What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-2. The macho man’s joy and unwillingness to think about Shu

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As we all know, Chris has always been kind to others, but this does not mean that Chris is a good-tempered person. Seeing that the young man sharing the table with him suddenly became angry and yelled at him, Chris immediately put down the knife and fork in his hand, frowned slightly, and stretched his hand to his waist in a deep voice. Asked Who are you? Sensing Chris' vague intention to draw a gun, the atmosphere in the restaurant gradually became tense. The guests put down their knives and forks and focused their attention on the bear-like figure behind the counter - The sturdy boss raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he didn't look over, he wiped the shotgun more and more slowly. Against the vague pressure from all around, the young man sat back on his seat, frowning. He introduced himself with a deep brow: Pierce, Pierce Nevins looked at the young man in front of him who called himself Pierce. Chris always felt that he had seen him somewhere, but he just couldn't remember. After a while, he gently He waved his hands and said, Sorry, I've never heard of this. Pierce frowned slightly. He didn't pay attention to what Chris said. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket, opened the lock screen, pulled up the picture, and then put it in front of Chris. : What about this? Have you heard of this?

Somewhat impatiently, he looked at the screen of the mobile phone in Pierce's hand. The picture on the screen showed a very prosperous metropolis, but the whole city seemed to be caught in a sea of ​​fire, and it was red with the light of the fire. , the fire soared into the sky, accompanied by billowing smoke, reaching into the sky shrouded in darkness. What is that? Looking at the pictures on his phone, Chris always felt a little uncomfortable, so he subconsciously responded: I think what they need is not me, but a firefighter. Do you really don't remember anything? - - Moving through the pictures on his phone, Pierce frowned and revealed the answer for Chris: Biochemical terrorism! Biochemical. He whispered Pierce's words softly, - Daoguang suddenly flashed through Chris' mind. , it seemed to be a figure, stretching out his hand towards him like a walking zombie, but he couldn't see it clearly. Then, - the scenes began to replay in his mind continuously, in the darkness, - only the hand stretched out to him , January's whisper like a whisper from hell, as well as the deformed body, the wild roar, and more and more rays of light constantly echoing in Chris's mind like a slide. As the fragments of 2iZ are trying to be pieced together, A severe headache swept over him. Under this headache, Chris raised his hand and flicked the back of his head, and couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. You can't escape your past, Chris... Chris seemed to have remembered it. What, Pierce said seriously: No matter where you go, no matter what you do.

Who are you? His heart began to become more and more restless. Chris felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was. He shook him gently and backed away subconsciously, Okay, on the other side, Seeing Chris looking like he wanted to escape from reality, Pierce used his phone again, opened a file, and handed it to Chris. At the same time, he frowned and said: You don't know me, so do you still remember? Are they? Seeing that Chris's eyes were a little wandering, Pierce frowned and said: Looking as if he didn't hear Pierce's words, Chris looked away uncontrollably, his brows full of uneasiness. This move completely aroused Pierce's anger. Angry, he stood up suddenly and slammed the table in front of him. He took a step forward and put the phone screen directly into Chris's face. At the same time, he roared: I told you to watch.

Under Pierce's urging, Chris finally turned his head reluctantly, only to see Pierce clutching the phone in his hand while yelling at Chris, These were all your men once! Those who fought alongside you and sacrificed their lives! For their sake! How can you forget?! Kerry! If you just walk away, then their deaths will all be in vain! That's enough! The dim light kept echoing in my mind, and Les' cell phone shouted loudly at the same time, What are you showing me?! - They are all wearing helmets and masks! How can I recognize who is who?! And I don't know at all.

What are you talking about? I even suspect that you have found the wrong person! He took out a black epaulette with a silver wolf head logo from his pocket and slapped it on the table. Chris gently hid the epaulette with his fingers. While saying anxiously: After retiring from the Air Force of Country A, I have been staying in this city for the past ten years. Until two years ago, I started working for local companies here. If you want to hire me, then you You shouldn't come to me, you should go to our company and go through the formal process with our boss! Sign the contract! Instead of yelling at me here

Leaning on the back of the chair, he raised his hands and cursed in a low voice: Damn it! I've been looking for you for half a year, but I found a mercenary! Seeing that Pierce still didn't give up, Chris' mood stabilized a little, and he unfolded He pointed his hand at the other customers in the store and said to Pierce at the same time: Young man, Ge suggests that you go see a doctor. I suspect that you are suffering from delusion. Anyone who has lived in Lopulus for a long time knows me. They all know that what I say is the truth. Some of these people are even old friends who have been working for more than ten years. If you don’t believe me, you can ask them... After saying that, Chris turned his head and looked at the store. The other guests, and then he froze. Except for a few foreign faces, those bastards who usually had a few words with Chris all looked at Chris with strange eyes. Their expressions were sometimes complicated, and this complexity made Chris Reese couldn't read it, so he panicked. He glanced around as if asking for help, hoping that these guys would stand up and say something, but he stared at the person or covered his mouth and looked away, or turned his head directly.

At the same time, Chris became even more panicked. He turned his head and focused his last hope on the restaurant owner behind the counter. He whispered as if asking for help: Du

Sorry, I can't. He shook his head slightly. The restaurant owner Duranduo gave his answer. He threw away the rag in his hand, raised his finger and pointed at the stubborn young man opposite Chris and said: The answer you want is in his hands. in hand. . ..What do you mean? His eyes became a little dull, and Chris shook his head slightly and asked. To be honest, this matter is a bit complicated to explain, and I don't really understand the cause and effect. Durando scratched his head, a little confused. Guilin: Speaking of which, Li once confessed that at the end of June, if someone wants to take you away, just follow them. He said that there are some things that you can only figure out if you go. Seeing Duranduo's vague words , in a daze, Chris suddenly understood something. He turned his head again and looked at the young man in front of him. He saw a friendly but unfamiliar mark printed on the shoulder of the young man's shirt. BSAA Chris whispered softly. Yes, this is your destination. Pierce turned around, his face and tone slightly softer, and he whispered to Chris, Everyone is waiting for you to come back. Everyone? Hearing Pierce's words, Ke Reese's eyebrows showed a trace of doubt. Pierce turned sideways and nodded slightly to the surroundings. Next, men who looked a little unfamiliar stood up from the surrounding tables and approached Ke one by one. In front of Reese and Pierce, their expressions were either solemn or pleased, all focused on Chris. Looking at the unfamiliar faces that kept coming up around him, Chris was stunned. In front of him, Pierce said to Chris in a deep voice: No matter what happens today, we will all

team leader.

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