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Sitting on the bench in the dressing room, Shirley stared at the metal wardrobe in front of her, her thoughts flying, as if she was waiting for something silently. Not far away from her, Bai Muqing stood upright, with his arms folded on his chest, his expression Still indifferent, from the burgundy eyes, Shirley had no way of knowing what Bai Muqing was thinking. Miss Bai, are you BSAA? After a long moment of silence, Shirley suddenly turned to Bai Muqing and asked. She was protected by Bai Muqing along the way. Shirley's expression looked much softer when she looked at Bai Muqing. It seemed that she was treating Shirley. Surprised by the sudden question, Bai Muqing was slightly stunned, then shook her head and said, No. This time, Shirley was surprised. She opened her eyes slightly and said, You said before that you are Chris's boss. .'I am indeed his boss. After a moment, Bai Muqing whispered. I wonder if it was Shirley's illusion. Miss Bai's expression seemed a little strange. Is that so? It seems that the situation within BSAA is worse than I imagined. It's complicated. As if she understood something, Shirley turned her head and muttered in a low voice.

Seeing Shirley's appearance, Bai Muqing was suddenly curious about what the girl had figured out. But at this moment, a small sound came. Bai Muqing was startled, turned her head and looked at the ventilation pipe aside, and mouthed She said in a deep voice: Here we come. After hearing Bai Muqing's words, Shirley immediately stood up and looked towards the ventilation duct in the corner of the room. The next second, she saw a black shadow flashing past. One was wearing a sweater and had a The woman with a single ponytail jumped out of the ventilation duct and landed on one knee in the locker room. Seeing an unknown person suddenly appear in front of her, Shirley subconsciously wanted to raise the electric baton, but just At this moment, along with a burst of noise, a familiar big boy jumped out of the ventilation duct with a close eye on him. Gram! Looking at the naked boy, Shirley's eyes flashed with joy. She called the big boy's name softly and ran towards him. On the other hand, when she heard Shirley's call, Jack turned around quickly. However, when the two faced each other, Jack reluctantly turned his head. , made a light cough. Seeing that Jack didn't want to look at her, Shirley was stunned for a moment, and then lowered her head subconsciously. Then she realized that the two people's clothes seemed a little awkward. In desperation, she raised her arms and covered her chest. She quickly hid in the dressing room. behind the wardrobe door. Obviously my eyeballs were sucked up when I was watching the surveillance before, but now I'm pretending to be a gentleman. Beside Jack, Kanan stood up and patted his pants gently, dusting off the stains in the ventilation duct. Dust, while muttering in a low voice, after being glared at by Jack, Hanan hurriedly turned his head, smiled and waved to Bai Muqing who was standing next to him: Yo! Xiaobai! Half an hour I'm gone, how are you? Did you enjoy getting along with Shirley Zai? It's okay. Bai Muqing said with an indifferent expression. Hey! What kind of cold face do you have with me? Seeing Bai Muqing's indifferent look, click. Nan immediately moved forward, hugged Bai Muqing's shoulders, and chuckled softly: What's wrong? Huh? You look unhappy? Kanan, I'm not. Bai Muqing's expression finally softened. She frowned and retorted softly. When she found that Kanan had no intention of leaving, but was looking directly at her, Bai Muqing still gave in. She sighed softly and whispered: Okay, I I'm just unhappy. l Seeing how positive your reaction was before, I thought you liked this thing... Seeing Bai Muqing's frown, Kanan couldn't help but asked curiously: What happened? Are you there yet? Bai Muqing glanced at Jack standing behind Kanan and Shirley hiding behind the cabinet. Bai Muqing whispered: Go to the back and talk... After Kanan nodded, Bai Muqing went straight Taking Kanan to the other side of the closet, - in a moment, only Jack and Shirley were left on one side of the closet. Seeing that the two women whose identities were not clear left, Jack leaned towards Shirley and stood beside Shirley through the cabinet door. Seeing that Jack didn't look at her, Shirley turned her head and said Turning her head, she was surprised to find that the clothes hanging in the cabinet in front of her happened to be the clothes she wore when she was in Idonia half a year ago, and they were washed very clean, and her gun was placed there. Right underneath the clothes. There was the sound of the closet being opened. It seemed that Jack was also looking for clothes. Shirley frowned slightly and asked Jack through the closet door: What kind of defense is here?

Pulling open a wardrobe and seeing that it was empty, Jack closed it and replied in a deep voice: Lan Xiang. Lan Xiang? After receiving Jack's answer, Shirley was slightly stunned, and then said in confusion: But, Why?' I don't know, it doesn't matter. - They all opened the closet and finally found their clothes and guns. Jack responded casually. Hearing the compassionate voice in his ears, Jack turned his head subconsciously, but Seeing Shirley's white hospital gown slipping to the ground, he moved his gaze up along the hospital gown, and finally settled on Shirley's defenseless, young and smooth back. After all, Jack After all, he is a young man full of blood. After scanning his eyes back and forth several times, and having an addiction that he had not experienced for half a year, Jack nodded and focused his eyes on his clothes again while whispering. : I just know that I don't have to be their guinea pig anymore. Just as she was about to button her collar, Shirley heard Jack's words. She leaned against the cabinet door and turned her head subconsciously, asking uneasily. He said: What did they do to you? Hehe. With a cold snort, Jack took off his shirt and said in a deep voice: It's hard to write down what they said. You need to use my antibodies to go further. Enhanced C virus... No way. After hearing Jack's words, Shirley straightened the hem of her jacket and asked with a slight frown, What else did they say? She had already put on her jacket, and her fingers were His boots stopped, Jack frowned and remained silent. After a while, he turned his face sideways and asked Shirley in a deep voice: You

Do you know Albert Wesker? With her hands clasped on her belt, Shirley's face froze for a moment. After a moment, she said in a panic: What? Judging from your reaction, you should know him quite well. Shake Jack shook his head and fixed his gaze on his clothes again. Jack murmured softly. As he packed his clothes, he said, They keep talking about Wesker. I guess he has an antibody that can resist He He Virus... took out his boots and put them on the bench. Jack sat down and spread his hands at the same time: Obviously he abused his talent and took it for granted. In the end, he gave himself up to Turned into a monster... His tone became more urgent, his brows furrowed tighter, Jack said in a deep voice: I thought my dear dad might just be a scoundrel who abandoned his family. No, no, no, he No, he is...a perverted lunatic who wants to destroy the world!

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