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Do you need me? Looking at Li Yexing's earnest and evil eyes, Wanbola only felt a little scalp hair salon. She first thought about her academic qualifications, and then thought about her color. After a while, fear Wanbora's eyes were occupied again. She shook her head in resistance and said in panic: I...will I be sent to the laboratory? want to dissect me? No, no, no, don't think so, it's scary. Although you may indeed be asked to cooperate with some experiments in the future, it should only be limited to blood collection and the like. In short, it will not threaten your life... Li Yexing explained with a smile. : After all, my medicine is so expensive, I can't give it to you for free, right? What do you want from me? Deborah asked uneasily. Nothing, I need you to get rid of all your social relationships and work for us, that's all. Li Yexing replied: After all, you have become a monster. No matter how close you are to a human being, I can't let you go back. It is not possible to enter traditional human society, at least for the time being, and even if we allow you to go back, you really

Can you still live in the same house with your family calmly? Thinking about Li Yexing's words, Wanboola sadly found that everything Li Yexing said was true. Indeed, even if he could maintain his sanity, he might not be able to. Fa returned to the society he knew. You're right, I can't go back... Subconsciously tightening the blanket wrapped around her, Wu Bo La shook her head and said, But, I still hope to be with my family and friends, even if it's just Even. That's no problem, Miss Harper. Li Yexing chuckled and gave Deborah a reassurance. He whispered: As long as conditions permit, your sister and parents can visit you regularly. If If you have the opportunity in the future, maybe you can go back to country A and get together with your friends.l

If that's the case, then I am willing to work for you... This time, Yuan Bora did not think about it and directly gave her answer, but then she became worried and said: But, to be honest, I don't know Am I qualified for your job? I don't have any special talents. Don't worry, Miss Harper, you have it, at least now you have it... Snapped his fingers again, Li Yexing sat up straight and crossed his arms. Legs, interlocking the fingers of his hands on his knees, he smiled and said: From a human to a monster, the most difficult thing to cross is not the physical boundary, but the mental barrier. Only when you accept your new body , you can understand how powerful you are. After saying that, Li Yexing relaxed his body, leaned back on the chair, and chuckled to Deborah: You are very lucky, because you were chosen by me. Looking at Li Yexing with a determined look on his face, Wanbo La's heart sank a little bit. At this point in the conversation, she had understood that in fact, from the beginning, she had no choice, and the road prepared for her had been It's paved, either die, or go down this road and accept the cruel facts. i I understand. After a moment, Deborah softened as if she was discouraged, and she said softly: I Willing to accept your proposal and work for you, Mr. Very good! Li Youxing clapped his hands and stood up directly, with a hint of joy in his brows. To be honest, he was quite worried that Deborah would cry and make a fuss. After all, she was crying again and again. What a crooked sister, but Li Yexing didn't expect that Deborah, whose only role in the original work was to be beaten to death by Peter's gang, would unexpectedly come on the road! Picking up the black eyepatch left by the previous researcher, Li Yexing went straight to When he came to Wan Bo La, he smiled and said to her: Put this on first. Eye mask? Deborah was stunned for a moment, then looked confused. She said uneasily: Why should I wear this? Of course it's to give you medicine! Li Yexing replied seriously. Why do you need to wear a blindfold when taking medicine? Wan Bora continued to ask. Because this medicine is very unusual. Lower your head and get closer. Deborah, Li Yexing said in one word: This medicine is very shy and cannot be seen. If you see it, the medicine will not work.

Where can there be such a medicine?! i Stop talking nonsense, put it on quickly! But... Should you put it on? Hurry up! A medicine worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you don't want to try it? So... Eat it Still don’t want to eat?! “Qiyi!” “Then quickly wear E!

After a lot of tossing, Yuan Bora finally put on the blindfold reluctantly. She frowned slightly and said with some displeasure: I put it on, and then what? Mr. Li

Don't worry, it'll be fine soon... Looking at Jubola, who was naked, wrapped in a blanket and blindfolded, Li Yexing suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle, but he didn't worry too much and casually took it from his waist. Suddenly he pulled out the dagger and opened a wound in the palm of his hand. Seeing his blood flowing out from his palm, Li Yexing was suddenly stunned. This scene in front of him seemed to have been experienced somewhere before... Are you okay? Blindfolded and uneasy, Deborah couldn't help but urge, interrupting Li Yexing's thoughts. Li Youxing shook his head slightly, and then said to Deborah in a deep voice: Okay, now, raise your head, Open his mouth. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Wanbola raised his head obediently and opened his mouth. This weird posture made the already subtle atmosphere even weirder. Li Yexing got rid of distracting thoughts, and then held his hand Tightly, the blood hung on Wan Bo La's face, and the blood immediately dripped from Li Yexing's palm, and fell into Wan Bo La's mouth drop by drop. As time passed, the two of them maintained this weird relationship. Until the wound on Li Yexing's palm began to scab and the blood flowed out became less and less, Li Yexing took his hand back and said at the same time: Okay, it's over. After hearing this, Wan Bola immediately took off her blindfold, and then she saw Li Yexing sitting back on the folding chair opposite with his fingers crossed. It tastes a bit like blood... After savoring the residue in his mouth, Wan Bo La commented softly. Yes, it does taste a lot like blood... Li Yexing nodded absentmindedly, and warned: After a while , you

You may feel a little lumpy. This is normal. Just take a nap and your body will be completely stable once you wake up. At that time, let our medical team do another body posture for you. Then you can follow my people back. When you get to the place, remember not to wander around by yourself or say something you shouldn't say. All arrangements will be made by the medical team. I understand, Mr. Li. Deborah nodded in response. I understand. After handling Deborah's situation, Li Yexing stood up, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Trump's number. After explaining some things, he turned to Deborah and said: Okay, I still have things to do. Next, remember everything and follow the arrangements. Deborah nodded hurriedly, indicating that she remembered it, so Li Yexing turned around and left the cubicle directly. Returning to Outside the cubicle, Tillillian and the coffin had disappeared. A researcher wrapped up tightly walked into the tent. It was the researcher from before. Mr. Li,... it's so fast. When he passed by Li Yexing , the researcher couldn't help but whispered. What? You want to try? Li Yexing asked with some displeasure. After hearing Li Yexing's words, the researcher immediately ran away quickly. He sent away the researcher who spoke freely. , Li Yexing walked straight out of Tent No. 9. Outside the tent, the crowd was still busy, and the golden light in the distance had not dissipated. With this light, Li Yexing silently raised his hand and looked at the palm of his hand. Between the palm of his hand, the wound had already been Completely scabbed, with reddish-brown blood remaining around it

It's really a mistake... He muttered softly, and Li Yexing couldn't help but sneered: Is this the so-called coincidence?

Putting down his raised arms, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the golden light blocked by the mountains and forests, and the sky reflected by the light. At the moment, instead of dwelling on the past, Li Yexing has more important things to do than worrying about what kind of monster his predecessor provoked. After a while, Li Yexing said softly: The next step is to go to Lanyang. i).Miion.DLC-Death Madness Chapter.End...

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