What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-82. The macho sister-in-law was furious on the spot

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On the large grassland surrounded by mountains and green trees, there are dense black tents set up. Between the tents, mercenaries and other staff in black combat uniforms are running back and forth, and doctors and nurses in large white suits and masks are running back and forth. Personnel are testing people who have evacuated from Tall Oaks one by one to confirm whether they are

The tent door was knocked open, and another stretcher was carried in. Li Yexing, who was sitting in the corner, subconsciously raised his head and saw a policeman lying on the stretcher covered in blood, with a pale face and a broken police uniform. Next, Li Yexing could see hideous wounds, while the medical staff wearing white clothes on the other side immediately moved and began to rescue them.

Just when he was looking at it, suddenly, with a soft click sound, pain came from his side. Li Yexing took a gentle breath, then frowned slightly. He turned his head and faced it. That familiar smiling face. Mr. Lang Pu. He said with a rather unhappy tone, This is not okay, Mr. Li. After all, I am the medical staff. How can the medical staff blame everything on the wounded? Holding the leather stapler in his hand, Lang Pu spoke again. He put a U-shaped nail into Li Yexing's wound and said to Li Yexing with a smile: Don't worry, Mr. Li, I know how to fix wounds. No one knows it better than me.

Indeed, Trump's technique was very skillful. It didn't take long for him to sew up the wound on Li Yehang's flank, put down the leather stapler, and took off the blood-stained gloves. Trump did not forget to warn: Mr. Li, I know you are gifted as a different relative, but you should try your best to avoid such injuries in the future. It doesn't matter. As long as the stitches are done, it will probably not affect your movements in half a day... He patted the entangled flanks gently. Feeling the pain from the wound, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Trump, Where is the person?

Sensing that Li Yexing lowered his voice, Lang Pu understood it. He leaned forward and whispered to Li Yexing: Account No. 9, I have already taken samples with the second lady, and I have initially judged that they are not ready for sale. I understand. Li Yexing nodded, then stood up and said to Trump, I'll leave this to you. I'll go to tent No. 9.

No problem, I will take care of it. Following Li Yexing, he stood up and nodded with a smile. Finally, he seemed to have remembered something.

Without looking back or replying, Li Yexing just silently raised his hand and raised his middle finger to Trump behind him. The rain that shrouded the darkness finally stopped completely, and there were still drops of rain and dew on the grass and leaves everywhere. Li Yexing pushed open the door of the tent owner and looked at the busy people outside.

Having experienced a life-and-death catastrophe, or because they stayed with the president, the quarantined people showed amazing qualities. They were silent, queuing up, and silently waiting for testing, and most of their faces were gloomy and scary.

Neighbors, friends, and even family members still remain in Tall Oaks. Perhaps these survivors are still praying that the people they know well can escape through other means. But now, this nuclear bomb can fall from the sky. The illusions of the survivors were completely destroyed.

Seeing that Benford was still busy, Li Yexing did not step forward to fight him. According to Li Yexing's idea, Benford would always be under the protection of the Huanya armed forces before making the next plan. Of course Li Yexing would not I really think that my team 6 can hide from the eyes of country A, but right now, country A has too much to take care of itself.

Li Yexing took one last look at the crowd and withdrew his gaze. He turned his head and walked straight to Tent No. 9, which was guarded by Huanya armed mercenaries. Tent No. 9 was very large, second only in size to Tent No. 2, which was used to house the wounded. But in contrast, the location of Tent No. 9 is very remote. It is hidden in - each

The mercenaries who watched became denser, achieving true protection without blind spots. After greeting the Huanya mercenaries patrolling around and guarding the door, Li Yexing directly opened the door and entered Tent No. 9. As soon as he entered, he saw

i, only showing her pair of heterochromatic pupils, she looked quite uninterested. After Li Yexing entered the room, she turned her eyes slightly, glanced at Li Yexing and then looked away, silently staring at her empty the opposite side of the thing. Seeing Ti Lilian's reaction, Li Yexing was slightly startled. ??

Something's wrong with you! He walked quickly to Ti Lilian, squatted down, tilted his head, and Li Yexing said curiously: What's going on? It's like being angry. Wasn't it fine just now?

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tililian looked away again, and at the same time shrank her head between her knees, looking awkward and almost making Ge angry! Hurry up and coax me! These words gave me an awkward look. It was written on his face. It's inexplicable. Feeling more and more confused in his heart, Li Yexing took two steps forward, and then regardless of Lilian's reaction, he directly put his forehead against Lilian's forehead, while gently Gently rubbing the soft blond hair - - said: Huh? Uh-huh? What's going on, sweet sister-in-law? Who's causing this?

Sister Pervert... After a while, Ti Lilian focused her attention on Li Yexing again. She looked at Li Yexing and replied with a smile on her face. 'Me? She couldn't help but wonder: I was bullied by that big-bodied girl. She buried her face even lower, almost completely retracting between her knees, and whispered in a sullen voice: It's all the fault of my perverted brother-in-law, just because My perverted brother-in-law, that’s why I was bullied by that busty girl.

Big wave girl is big wave girl, she is the big wave girl that the perverted brother-in-law asked me to bring back. Seeing that Li Yexing really didn't know who he was dealing with, Ti Lilian's eyebrows showed a hint of anger and impatience. . Are you talking about Wanbora? She is so sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued that Deborah should not be able to defeat Tillillian. In this case, the problem is

Come on, how did Wanbora bully Tilly?

Li An's? Just when Li Yexing was confused, Ti Lillian suddenly raised her head. She frowned and said with a trace of anger in her eyes: Perverted brother-in-law, the dumplings will get bigger as you rub them. Right? Li Yexing

Sure enough, the more you fuck, the bigger it gets, right?! Seeing Li Yexing's confused look, Tililian was instantly furious. She raised her head and raged at Li Yexing like a grumpy kitten. Said: My lord's dumplings, dumplings, etc., are so small. Why, it seems to be the fault of my perverted brother-in-law. It's all because my perverted brother-in-law is too caring, so I have to be bullied by the big girl with dumplings! Perverted brother-in-law, please atone for my sins! Atonement!

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