What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-7. The doubts of the macho young man

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Behind the mountain wall, among the trees, in the snow... more and more anti-ZF armed soldiers poured out from all around, pouring fire towards Jack and Shirley. For a while, the two were exhausted, and just... Shirley knocked over an anti-ZF militant carrying a camera. When she lowered her body and prepared to change the magazine, a wave of

A chill suddenly crept up her back. As a low roar passed into her ears, Shirley only felt like she was in a hair salon. She subconsciously turned around and saw the monster that should have been disemboweled by the drill actually standing behind her. The next second, a The butt hit her body with a force that was enough to break bones and tendons. She couldn't even let out a scream. Shirley directly

It spun and flew out, drawing an arc in the air, and then fell hard into the snow, passing out on the spot. Even though the triple drill bit has been damaged and cannot rotate, this brutal impact is enough to destroy the human body. Shocked, Jack quickly turned his head and saw Shirley flying away. His life and death were unknown. Jack quickly raised the gun in his hand, but the terrifying pale monster didn't care about the wound on his abdomen. His crooked and twisted eyes were full of anger. Unexpectedly, it raised its left arm loaded with the drill bit and smashed it hard at Jack. Ke couldn't dodge and was hit by the drill bit. With the sound of the net, Jack spun around. It fell to the ground, splashing a large amount of snow. As if it was getting its revenge, the pale monster that knocked down Jack opened its arms, spat out saliva, and let out a terrifying roar. Half of his body was occupied by pain, and even his consciousness became a little blurry. While panting fiercely, Jack focused his mosaic-like vision little by little and finally transformed into the image of Shirley lying in the snow. Get up, Superman girl... Although his body could no longer support himself, Jack couldn't help but whisper softly to Shirley in the distance. Seeing that Li didn't answer his prayer, Jack gritted his teeth and forced himself to hold on. However, before he could stand up, he saw the pale monster next to him lowered his arms. It came to Jack's side with heavy steps, and suddenly raised its big feet wearing heavy black metal soles. Then he stepped on Jack hard to the ground. Against the huge force coming from behind, Jack let out a painful groan. The pale monster stepped on it, and for a moment, Jack couldn't move. There were bursts of sounds in front of him, and a pair of black boots stepped across the snow, appearing in Jack's sight. He saw a man with short black hair, a red scarf, and a low-cut, backless blue-purple gown. The woman in the skirt came to him step by step. The woman had a beautiful face, but with a hint of indifference.

Behind him, followed a large group of armed men. They wore masks on their faces, were wrapped in snow suits, and had grenades hung on them. When the woman stopped, they all raised their guns and pointed them at Jack. This woman , Jack had a vague impression that the nutritional supplements that would turn into monsters if taken before seemed to be sold by this woman! Thinking of this, Jack forcibly pulled the corners of his mouth, smiled and joked to the woman in front of him: You know what? The blow you just gave me was really fatal, beauty. She exhaled a breath of white air. The woman tilted her head slightly and squatted in front of Jack. She put her left arm on her knees and gently rubbed her right arm. Chin, I don't know if it was Jack's imagination, but he seemed to hear the sound of the machine running from the sleeve of the woman's right arm and under the black leather glove. That woman's left arm...is it a prosthesis? Jack was wondering when he saw a cold smile suddenly appear on the face of the woman squatting in front of him. She looked at Jack quietly, and after a while she smiled softly and said : You are Wesker's son, right? What Wesker? Hearing this name, Jack was slightly startled, then he spread his hands and said doubtfully: Are you mistaken? Albert Wesker is a big guy. Idiot, he wants to destroy the whole world. She didn't care about Jack's lips, nor his expression that was distorted by the heavy pressure behind him. The beautiful woman with short black hair slightly closed her lips. With an arc, she whispered to Jack: Albert Wesker, he is your father. The expression on his face gradually stiffened, Jack raised his head in a daze, and stared at the woman in front of him. After a moment, he said with a dull expression. :What did you say?! Ignoring the surprise and struggle on Jack's face, the woman explained to herself: You inherited an extremely special blood type from your father. After that, the beautiful woman stood up and faced the stepping stone. The pale monster holding Jack waved lightly, then turned around and left without looking back. The monster raised its foot that was stepping on Jack. Jack struggled to turn his head and faced the monster from the sky. In the sunlight, the pale monster grunted and stepped directly on Jack's head. When Jack woke up again, he had been imprisoned here. This period was half a year. Half a year. Jack's body He was studied over and over again, almost thoroughly. It was not that he had not thought about escaping, but those patrollers in suits and ties with strange paint masks on their faces had guns in their hands. In the absence of With the intelligence and being unarmed, Jack did not dare to act rashly. The most important thing was that Jack knew that Shirley was also imprisoned here. In the past six months, although nothing had been done, in fact, Jack had mastered a lot of information. First of all, , I seem to be in a metropolis called Lanxiang, which is very close to the mainland of China. Secondly, the place where I am imprisoned seems to be a research facility, and the real leader of the facility is the strange woman from before. The name seemed to be Ada King. Of course, apart from these, Jack also knew some other things, about his father, the man named Albert Wesker. As the real focus of attention, Jack often He could hear the researchers in the facility talking about him and his father. From their words, Jack learned that his father, just like Shirley, had extraordinary abilities, and his power was completely beyond the imagination of normal people. , it’s a pity that his father is a persistent man

The scum villain who wanted to destroy the world was mentally ill, and was finally bombed to death in a crater in Africa by the BSAA's messenger of justice. When Jack learned how his father died, Jack was stunned. He suddenly remembered his old friend who lived in Lopulus, the ghost-like Asian-faced mercenary Li Yehang. He still remembered Many years ago, in a small bar, a drunk Li Yexing told him that his father was a business manager who was not afraid of jumping into the crater of a volcano when he was on a business trip in Africa. At that time, Jack only thought that guy was borrowing money. Jiu Jin was talking nonsense, but he never expected that what Li Yexing said was actually true! Li Yexing was not lying, that guy really knew my father!

After waking up from the initial shock, Jack quickly calmed down. After solving a mystery, a bigger mystery appeared in front of Jack... The little mercenary nesting in Lopulus should be like my father. The great villain who only appears in Hollywood movies is so unbeatable. Why does he know my father who wants to destroy the world?

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