What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-9. The fright of the macho young man

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He didn't want to worry too much about why Kanan became Aunt Mafal, and why Li Yexing became Uncle Li. Jack knew very well that the top priority was to leave this facility, rather than argue with this inexplicable guy in front of him. Although he was interested in Kanan There is not much trust, but Jack knows that if he wants to leave here, he needs Kanan's help). Out of his understanding of Li Yexing, Jack guessed that Kanan will appear here) \\Cheng means Li Yexing, and Li Yexing Ye Xing definitely did not come here because of his special physique. As someone who knew Jack's life experience a few years ago, if Li Ye Xing wanted his blood, he would not have to wait until this day. A few years ago He had plenty of opportunities! Weighing the gun in his hand, Jack quickly came to the door of the white room. He stuck his head out, looked out, then turned to Kanan and said: Where have all those guys gone?

They are busy. Knowing that Jack was referring to the monster security guards with oil paint masks on their faces in this facility, Kanan shrugged and replied with raised eyebrows: I don't know how, except for us, it seems There was also a large group of people rushing in. Looking at their attire, they looked a bit like familiar faces. As he spoke, Kanan turned his head and muttered softly: Really, since the entrance is so high-profile, why do you need to install a silencer on the muzzle of the gun? In other words, there is chaos outside right now, right? Jack subconsciously pressed his finger on the trigger, looked outside and whispered, This is the only good thing I've heard in half a year. We can take advantage of the chaos to find out the news. I'm afraid it won't be that easy, Jack. Kanan kept spinning the two silver pistols on his index fingers, and said with a chuckle: In my opinion, , the gang of guys who rushed in from the outside are definitely coming for you. Whether it is the monsters in this facility or the gang of guys later, I am afraid they will not let you escape easily. Then get out. I've been here for half a year and I'm tired of it. After confirming that there were no enemies outside the hall, Jack, who was shirtless and only looking at his feet, walked out directly and brushed his hand on the power supply system. switch, and said to Kanan in a cold voice: Give me the key card. Pull the switch? Hey! I like it. Seeing Jack's intention, Kanan grinned, and held the key card between her two fingers. Light towards Jack

Throwing it out lightly, Jack caught it smoothly, passed it across the switch, and then pulled the electricity directly. Following Jack's movement, there was only a dong sound, and the lights deep in the facility instantly disappeared. There were a few emergency lights left, and the white door that was locked on the side opened immediately with a soft beep sound. I think Shirley knows what to do... turned her head and looked at the corridor behind me. , Jack murmured softly. At this moment, Kanan, who was standing behind, suddenly came up quietly. She smiled evilly and whispered: What? Miss your little lover? ... Peter Kanan was startled, and Jack turned around subconsciously, only to see Kanan spread out his gun-holding hands, and said to Jack with a smile: Don't worry, Jack, Shirley, there are other people over there to help, take care of yourself. You are enough on your own. I know. After a moment, Jack nodded and whispered. Looking at his expression, he seemed to be quite doubtful about Kanan's words. Really, I have to believe in your Aunt Mafal. Jack, I know your father. Seeing that Jack still looked distrustful, Kanan just smiled. She held the gun and left the room. Corridor, and sneered at the same time: Forget it, you won't listen even if I say it. Just follow me and don't fall behind. Let us kill all those bastards, then step on their corpses and walk away with swagger. go out!

It's so quiet outside. Standing in a clean and tidy room full of medical equipment, Shirley Birkin, who had been imprisoned for half a year like Jack, was pacing back and forth in a thin white hospital gown, following the big pieces from time to time. Looking out of the glass window to the room outside, if it were normal, at this time, the monsters responsible for security in the facility would have escorted her to conduct experiments, but today, for some reason, they seemed to be late. Just as Shirley was wandering back and forth, she heard a dong sound and the lights in the room suddenly turned off. Then, the metal automatic door that used to require a key card to be opened from the outside slowly opened by itself! Faced with this sudden situation, Shirley confirmed slightly, and then suddenly realized that there must be a problem in the facility. In other words, the chance to escape finally came! Go find Jack!

Shirley, who had been trained as an agent for many years, immediately made a judgment based on the current situation. She frowned and walked quickly towards the open metal door. However, before she could step out, suddenly, a red sign on the outside said Prohibited. The metal door with the sign Enter was hung open, and then a facility security guard in a suit and leather shoes with a weird paint mask on his face walked in with an electric baton. Seeing the security guard coming, Shirley immediately stepped back. Obviously, this security guard came to confirm the situation after the facility lost power. Thinking of this, Shirley lowered her body and quickly hid under the bed under the cover of darkness. The next second, accompanied by a burst of rapid footsteps, the security guard The person finally entered the room. It kept growling and scanned the room. After confirming that Shirley was not seen, it walked in step by step, while letting out bursts of frightening growls from under the oil paint mask. , scanning the surroundings, searching for any traces of Shirley. Hiding under the bed, Shirley held her breath and waited silently. In her sight, two legs wrapped in trousers were pacing in leather shoes. The electric batons emitted bursts of blue light along with the sound. The security guard was there. The officer suddenly stepped forward and rushed to the instrument. When his back was exposed to Shirley, Shirley's muscles suddenly tensed. She was about to rush out from under the bed when suddenly, a few drops of black liquid fell in her sight. It came down and exploded on the clean floor - black water splashes. Shirley stopped subconsciously. The next second, she heard a shrill scream, and the two legs suddenly disappeared from her field of vision. It was as if something was pulling her up to the ceiling, and the electric baton fell from above. Accompanied by one

A soft sound fell in front of Shirley who was hiding under the bed. Above her head, screams and whimpers continued to come, and black liquid fell like rain, accompanied by a sound of flesh and blood being torn apart. , the screams of the security guard stopped in the summer, and only the black liquid was still falling on the floor, making a ticking sound. Looking at the scene in front of her blankly, Shirley's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She retreated hastily, covering her mouth with both hands, forcing herself not to make any sound, and her blue eyes widened. Although it is a bit hard to say, the fact is that as a professionally trained agent who has experienced the Raccoon City incident, Shirley was frightened. Maybe it was because everything happened too fast. Maybe it was because she was killed. The security guard's stuff was so weird that it was hard for Shirley to calm down her heartbeat. So..., what is that? Could it be that some BOW was leaked in the facility?

Just when Shirley frowned and tried to analyze the situation, suddenly, with a crisp sound, two slender legs fell from the sky, exposed to Shirley's line of sight.

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