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It was still late at night, but the sky was rendered as bright as day by the golden light, faintly diffused through the mountains and forests, parting the clouds little by little, creating a golden ring-shaped hollow, as if the gates of heaven were wide open and the Holy Son was coming. How dazzling is the golden color in front of me? But King Ada, who was watching all this, could not squeeze out a smile. Leaning on the black Harley motorcycle with red patterns, Ada crossed her arms and watched another city being razed to the ground by nuclear bombs under Simmons' instruction. After a while, she sighed softly and turned her gaze away. Turning to the side, in the shadow under the tree beside the road, the martial girl wrapped in white was facing away from Ai, holding a mobile phone and talking in awkward English. I didn't encounter any danger. The journey was smooth... I'm fine, Ye Xingjun, don't worry. Miss Wang and I get along very well. Miss Wang is a great person. Wait a minute, Ye Xingjun, About Miss Harper. Oh? Is that so? I thought Ye Xingjun was going to do it again. No way, Ye Xingjun is always like this. Hmm. Don't worry, I will take care of myself, and so will Miss Wang. Same... I will protect Miss Wang well, um, that's it. See you in a day, and wish the Lord Night Walker Wuyun a prosperous life. After the call ended, Hitomi Mikishima stuffed the phone back into his pocket, then turned around, holding two knives - long and short - and walked towards Ada step by step in the shadows. When he was beside Zhangda, her eyes became clear. - She was stunned for a moment, but then, she nodded to Ada and said, I have contacted Ye Xingjun. His side was safe and had withdrawn from Tall Oak City.

Really? This is really good news. Ada nodded, with a faint smile between her eyebrows, but this smile seemed a little indifferent. As if she had noticed something, the corner of Hitomi Mikishima's mouth twitched with a hint of cunning, and she whispered softly: Don't worry, Mr. Ye Xingyang has confirmed that Mr. Kennedy is safe and he has evacuated Tall Oak City in time.

It's nothing to be surprised about. Ada's face still had that calm expression, but there was something else in her eyes, as if she was afraid that Hitomi Mikishima would notice the emotions she showed inadvertently. , she naturally turned her head, avoiding Hitomi Mikishima's sight, staring at the golden sky in the distance. She began to pretend to look at the scenery. Ada's appearance reminded Hitomi Mishima of her school days. Her reaction was really like those girls in her class who were teased by their girlfriends or boyfriends. After finishing the teasing, Hitomi Mikishima just smiled slightly, and his eyes became unnaturally wandering again. Looking at Hitomi Mikishima out of the corner of her eye, there was a hint of surprise between Zhangda's eyebrows. She turned her head, gently stroking the seat of the motorcycle behind her and said with some surprise: Ms. Mikishima, you He seems to be very interested in my motorcycle. I um was pointed out by Ada. A faint blush appeared on Hitomi Mikishima's cheeks. She nodded shyly and lowered her mask at the same time. Looking directly at the black Harley motorcycle that Ada was leaning on, he whispered softly: Miss Wang's car is very cool. As he spoke, as if recalling something, Hitomi Mikishima murmured softly: When I was still in Nagaye, there were many bosozokus in Nagaye. They would modify their motorcycles and write some pretentious words on them. Then he rode a motorcycle swaggering through the city. The engine noise was loud and unpleasant. When I was in junior high school, I still thought they were quite handsome. But after high school, I suddenly felt that they were stupid, and I felt that I, who had longed for them, were also stupid...

Shima Hitomi chuckled and said: Speaking of which, it was really interesting back then, you know? Miss Wang, when I was in junior high school, I was more or less a bad girl. I would carry a wooden sword and hang my uniform on my waist. That kind of thing, except for standing up for the girls in my school, I rarely fought. My father mostly turned a blind eye to my fights. But that year, on the anniversary of my mother’s death, my father Suddenly he said to me: How long are you going to continue playing with children like that? Since then, I have never had a fight.

I can't tell that Ms. Mikishima still has such a rebellious side. Ada said with a smile. Well, I have also been rebellious. As the only daughter of the Mikishima family, I was unwilling to accept the planned life path. At that time, I envied those bosozokus. I thought they were very free. As long as they had You can go anywhere with a motorcycle. As she spoke, the smile on Hitomi Mikishima's lips disappeared, and she said softly: But later, when I saw them being humble in front of the club members, I finally understood, No one is truly free. Everyone is bound by their own framework. From then on, I gave up my unrealistic fantasies and silently waited for the day when I would inherit the Injishima Group. Until I met that mercenary? Ada asked with a chuckle. Sang's face became more and more rosy. Hitomi Mikishima nodded gently, with a gentle smile on her lips. She whispered softly: The first meeting with Ye Xingjun was very romantic. It’s very cliché, but later, many unpleasant things happened, so did my family, my father, and everyone in the Ganjima group. Fortunately, I was saved by Yakuki-kun, Yakuki-kun, he was the one who led me to break the frame, It is the person who cut off my past, the person who gave me happiness and freedom. Every day I am with Ye Xingjun, I am full of expectations for the future. This is an unprecedented feeling, and I am eager to take him with me. This kind of expectation will go through every period of time with Ye Xingjun.

It's good to be young. After hearing Hitomi Mikishima's words, Ada suddenly felt a little blocked for some reason, so she commented. Looking at Ada with a somewhat complicated expression, Hitomi Mikishima reluctantly raised her head. She stared at Ada and asked with curiosity in her eyes: To Miss Wang, what kind of person is Mr. Kennedy? ?Leon 9.. Bit by bit, life and death depend on each other. The scenes were replayed in her mind, and Ada couldn't help but smile. She didn't answer Hitomi Mikishima's question, and Ada asked unexpectedly.

:'Want to ride my motorcycle? Huh? Hitomi Mikishima was slightly startled after hearing this rambling question. Obviously, Ada's answer exceeded her expectations. I remember Boss Li is not a man of different opinions... On the other side, Ada raised her eyebrows, smiled and said to Hitomi Mikishima: If Miss Qianjima likes to be a supporter, then wouldn't she just ask Boss Li for one? How. How can this be done? Hitomi Mikishima shook his head and said, Yakou-kun has already given me a lot of money. How can I ask for such a valuable thing from Yakou-kun? Ms. Mikishima, are you here? When the time is right, a woman can be more willful with her man. Gently hugging Hitomi Mijishima's shoulders, Ada smiled and whispered as if coming over: Unlike Leon, Boss Li is not that mature. For a man, he will definitely be eager to have some interesting activities with his girl. On this basis, being appropriately willful will not only avoid being disliked, but will also make him think you are cute, thereby deepening the previous relationship between each other. The only thing I don't want to be taught by Miss Wang is like this. Hitomi Mikishima turned his head and muttered in a low voice: Obviously, you and Mr. Kennedy have not come to an end so far. The comfortable smile froze on her face, Ada was silent for two seconds, and then Gently patting Hitomi Inijima's shoulder, she smirked and said to herself: Get in the car first, Miss Inki, we can't afford to waste our time, we still have important things to do. Yes... Under the guidance of Ada, she got on the motorcycle. With her back to the golden light, Hitomi Mijima's lips raised a wicked smile. She said softly: Let's go, Miss Wang, come with me. , bury them!

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