What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-3. Beyond the macho men, chaos will arise

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203, June 30, Lanxiang. With a loud boom, the fireball soared into the sky, carrying thick smoke and spilling out in all directions. The impact of the explosion instantly shattered the windows of several surrounding buildings. Immediately afterwards, the residential buildings began to burst into flames. It collapsed little by little, like melted butter. There is an explosion in a residential building in Longwan District! Team three, go put out the fire! Both the fire on my side and her side have been extinguished (the fire on our side has not been extinguished yet). In the face of the continuous explosions and fires, the fire fighters of Lanxiang City The strength began to be stretched thin. Just as the captain frowned, a police car drove over from behind. Then, a police officer rushed out of the police car and said against the scorching heat in front: There's someone talking above! The firefighters can evacuate! Are you kidding me?! Hearing this, the firefighters stared angrily and said: The fire is not yet under control (the fire is not yet under control)! I can give her the order. Retreat (how can we retreat)?! There are so many eyes on the county (there are so many people here)! Leave her (to us)! the policeman frowned and shouted loudly :, I and she will lead the people to evacuate (we will lead the people to evacuate)

Brother, you can rescue people from the fire (without us, you can rescue people from the fire)?! the firefighter asked loudly. When the police officer heard this, he was speechless for a moment. On the other side, the firefighter turned his head and roared with his walkie-talkie. Finally, he frowned and cursed in a low voice: The officials in Lanxiang are all stupid. Are the officials in Lanxiang full of shit?) In fact, the police officers and firefighters at this time had the same doubts. No one knew why things suddenly became like this. The prosperous Eastern city in the past, in In just a few hours, it was shrouded in fire and smoke, and the entire city center was almost completely blocked. At present, a large number of police officers are still staying in the warning area, trying to evacuate the panicked people as much as possible.

At present, the official news is that Lanxiang City has suffered a serious biochemical terrorist attack! Many United Nations staff have been hijacked. At the same time, a large number of terrorists are indiscriminately destroying Lanxiang City. BSAA The vanguard troops have entered Lanyang and are fighting the terrorists, and the SAA headquarters is also working at high speed, trying to quickly come up with a reasonable hostage rescue plan. In short, the situation has become extremely chaotic. Even though the city center has fallen into extreme panic and chaos, some neighborhoods appear to be exceptionally peaceful. On the roof of a certain hotel building, soldiers wearing black combat uniforms and carrying HK-46s can be seen. Waiting silently, they had rope hook guns hanging on their waists and stood on the edge of the building. They looked rich and ready to go. In their neatly organized team, a man with completely different clothes looked particularly conspicuous. . It was a slender white man who looked about thirty years old. He had red hair and blue eyes. He was as handsome as Shi Yin. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a body armor outside the leather jacket. , holding the HK-46 in his hand, and the long alloy knife with the black Umbrella logo on his waist. At this moment, he was silently lowering his head, staring at the magnificent area next to the restaurant, which had the ancient color of the celestial dynasty. But it looks like a different group of buildings. The man's name is Satalando: Michelle, executive officer of the executive department under the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, Sequence 8. In addition, he also has another identity, that is Michelle, a large capital consortium of country A. Heir to the Er Consortium, the eldest son of the Michelle family, and the only son of Alban Michelle, a member of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee. In a sense, Michelle is an out-and-out princeling. Despite this, Michel was not willing to live under the protection of his father. Despite his father's dissuasion, he joined the execution department. Starting from the bottom of the execution department, he continued to accumulate experience and performance. At the same time, he also worked for He formulated an almost rigorous training and learning plan. In just a few years, he climbed from the bottom of the executive department to the top of the executive department, becoming an executive who could act on behalf of the joint committee. Michelle firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he will surely achieve achievements that match his efforts. From now on, it seems that he has indeed proved his success.

Hey, Young Master, can you hear me?! Suddenly, a harsh sound came from Michelle's communicator. Michelle was slightly startled, and then showed a hint of disgust. He raised his hand. Pressing the communicator next to his ear, he said with the magnetic noise: You can hear it, Turado. Very good, Young Master. The man with a sharp voice opposite smiled with satisfaction, and he used his weird The voice said: I am just telling you that the 'Apostle' has been activated and can be started at any time. Do you want me to open it? Hearing this, Michelle frowned and turned around, looking at the coffin-like thing behind her. Ordinary. A huge black metal box without any text mark. After a moment, he whispered: No need, I'm just going to recycle two people. I can handle it. Just let your people be ready for recycling. Young Master is really confident. ..The man on the other side of the communicator smiled and said: To be honest, I envy you so much that you can run out to show off at a time like this, but I have to continue to stay here, staring at the computer, looking for that dead thing. The queen who has lived for who knows how many years. Really, if you want to find that woman, you should go to Eastern Europe and put on a biomass detector. Maybe you can even shovel two spoonfuls of ashes back. I have my mission, you have your mission, Turado, don't complain... Michelle admonished in a deep voice. Yes, yes! You are right. Opposite the communicator, named Tula Many men responded with a smile: You are indeed the eldest son of the Michel family. Jue Tong is different from a gutter rat like me. 0303. After hearing Turado's words, Michel once again He frowned. To be honest, he resented others putting him and his family together. He thought

Because he has proven himself with his own strength, and his next goal is to become a member of the Joint Committee, on an equal footing with his father, Michelle Sr., he will no longer have to look at his father's face. Covering up the unhappiness between his eyebrows, Michelle exhaled softly, and then asked in a deep voice: Do you have any clues there? Turado? No, I have compared a quarter of Lanxiang City. The surveillance system of the third party did not find the queen at all, and even the one who looked slightly similar did not complain. Turado said casually: By the way, does this woman really look like this in the photo? She is too beautiful. Oh! Even plastic surgery can’t make her look this beautiful. The first time I looked at the photo, I thought I was seeing a goddess.

Turning his head, looking through the thick smoke and fire, looking directly at the brightly lit landmark building in the center of Lanxiang City under the night sky, Michelle asked in a low voice, Have you tried Kunlun Tower? If that If the Queen is really as arrogant as the Joint Committee described, then she can only come to Kunlun Tower. Kunlun Tower? Spare me! Immediately, Turado on the other side of the communicator began to complain: Over there. The defense is too tight, and it is difficult for me to invade. Moreover, I have already made a lot of noise. Now I am fighting against the white people from the Celestial Dynasty. I am already exhausted! Then you can continue to work, if necessary. I will contact you again when the time comes. Michelle said in a deep voice: It's almost time, I will start taking action soon. No problem! Young Master! Turado replied with a smile and cut off the communication. , Michelle put down his raised hand, and he refocused his gaze on the splendid buildings at his feet, with a trace of disdain in his eyes and said, What a waste.

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