What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-13. Macho man peeking at the screen

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Why is this surveillance camera equipped with a machine gun?! In the surveillance room, watching Jack operate the surveillance camera and fire wildly at the security personnel who were pouring out, Kanan's eyes were shining brightly, and he seemed to be aroused. Quality, she gently tapped the console with her fingers at a fast pace, and at the same time kept urging: Let me play!

Don't you call yourself aunt? Don't fight for toys with children, okay? Frowning slightly, Jack concentrated on operating the machine gun in the monitor, shooting down all the security personnel who blocked Shirley and an unknown woman. He rolled on the ground, and on the other side, Kanan crossed his arms, curled his lips slightly in displeasure, then leaned his shoulders against the wall next to him, and quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He lost his composure. He took out his lighter and protected the flame with his palm. Kanan muttered in a low voice: You can't act silly outside. It's not appropriate.

Putting the cigarette between his lips and lighting it alone, Kanan suddenly felt a little uninterested. On the other hand, smelling the smell of cigarettes, Jack felt shocked. Zhengzhen was imprisoned in the research facility for half a year, and Jack had not smoked for half a year. Now, he really wanted to try to get one from Kanan, but looking at the blond girl running past in the monitor, Jack hesitated. We were about to meet up, so it smelled like cigarette smoke, which seemed a little inappropriate. It didn't take long for Jack to successfully clear away the security personnel who came for reinforcements. Seeing Shirley quickly running to the electronic lock and starting to enter the password, Jack's mouth curled up slightly, but when he saw Xue When he saw the woman next to Li who was dressed like a city, the smile on Jack's face disappeared again. Shirley might not be able to see some things hidden in the cabinet, but Jack could see clearly through the monitor. When Shirley was still in the locker room, Jack saw this woman flowing out of the ventilation duct like water. Come out! Then he directly grabbed the head of the security guard who opened the door and forced him into the ventilation duct!

That's right, it leaked out! Jack could only use this way to describe the uncoordinated and almost weird action! If Shirley hadn't been there, Jack would have even been able to control the monitor and fire! Enlarge the monitor screen , watching Shirley Shirley enter the password, Jack was slightly startled, thinking that there seemed to be such a password lock next to the sealed metal door before, so he came closer to the screen, squinted his eyes, and entered Shirley. The pattern was firmly remembered in my mind. After a while, the metal door under surveillance opened, and the woman in urban OL clothes immediately walked in with Shirley. Jack in front of the monitor nodded, then turned around and faced Lean Kanan, who was puffing away at the wall, said: I've got the code for the door next to me, we can go.

Oh. He straightened up with an indifferent expression. Kanan exhaled a mouthful of white mist and said expressionlessly: Then let's go... With that said, Kanan left the room, leaving only Jack's back. For some reason, Looking at Kanan's appearance, Jack thought for no reason of those little brats who want to pretend to be adults. So, what kind of aunt is this? He murmured softly, and walked out quickly with bare feet. After entering the room, he followed the emergency exit sign and turned the corner. He saw Kanan staring blankly at the electronic lock next to the metal. When he noticed that Jack was following him, Kanan turned around, then scratched his head and smiled. From: What's Jack's password? Okay, get out of the way. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Jack pushed Kanan aside, his fingers jumped back and forth between the six unknown patterns on the electronic lock, After a while, there was only a soft beep sound. The door did not open. In the corridor, the atmosphere fell silent for an instant. Jack and Kanan stared blankly at the electronic lock that kept prompting the wrong password, and then looked at each other. Wait a minute...I seem to have misremembered. I remember the first one is... In an instant, cold sweat flowed from Jack's forehead. A trace of embarrassment appeared on the big boy's face. He turned his head and ran his fingers back and forth between the patterns. Beating, very quickly, the electronic lock once again issued a prompt that the password was incorrect. No, I remember these two round marks. The action of poking the buttons became more and more impatient. Jack's brows wrinkled a little bit. After the wrong beep sounded repeatedly, Kanan, who was standing aside, flicked the cigarette butt away with his fingers, while frowning slightly and said: Jack, are you going to use the exhaustive method?

Wait, wait a little longer, I'm about to remember... His face gradually became ferocious, and Jack - while grinding his teeth - frowned and said: Is it because the passwords of the two doors are different? Forget it. , please get out of the way. There was a trace of helplessness between his eyebrows. Kanan sneered and said to Jack: Let me try. Do you know the password? Seeing Kanan coming up, Jack hurriedly said: You can't even monitor. Didn’t look!

You said it as if you had seen it. Of course I have seen it! You are reading the password?! Your eyeballs will be sucked away by the Shirley cub! The Snow Jing cub's legs are so white and the shape of the dumpling is so Looks good, right?! Hearing Kanan's words, Jack was speechless for a moment, and embarrassment instantly appeared on his face. In order to cover it up, he took two steps back and said to Kanan in a deep voice: Forget it.

You come. Seeing Jack retreating, Kanan raised her eyebrows slightly. She came to the metal door, exhaled gently and then punched suddenly, hitting the electronic lock with a eating sound. The electronic lock exploded instantly, causing sparks to fly, and it was canceled on the spot. His eyes widened little by little, and Jack was dumbfounded. After a long time, he exclaimed in shock: Mafal! What are you doing?! It's weird, it's not the same as what was said in the game. It's just pretentious. Rubbing her chin, Kanan looked confused. Of course she knew that her punch could not open the door in front of her, but Jack on the other side obviously took her joke seriously. Jack raised his head He scratched his scalp with both hands while pacing back and forth, and kept muttering in a low voice: Damn it, we're doomed, we're really doomed... Seeing Jack looking like the sky was about to collapse, Kanan's

There was a trace of disdain in her eyes, and she said softly: That's why I said, what a young man

Facing the metal door, Kanan took two steps back. She took a gentle breath. Then her bloodshot eyes suddenly widened. Kanan lowered her center of gravity, turned around, and whipped her leg hard. He kicked the metal door. Seeing Kanan making frequent moves, Jack subconsciously wanted to say something, but when Kanan's leg brushed the side of his face with a strong wind, he shut up in an instant. The next second, there was only a loud clang sound, and the seemingly strong metal door was dented by Kanan's kick! Behind him, Jack was already frightened, but Kanan's movements But she didn't stop. She turned around again, let out a muffled grunt, and kicked out her whip leg again. This kick was so powerful and heavy that even the corridor seemed to be trembling with it. Under Kanan's whip leg, The metal door that had been dented by the kick let out a painful groan and then flew out, hitting the ground heavily. Huh. Exhaling a breath, Kanan jumped up and down, soothing his slightly sore feet. He grinned with a wild smile and said, It should have been like this a long time ago.

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