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In the small, dark room, the sound of fingers typing on the keyboard could be heard from time to time, and the screen of the laptop emitted light, illuminating a skinny man named Zhang. It was a man with an unshaven beard and thick glasses on his face. , because the light reflected on the computer screen made it difficult to see clearly for a moment. He had naturally curly black hair and dark skin. I wonder if it was an illusion. The corner of the man's mouth always seemed to have - A disgusting smile. After a moment of busy work, the man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned on the back of the chair and slumped down, and began to move his slender and flexible fingers. After the finger joints made crisp sounds, he came to the computer again. , supporting his chin with one hand, tapping the communicator hanging on his ear with his fingers. The man's name is Fancio Turado, a Chinese, top hacker, executive officer of the executive department of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, serial number 9. Unlike his colleagues, Turado's origin can be said to be low. Even though he has extraordinary talents, as a slave of the caste system, his talents cannot be developed until a criminal organization discovers him. His talent was absorbed by him, and in this way, Turado became a hacker, using his increasingly powerful hacking abilities to flourish within the organization. Until one day, Turado saw something he shouldn't have seen out of curiosity, which caused his organization to suffer disaster. QA personally stepped down, the team was wiped out in an instant, and Turado himself was arrested. Turado, who came from a humble background, knew exactly what would happen to him if he offended the secrets of a big shot. He confessed to AA's interrogation and promised that he would never leak any information. He claimed that he was willing to accept strict Surveillance, for QAI=, will contribute all his abilities to the great country A. If CA does not accept it, Turado hopes that he can die quickly. There was no answer for a long time. Just when Turado thought he was dead, the man in charge of the interrogation suddenly smiled. I don't need you to serve country A. The CA agent sneered and said: I know. A place that suits you better. In this way, Turado entered Black Umbrella. After showing his talents, he was placed in the technical department. After years of study, his hacking skills became more sophisticated. Hackers collected The data will be summarized and handed over to the upper management for review, and they will judge which data can be used, which data are useless, and which data are not dare to be used at this stage. Due to outstanding performance, Turado's status has been reduced. Work your way up the ranks until you become the head of the hacking division. Normally, at this point, Turado has no room for improvement, but he is still alive. One day, a man said something like this: Guo\\? Oh! I like Chinese people! They are very confident! Speaking of which, There is no Chinese on either the joint committee or the executive officers. Let’s just give him an executive officer.

In this way, Turado became an executive officer inexplicably, becoming someone he never dared to dream of... Although the superior man finally had an identity and status, his mentality was still like a rat in the gutter. Lado and his colleagues can never talk to each other, whether it is the self-righteous son-in-law of a certain congressman, a neurotic Japanese who always has a straight face, or a certain Celestial Dragon created by elite education. Girl, the only colleague who can talk to Turado is Powell. He is an executive who seems to have no airs, but has no outstanding abilities. He seldom works and always acts like a fish. Turado In his spare time, he would invite him to view some erotic collections that could stun the political arena of other countries. Thinking of his colleagues, Turado suddenly raised his eyebrows, and while he gently tapped the communicator hanging on his ear - He smiled and said: Speaking of that nervous Japanese, it seems that he was bombed to death in Tall Oak City. Counting three years ago, we have already lost two executive officers. It's really strange. They have been executive officers for so many years. , why don’t I remember what a high-risk profession an executive is?. After saying that, Turado put his hands on the keyboard again, but this time, he looked a little unmotivated, his fingers moved slightly, and his appearance was different from each other. He quickly searched through the surveillance screens, but there was no result. He seemed to feel a little bored. Turado opened the picture in the bottom taskbar again, and suddenly, a picture of a girl appeared on the computer screen. It's so beautiful, so beautiful. A female horse. Looking at the picture on the computer screen, Turado couldn't help but admire it again. Her skin was as white as gelatin, her eyes were as blue as lakes, dotted with a small tear mole, and her cherry lips were slightly parted, faintly exposed. Her white teeth and blond hair are as heavy as flowing flames. She looks like an elf or an angel, but is extremely indifferent, as if she doesn't care about anything in the world. It's hard to imagine that this would be a ten-year-old face. The face of a girl of several years old.

Speaking of which, is this photo of the legendary queen during her lifetime? It's really green. If the queen is really still alive, she must be familiar with it. She groped her chin and looked at the screen with interest. Turado was a little embarrassed about the photo. He knew very well that his system was very versatile. Even after ten years, it could still find faces with high similarity from a large number of surveillance cameras. But now, he has found nothing, not even a face that is 70% similar! There is no way, this face is so unbelievable! How can a person grow like this? Face?! This is the face of God! Ah, why don't you just give up? When the big men above asked, I just said that I couldn't find it. He muttered quietly, and Turado withdrew his hands and stood up. Chin said: Young Master has received a new mission and went out to show off. Why do I have to stay in this small dark room and stare at a dead man?

Although he complained, in fact, Turado was very eager to find traces of the queen. As a hacker, he was always eager to dig out the little secrets of the world.

As a man, he was extremely eager to see what the goddess in the photo looked like when she matured. His thoughts began to wander, and bold ideas began to grow in his mind. Turado mobilized surveillance and locked his sights on the Kunlun Building in the center of Lanyang. He whispered: How about trying to invade? He thought for a moment. , Turado sighed softly and gave up this bold idea. It is not advisable to add extraneous ramifications. After finally getting rid of those white guests, he did not want to expose it again... What's more, Turado didn't care whether the queen Still alive. Having made up his mind, Turado felt happy again. He put his fingers on the keyboard and tapped quickly, and soon opened the internal monitoring system of his colleague Michelle's mission target. He was enjoying it. started to peek. Judging from the surveillance, Michelle had successfully led the team to break in, while the security forces in the building were trying their best to resist. What, aren't those monsters pretty good at fighting? There was a smirk on his lips. , Turado whispered to himself. Seeing the security team surrounding him from downstairs, Turado smiled even more happily. It stands to reason that he could turn on the communicator and tell Michelle where the ambush was. Where are the reinforcements, but he doesn't want to do this. There is always a hint of malice hidden in the hearts of little people, and Turado wants to make Michel feel a little deflated. His fingers slide lightly, constantly switching the camera, and before long, Turado He was a little tired of it, and just when he was about to exit, suddenly, a lens caught his attention. Quickly opening the corresponding screen, Turado frowned slightly and moved closer. On the screen, he saw a person wearing a sweater. The hooded figure was hiding in the shadows and quickly passed by.? Seemingly aroused, Turado chuckled and murmured as he looked at the mysterious man exposed under surveillance: That's interesting. Who are you?

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