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For Jack, Shirley seemed to have an inexplicable attraction, which was powerful enough to change his thoughts on mate selection. Although the movement was abrupt, it was beyond Jack's expectation. Shirley did not resist. She allowed Jack to press on her and stared blankly into Jack's eyes. Her face was rosy, her lips parted slightly, and there was a hint of surprise and excitement in her eyes. Shy, as if waiting for something. Unfortunately, now is not the time to do this kind of thing! Pressing his body lower and protecting Shirley tightly under him, Jack frowned. Seeing the enemy behind him, he turned his head and looked out the window of the wooden house, only to hear that The sound of snowmobile engines could be heard faintly outside the window. The sound became louder and louder, reaching their ears crazily. Then, a bright white light shone through the window into the house. The next second , gunshots rang out, bullets penetrated the glass, and hit Jack's back in the room. After dodging the first round of fire, Jack stood up slightly and looked at the helpless girl who was pressed under him. He chuckled and said, Oh, 'dangerous environment'. After that, Jack stood up suddenly and ran quickly to the window, followed by Shirley. The two of them pulled out their pistols, one left - one right. He was guarding the window and looked outside the wooden house. Anti-ZF militants armed with various guns were pouring down from snowmobiles one after another and surrounded the wooden house. It seems that there are uninvited guests. Here we come. Jack chuckled and whispered to Shirley: But not everyone can come in this cabin. Although he said harsh words, the cabin seemed vulnerable in front of the C4 explosive. In desperation, the two of them They had no choice but to steal the snowmobile of the anti-ZF armed forces, and they had a thrilling car chase in the snow with the anti-government militants. Perhaps because of the sound of gunfire, the two snowmobiles had not driven very far. The snow horn came roaring with a terrifying roar. It has to be said that the sense of oppression in Xueyong was much stronger than that of the anti-ZF armed pursuers. After escaping from death, the two finally hid in a mine.

Continuing along the mine, the two opened metal doors one after another. Just when Jack and Shirley thought they were finally safe, an old friend blocked them.

in front of us. On the empty ice, a humanoid monster with strong muscles and pale body was standing silently. Its mouth and eyes were crooked, and its facial features were extremely distorted. A strand of white hair fell naturally down its forehead. The monster's upper body was naked and bound. In the restraint belt, it was wearing black trousers and heavy boots with metal soles. Its left arm was normal, but its right arm was cut off and replaced by an extremely terrifying three-link electric drill. Jack still remembered that when he and Shirley were chased by it, its left arm was still a mechanical claw. How could it turn into an electric drill in the blink of an eye? In addition, Jack also noticed that this empty There are many more glowing small flying insects in the scene. After he and Shirley witnessed an unlucky guy who was illuminated by the light of a flying insect being disemboweled by the monster with an electric drill, Jack instantly understood that he and Shirley must not be illuminated by the light of these insects, otherwise they would definitely be killed on the spot. He thought for a moment, raised his pistol and tried to shoot a flying insect, but then, the situation was beyond his expectation. The monster standing quietly on the ice suddenly seemed to go crazy. He rushed towards the direction of the gunfire. Jack was shocked, frowned and whispered: Damn it! It found us! Shirley was in a hurry, and she caught a glimpse of the trash can next to the tunnel, so she quickly pointed to the trash can and said to Jack: Hide quickly. Get up! Just like that, the two of them turned over and hid in the small trash can, not forgetting to close the lid. After a while, the monster ran over menacingly, and it kept making angry low roars like a hyperthyroid patient. While constantly scanning the surroundings, nuzzling the gap in the lid of the trash can, Jack nervously stared at the monster outside. At this moment, Shirley beside him suddenly frowned slightly and whispered: Hands off your hands. chaos

Hey! It was you who rubbed against me first! Jack said harshly in a low voice: Also, why do you think you are my type? If I didn't have to take you out alive, I would definitely have shot you. you. Shirley whispered, seeming a little angry. After learning that conducting insecticide inspections would also attract the attention of the monster, Jack and Shirley became much more low-key and avoided the flying insect type B0WID again and again. After the light, the two finally escaped from the facility and entered the tunnel in the mountain, leaving the terrifying monster behind. The two breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward, but unexpectedly, they didn't take a few steps. The wall was directly knocked open. The terrifying monster was chasing behind the two of them again! Damn it! There was only a wall separating the place where the monster was standing from the tunnel! Being chased by the terrifying monster, the two of them kept chasing each other! Marching forward, even though Jack used valves to seal every door he passed, the monster still pursued him. It was so powerful that it could even smash the door together with the stone wall. Fortunately, there is no unstoppable road. The two fled, and unexpectedly found a mining construction truck at the end of the tunnel! This will definitely be fun. Looking at the drill bit on the construction truck that was countless times larger than the monster's left arm, Jack said I just felt that my world was lit up! Before the monster could knock on the last door, Jack and Shirley got on the car and started operating. When the monster hit the wall again, the huge mining drill bit pushed hard. , even though the monster was born with supernatural power, it could not resist human engineering equipment. After a struggle, the drill bit slammed into the monster's abdomen and pushed it against the mountain wall. In an instant, the mountain rock cave was Bad, flesh and blood flew everywhere, the monster softened little by little in the angry roar, and finally became silent for a long time.

Successful, we killed it! Seeing that the monster's body was pushed between the gravel, Shirley jumped out of the car and shouted excitedly, like a little girl who had received AI assessment results. It's so thrilling. On the other side, Jack, who got out of the car, agreed. After taking one last look at the monster's body, Jack and Shirley stepped onto the road again.

After taking a few steps, they saw the entrance of the cave. Through that hole, they even saw the rising sun. Is that the exit? Jack couldn't help but asked excitedly. Well, once we go out, we will use the radio to call for help. Shirley said excitedly: 'My teammates should be nearby. This crazy day seems to be finally coming to an end. Facing the light, the two finally rushed out of the cave entrance. The dazzling sunlight instantly shone on their faces, making the two of them quite uncomfortable after staying in the cave all night. When their vision recovered, Shirley let her Looking across the white snow, he pointed in the distance and said: That's the meeting point! We've finally arrived... Looking at the direction Shirley pointed, Jack let out a long sigh of relief. However, at this moment, suddenly, - Bursts of gunshots rang out. Jack and Shirley frowned instantly, lowered their bodies subconsciously, and at the same time pulled out the pistols at their waists. Behind the mountain wall in the distance, anti-ZF armed men rushed in with guns. came out and kept firing at the two people, and the two people made a prompt decision and immediately fired back. They didn't realize that in the cave behind them, the terrifying monster with blood still dripping from its abdomen was roaring step by step. Come out.

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