What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-1. The leisurely life of a macho man

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June 29, 203, Lopulus, Idonia, Eastern Europe. Under the dim but soft light, a middle-aged man with short hair was sitting silently by the window. He was stout, with solid muscles, and had clean, short brown hair. His army green coat was taken off and hung up. On the back of the chair, a relatively thin light green short-sleeved top was exposed underneath, while his lower body was covered with black combat trousers, and the legs were neatly tucked into a black low-waisted trousers.

Stuffing the cigarette butts on his fingertips into the ashtray aside, white mist emerged. The strong man moved his fingers gently, picked up the silver knife placed next to the plate in front of him, and cut off a small piece of steak on the plate. , and then put it into his mouth with a fork. Suddenly, the aroma of beef overflowed between his lips and teeth. The strong man raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded with satisfaction.

The strong man's name is Chris Redfield, a native of Country A. He has served in the Air Force of Country A. He currently lives in Lopulus, Etonia, and works for a company called Eurasia International Armed Security Contractor Working for a local enterprise is one of the company's trump cards. About half a year ago, when Idonia was still in Longge, Chris followed the instructions from his superiors and started clearing snow as usual. As a result, when clearing the accumulation on the roof, Chris Not afraid of falling, he broke his head and suffered severe memory loss. Except for his own name, Chris couldn’t remember anything. Fortunately, Chris was very popular and had many friends. Although his memory could not be recovered, his life Straight back on track. In normal times, during a leisurely time like this, Chris might have asked his best friend Li Yexing to have a drink together. However, at this moment, Li Yexing was not in Lopulus. A few days ago, Li Yexing and his family Went abroad for vacation. Before leaving, Secretary Bai also assigned a new task and transferred a large number of mercenaries under the Huanya Armed Forces. In this way, Chris was free all of a sudden. Fortunately, Chris knew what to do. How to spend your time. Taking out his phone from his pocket, Chris entered the software, opened his attention, and then slowly ate steak while watching kitten videos.

After eating less than half of the steak, Chris picked up the draft beer glass next to him, raised his neck and drank the beer. At this moment, there was a thumping sound in his ears, which was the sound of thick-soled boots stepping on the wood. There was a sound on the floor, and the sound seemed to be getting closer and closer to Chris, but Chris didn't care. He just drank in silence. After putting the glass back on the table, he wiped his mouth and then realized , the owner of the voice just now was already standing in front of him.

It was a very handsome young man with short, sleek hair and a military green coat on his upper body. He looked very sunny, but I didn’t know if it was Chris’s imagination. At this moment, this young man The expression on his face seemed quite complicated. Excuse me, can I share the table with you? Holding a piece of steak in his hand, the young man looked at Chris and asked in a deep voice. His eyebrows were raised slightly, and Chris looked around subconsciously, just with a vague glance. , he saw at least three empty tables. Suddenly, a faint doubt rose in Chris's heart. He didn't understand why the young man in front of him couldn't sit at the table by himself. Although he was a little confused, Chris didn't pay much attention to it. , his sixth sense told him that the young man in front of him was a good guy. Sit down. He tapped the table gently with his finger, indicating that the young man could sit down. Chris cut the steak and stuffed it into his mouth. At the same time, he looked away and refocused on the gray kitten on the phone. . On the other side, after getting Chris's permission, the young man sat down. He frowned slightly and silently looked at the middle man in front of him while cutting the steak.

The young man's name is Pierce Nevins, a former special forces sniper who is currently serving as a member of the BSAA sharp knife unit Silver Blade Team. A civil war broke out in Idonia a few years ago, and a large number of B0Ws appeared on the battlefield. In order to To prevent larger-scale biochemical disasters and arrest BOW users and harm sellers, BSAA joined the battlefield, and Pierce was a member of that combat operation.

The battle was extremely dangerous, and the Silver Blade team was plotted against. Pierce was separated from the team. After being rescued and successfully withdrawing from the dangerous battlefield, Pierce received the news that the captain was killed and the entire team was annihilated. Looking at the grave where his captain's wallet was buried on the green grass, Pierce felt as if his heart had been slashed twice. Especially when the captain's sister, the red-haired woman, covered her face and cried bitterly, Pierce felt even more... The conscience was greatly condemned. Why? Why is he the only one who survives? Although he is tortured by survivor's guilt all the time, Pierce has not been depressed. He knows very well that the captain is the spiritual leader and the backbone of BSAA. Once the captain is gone, , someone must take the lead!

Pierce knew that he did not have the ability, but he still did it resolutely. In the past six months, the mediation with various forces had made him physically and mentally exhausted. He wanted to give up several times, but when he thought of the face of his deceased captain, He cheered up again. He could not let the team supported by his captain fall into his own hands! At this moment, a strange news suddenly reached Pierce's ears.

Some people claim that they saw Chris in Idonia half a month ago! Rumor has it that Chris was seen serving a mercenary organization and seemed to be involved in a dispute between local gangs. Come on? Captain, he will work for mercenaries? What a big joke! Although he was doubtful about the authenticity of this rumor, when he first heard the news, Pierce was as excited as if he had been shot. He rushed to Etonia non-stop. After many visits and inquiries, Pierce finally targeted Lopulus and met him in a small restaurant.

The founder of BSAA -! The fight against terrorism that can scare any terrorist into pissing his pants

Earth! Living legend! Spiritual leader of BSAA! Silver Blade Chief! Hero - Chris Redfield! Damn it! He is still alive! He is really alive! Look at that familiar figure sitting alone in the corner Eating steak, Pierce struggled for a long time, and finally chose to treat the request to share a table as when he reunited with the captain). He imagined countless reactions that Chris might show when he saw him, but he only did not expect that Ke Rhys would be indifferent, as if he were a stranger. For a moment, Pierce had no doubt that he had recognized the wrong person. He sat opposite Chris and repeatedly confirmed the man sitting opposite him. There was no doubt that the man was his captain, although his temperament was worse than before. There were some changes, but Pierce believed that he would never mistake the person! After a while, Pierce cut a small piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing it, he whispered tentatively: Here it is. It's really hard to find delicious steaks here, unlike our hometown. Really? He didn't pay attention to the strange young man's conversation. Chris concentrated on watching the cheerful kitten video, with a face full of joy. After a moment, He said perfunctorily: I quite like the steak in this store. As soon as he finished speaking, the gray kitten on the phone screen suddenly moved its paws and started to fight. Chris grinned and burst into laughter without holding back, almost spitting out the steak in his mouth. That's enough! Seeing Chris not only pretending not to recognize him, but also looking like he was demented, Pierce was instantly furious. His veins popped out. He slammed the table and stood up, saying to Chris - He said angrily: I never expected that the famous Chris Redfield would be living in such a ghost place!

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