What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-12. The macho secretary has an expressionless face

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Under Bai Muqing's leadership, Shirley escaped from the research facility hidden deep inside and came to a place outside that was similar to a locker room. Along the way, Shirley could be said to have had no accidents. It didn't mean that she didn't encounter patrolling security personnel. It was just that those security personnel who looked extremely vicious were all eliminated by Bai Muqing. Understatement, bare hands. At this moment, Shirley felt that she was fully aware of Bai Muqing's power. However, for some reason, Shirley felt a strong sense of disharmony in Bai Muqing. After thinking about it, Shirley blamed Bai Muqing. That indifferent face. There is no indifference, no anger, no joy, no tension, no emotion, just like a robot face, without any human touch at all. At first, looking at Bai Muqing's face, Shirley thought that the other party had some prejudice against her. But later, as the two of them moved forward step by step, Shirley finally discovered that the other party did not seem to be deliberately indifferent. Bai Muqing seems to be used to showing others this face. Under this light touch, she hides her indifference to the people and things around her, as if she doesn't belong to this world. So, what does Miss Bai care about? Who is the person who can drive this powerful and beautiful woman? The whole room is not big. Under the warm-toned light, the metal cabinets are close to each other. Together, the ground is paved with blue-painted wooden floors, while the walls are covered with blue and white tiles, and then blocked by - Fan Fan 2. There are monitoring probes installed in the corners of the room, and the monitoring probes The opposite wall was separated by ventilation ducts. On the other side of the room, a metal door that required a strange graphic code to be unlocked blocked the way for the two of them. This is. Looking at the strange combination lock, Shirley frowned slightly, as if she was a little troubled. At this moment, Bai Muqing, who had been silent next to her, suddenly said: Hide in the cabinet, someone is coming. .Miss Bai, why do you hide when you see someone? You shouldn't have people hiding from you? Shirley subconsciously wanted to make a joke with Bai Muqing, but looking at Bai Muqing's indifferent face, Shirley gave up the idea in an instant. Knowing what Bai Muqing was thinking, since they couldn't open the one in front of them, they might as well leave it to the staff in the facility. Thinking of this, Shirley immediately turned around and hid in the cabinet that was as tall as one person, listening to the noise coming from outside the hall. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. She stared at Bai Muqing outside the cabinet through the vent on the cabinet door. At the same time, she lowered her voice and said urgently: Miss Bai, hide quickly! As if she didn't hear Shirley's warning, Bai Muqing Without even looking at Shirley, she slightly bent her legs wrapped in black stockings, as if following the force of her strength, she jumped lightly and disappeared from Shirley's sight. Vaguely, Shirley seemed to Hearing a soft sound of H0, the sound was like something sticky being thrown against the wall. Shirley, who was hiding in the cabinet, was stunned. As soon as Bai Muqing disappeared from Shirley's sight, a security guard from the facility entered the locker room. Although his face was covered by a paint mask, Shirley could still feel the other person's hurry, and saw him growling on one side. While muttering to himself, he quickly came to the password door, his fingers jumped quickly on the password lock, and the moment he finished entering the password, he saw two arms suddenly coming down from the ceiling. The next second , Shirley, who was hiding in the cupboard, heard a shrill scream.

A few drops of black liquid fell on the blue wooden floor. Bai Muqing turned gracefully in the air, turned over, and returned to Shirley's field of vision. Instead, the monster was alive and dead, and P and Shirley were nowhere to be seen. The scene when meeting Bai Muqing for the first time is exactly the same, it's like paying homage to the plot of those recent horror movies. Seeing that the password door was opened by the security personnel in the facility, Shirley quickly pushed open the cabinet door and came to Bai Muqing's side. She glanced around, but could not find any traces left by the previous security personnel. It was as if the other person had disappeared out of thin air. Suddenly, there was a soft ticking sound. Shirley was slightly startled. Then she raised her head and saw that the ventilation duct above her head was dripping with ink-like black liquid. It turned out that she was stuffed into the ventilation duct... Miss Bai was so scary... She swallowed subconsciously. Shirley lowered her head and saw Bai Muqing gently pressing the electronic lock with her black-painted fingernails. She pressed the door button and looked at Shirley. There was a rare gloominess in her eyes. When Shirley looked over, she retracted her unnecessary emotions and said to Shirley: Hurry over. Oh? Oh! Shirley nodded hurriedly, and then quickly passed through the electronic door opened by Bai Muqing. After crossing the electronic door, the two entered the corridor wrapped in wooden wall panels. It must be said that the corridor here was extremely clean, with luxuriant ornamental plants, warm-colored lights reflecting the warm-colored walls and corridors, and A large number of solid wood ornaments give people a very comfortable and gentle feeling. It is hard to imagine that monsters are rampant in such a clean and tidy corridor. Looking at the reception hall on the other side of the corridor, there are several security personnel wandering, Bai Muqing's burgundy red A faint cold light flashed in her eyes, and she was about to go up and start killing people. Suddenly, the monitor in the reception hall lit up with a red light. The next second, gunshots suddenly rang out, and she saw the monitor There was actually a black muzzle hidden underneath, and the muzzle was spitting out tongues of fire, knocking several security personnel to the ground. Something unexpected happened in the reception hall. Bai Muqing quickly stopped. At the same time, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to hold Xueyong's wrist, asking her to hide behind her and stick her head out. Bai Muqing silently watched everything that happened in the reception hall. After several patrolling security personnel were brought down to the ground, more security personnel rushed out of the side room noisily, as if they wanted to find the attackers, and then they were fired at by the light machine guns under the monitor. Fall to the ground. Installing a machine gun under the monitor is a bit like an execution department. Looking at the surveillance machine gun that was constantly firing, Bai Muqing suddenly murmured in a low voice. At this moment, her

The phone suddenly vibrated. He took it out of his pocket and glanced at the message. Bai Muqing raised his eyebrows slightly, put the phone back into his pocket, and then said to Shirley: 'We can go. What? Shirley was slightly stunned when she heard it. She said softly: That machine... The machine gun under the monitor is my friend doing damage control. Bai Muqing said in a deep voice. It turns out there are still people around you. Did anyone else enter here together? Hearing Bai Muqing's words, Shirley couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, and was met with Bai Muqing's eyes as if looking at a fool. That's right, how could Miss Bai sneak in alone! Isn't it normal to have teammates? It's all because Miss Bai's performance is too invincible, so I gave myself the illusion that she has no teammates, right? With strange thoughts in mind, Shirley quickly followed Bai Muqing, and together they walked towards the metal door locked by an electronic code lock on the other side of the reception hall.

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