What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-10. A tough secretary falls from the sky

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To be honest, when the black liquid kept dripping and the security guard wearing the weird oil paint mask died tragically, Shirley had imagined all kinds of monsters that might jump down from the ceiling, either with sharp mouths and fangs, or with long... It was full of tentacles, but Shirley didn't expect that the thing falling from the ceiling would actually have a pair of human legs, wearing black stockings and high heels... Moreover, these legs were really beautiful. Even though they were exposed in front of her. Her legs looked like human legs, but Shirley, who was hiding under the bed, still didn't dare to act rashly. After the initial panic, she gradually calmed down and moved her gaze to the electric baton that fell beside the bed. , at this moment, as long as she stretched out her hand, she could get the electric baton, but stretching out her hand also meant exposure. She still needs to bide her time. As if he was observing the environment in the room, the legs stood silently in front of Shirley. I wonder if it was Shirley's illusion, and the faint sound of the instrument next to her was reflected.

With the light emitted, Shirley seemed to see the black color wrapped around the legs flowing slowly. After a moment, the legs finally started to move, stepping on pure black high-heeled shoes and tapping the floor with the heels. Click sound, the legs moved around the bed where Shirley was hiding, with a slow and elegant pace. Soon, the legs wrapped around the bed. Forcing herself to calm down, Shirley turned around quietly under the bed, and then carefully stretched out her hand, touching the electricity bit by bit. As the distance got closer, Shirley's heart became more and more intense. With eagerness, her middle finger soon touched the handle of the electric baton. In an instant, Shirley felt excited. Just when she was about to hold the electric baton in her hand, suddenly, an Snow-white hands, with green jade fingers stained with black nails, gently placed on her wrist. In an instant, Shirley froze, as if even the blood flowing in her veins was about to coagulate.

There was a soft sound on the board, and the legs fell from top to bottom again in front of Shirley. Then, the legs wrapped in black stockings bent down, revealing their squatting owner. Shirley was stunned. What I saw squatting in front of Shirley was an oriental woman with a beautiful face and fair skin. She had short black short hair, an indifferent expression, and burgundy eyes that glowed faintly in the darkness. , she was wrapped in a standard black professional attire, exuding the aura of a cold and strong woman in the workplace, but the lining and tie under the professional attire were also black, making this outfit a bit nondescript. Miss Birkin? Just when Shirley was stunned, the indifferent woman asked softly. When her name was called, Shirley suddenly trembled. Her expression was condensed. She subconsciously wanted to hold on to the electric baton that had been touched by her fingertips, but then she saw the woman's five fingers forming into palms and tapping lightly. On Shirley's wrist, Shirley felt her arm aching. The electric baton that had been held fell again and the woman quickly took action. She grabbed Xueyong's neck and violently pulled it. Shirley dragged Shirley out from under the bed, then lifted Shirley up with one hand and pressed her firmly onto the bed. She was subdued after just a face-to-face encounter. Shirley gritted her teeth and kicked subconsciously, but she saw the woman expressionlessly raised a finger and put it between her lips, signaling Shirley to be silent. Although the woman was strong, the hand that grabbed Shirley's neck was not strong at all and would not hinder Shirley's breathing. She realized that the other party did not intend to kill her. And she was not the opponent's opponent, so Shirley gave up the struggle. , she held the woman's wrist, frowned slightly and whispered: Who are you? I'm here to save you. Seeing that Shirley calmed down, the woman let go of her hand, she straightened up, and her expression He looked at Shirley indifferently and then played with it

, picked up the electric baton that had fallen beside the bed, and handed it to Shirley. Take it. The woman said expressionlessly, You can use it.

Seeing the electric baton being handed to her by the woman, Shirley was heartbroken and dodged it angrily. At the same time, she got out of bed and looked at the woman warily: Who are you? Who do you work for? I am a friend of Mr. Kennedy, and also Mr. Redfield... After thinking for a moment, the woman replied in a deep voice: It was my boss's wish to come to the rescue.

There was finally a hint of impatience between her eyebrows. The woman did not answer Shirley's question. She turned around and walked towards the other side of the bed. When she passed by Shirley, Shirley subconsciously pressed the button When she turned on the electric baton, she saw that the woman didn't even look at her and walked straight out of the room. When she reached the door of the room, the woman suddenly stopped and said to Shirley in a cold voice: You can choose to waste your time here. It's time, Miss Birkin, but those guys outside won't wait for you to say it before the woman leaves. Wait! Seeing that the woman seemed to really intend to leave her here, Shirley couldn't bear it. She stopped the other party, and when the woman turned back to look at her, she asked in a deep voice, What should I call you?

Just call me Miss Bai' o... He gently pushed a strand of hair behind his ear with his black-nailed fingers, and replied with an indifferent expression. I understand, Miss Bai nodded at Bai Muqing. Nodding, Shirley followed quickly. At this moment, she already had a plan in her mind. If everything the other party said was true, and this Miss Bai was indeed Chris's boss, it would mean that this woman served the BSAA. And his status is very prominent. In this case, it doesn't seem strange that he is friends with Leon.

However, there is still something unclear about Shirley. Miss Bai, how did you get in here? Recalling that he had not seen Bai Muqing enter from the door of the room just now, and then thinking about the fact that the security personnel of the facility were hung from the ceiling before, and no one was alive or dead, but no corpses were seen. As for the black liquid dripping from the ceiling, Shirley couldn't help but asked curiously. Her shoulders trembled slightly. Bai Muqing, who was walking in front, did not look back. After a while, she said with her expression without any emotion.

He responded coldly with a loving tone: A woman's secret

You should know that I am also a friend of Leon. Perhaps, we can be more honest with each other.l

The sound of high heels hitting the ground stopped in the summer. Bai Muqing, who was walking in front, stood still. After a while, she turned back silently and looked at Shirley with the corner of her eye. A faint red light shone in the burgundy group. Miss Birkin, are you sure you want to be honest with me? Bai Muqing asked with an indifferent expression. Looking at Bai Muqing's red eyes, Shirley suddenly felt a chill running down her spine, as if she had been attacked by some apex predator. As if she was staring at him, after a moment she gently shook her head and said: If it's inconvenient for you to say, then forget it. Seeing Shirley's compromise, Bai Muqing turned around silently, stepped forward and continued to move forward, and at the same time said to Xue Li said in a deep voice: Remember not to ask such disrespectful questions again in the future.

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