly revealed from the other side of the mountain, exuding a bright golden color. On top of that golden color, the clouds are illuminated clearly. Simon... Frowning, facing the golden light, Helena said with a look of disbelief: He will disinfect the area again. Destroy the evidence by the way. - Leon next to him said with a heavy expression. How dare he? Until now, Helena still couldn't believe that what happened before her eyes was real. He couldn't believe that Simmons would really drop a nuclear bomb in Tall Oaks! The phone in his pocket suddenly rang, Leon Helena quickly made eye contact and took out her phone. On the other side, Helena also turned her back and quickly pressed the communicator in her ear. Thank God, you are still alive! The call was connected. At the first moment, FOS Liaison Officer Hang Nigan breathed a sigh of relief. Where is Simonsi?! Leon asked in a deep voice with a bad tone and sharp eyes. After he finished talking to you, he left in a hurry... Hannigan, who was far away at the FOS base, replied while his eyes kept scanning the laptop in front of him. It belongs to a female horse! Tilting his head, the irritability in his eyebrows became more and more obvious, Leon cursed in a low voice. Where did he go? Helena asked with a frown, pressing the communicator next to her ear. When he left, he seemed to be talking to someone on the phone. Hannigan continued to scan around and replied in a low voice: His tone seemed unhappy. There is a way to find out where he went. Helena continued to ask. Don't worry, I've already asked someone to follow him. Holding the laptop with one hand, Hannigan held the phone between his neck and kept typing on the keyboard with his other hand. Looking at Simmons' profile picture displayed on the computer screen and the route map marked on the earth model, she quickly responded: He is currently rushing to the airport for his private plane to fly to Lanxiang from there. Hearing Hannigan's answer, Helena was slightly startled, and then turned to look at Leon, but Leon was also confused. After a moment, he said doubtfully: Lan Xiang? Yes. He tapped his fingertips quickly. Keyboard, sending important information to Li 2, Hang Nigan frowned slightly and said: Look at this. After receiving the message on the phone, Leon immediately opened it, and suddenly, pictures appeared on the screen of Leon's phone. , in the popular film, there is a burning city. Above the flames, thick smoke is billowing, covering the tall buildings, as if the city has been turned into a battlefield! What's going on? What happened? Looking at the burning city on the screen of Leon's mobile phone, Helena couldn't help but said in shock. Another bioterrorist attack... Shaking her head slightly, Hannigan introduced the situation to Leon and Helena , she said anxiously: After BSAA identification, the virus used in this attack is the same virus that appeared on the battlefield of the Etonian Civil War half a year ago, called C virus. C virus... See Looking at the information on the phone, Leon murmured in a low voice. We have seen something similar before. Frowning slightly, staring at the khaki pupa shell in the information on the screen of the phone, Helena suddenly remembered her previous days in the university of mathematics. Those things seen in the underground laboratory of the church. Quickly putting the phone back into his pocket, Leon raised his hand to press the communicator to his ear, frowned and said urgently: Simmons must be stopped immediately and arrested!

We have no evidence. Hangnigan shook his head and said with a troubled face: What's more, now you two have become the number one suspects in murdering the president.

No. Helena shook her head, looking a little disappointed. Leon's face was also ugly, but then, he suddenly remembered something. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and Leon raised his head suddenly, facing the golden light behind the sea of ​​trees. He pressed the communicator next to his ear and said: Listen, Hannigan, please forge the news that we are dead. Can you Can it be done? What? After hearing Leon's words, Helena turned her head and looked at Li 2, her eyebrows full of doubts. No problem... After a moment of entanglement, Hannigan agreed, and then she reminded Said: But they will find out sooner or later. What are you going to do? Staring at the golden light in the distance, Leon replied in a deep voice: We are going to Lanxiang. After quickly handing over the follow-up work with Hannigan, Leon cut off the communication. He frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something. After a few seconds, he took out his mobile phone again and dialed a certain number. After a while, , the call was connected. Leon? On the other side of the phone, the familiar voice said: Since you called, it means that you and Heena have escaped from Tall Oaks, right? That's right, Li. Subconsciously Nodding, Leon asked in a deep voice, Is the president okay? Helena, who was standing next to him, was slightly startled, then turned her head to look at Leon, with a trace of horror between her eyebrows. The president is very good. Li Yexing on the other side of the phone smiled and replied: Where's Tililith? Looking up at the silver-haired girl standing by the lake, Leon replied: Miss Tililith is also very good. I want to have a phone call with her. Li Yexing said directly. No problem, but I need to confirm the safety of Mr. President first. Leon frowned.

Gen, I'm sorry, I can't let you talk to him on the phone. To Lyon's surprise, Li Youxing rejected his request. Li Yexing patiently explained: Don't worry, Lyon.

I won't lie to you, we have successfully transferred the President out of Tall Oaks. In addition, there are a large number of survivors who are being isolated and treated at our temporary base. The survivors here all know that the President is still there. Alive, but the news is currently under lockdown, at least for a few hours, and we're going to keep it a secret. After a moment of thinking, Leon finally had a smile on his lips. He whispered: I understand what you want to do, Li, but do you really want to get involved in this matter? This is not your war. . You are wrong, Li 2... Li Yexing replied in a deep voice: This is my war, this is revenge. As long as I am here, Simmons will not be able to do anything he wants to do next. I will fight He did! Capturing a trace of anger from Li Yexing's words, Leon understood something instantly. He nodded and said: I understand, now, talk to your monster girl on the phone. After that, Leon put the phone He handed it to Tililith who was standing aside, and said loudly: Miss Tililith, here is your phone number, it's Li. Hearing Leon's call, Tilisilis no longer stared at the golden light brought by the nuclear explosion. She turned around and walked straight to Leon, took over Leon's E-camera with an expressionless face, and then said to the phone: Night Travel , this is Ti Lilith. Inside... As Ti Li Lisi was talking on the phone with Li Yexing, Helena walked up quickly. She stared with confusion on her face and said: Who were you talking to on the phone just now? I I seem to have heard you mention the president. Wrong. Leon nodded. What's going on? Helena frowned and asked, Who are you talking to on the phone? My friend, a very reliable guy. Looking at Helena, Leon frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: The president is not dead.

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