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The slender fingers like white jade, decorated with long pale pink nails, danced gently between the keyboards. A silver bracelet with an inexplicable luster was tied between the white and slightly skinny wrists, and a black and silver bracelet hung on it. Right / \\ Angular sign, following the slender hand upwards, are the delicate and smooth arms, cut off and covered by black fabric at the source of the tent. It is a black cheongsam with high slits, and there seems to be something on the precious fabric A faint layer of light shines, and under this light, the extremely finely embroidered golden dragon with stripes at the hem of the cheongsam seems to come alive, as if it is dancing with the flow of light and darkness. Between the slits, a black lace is vaguely tied to the pubic bone, looming, and downwards from the tight waist, there are the slender legs protruding from the hem. They are as white as milk and as thin as agar, with not a single speck on them. Even if Michelangelo were alive, it would be difficult to carve out such a breathtaking beauty. Although the thighs are squeezed together, they can't carry a trace of extra flesh, until the smooth knees extend downward. The delicate and beautiful calves and ankles that can be grasped are connected to the white and tender insteps with light cyan blood vessels, and finally to the cardamom-like toes, which at first glance do not look fancy, but there is a hint of Black high heels with dark patterns are hidden.

One hand is lightly placed on the keyboard, and the other hand is holding the slender legs that are intertwined. The long golden hair with soft waves is like flowing fire, tickling the smooth and smooth jade carvings. The soft cheeks are dotted with two orange-red eyes, with black vertical pupils, shaped like snake eyes. At first glance, they seem to be just scary, but they add a touch of something unusual to this face. Charming, under the right eye is dotted with a small black tear. The bridge of the nose is not too high, as if it is carved just right on the bluestone. Under the beautiful nose, the It's the moving red lips, crystal clear, soft, with a faint luster, and the corners of the lips are faintly outlined with an imperceptible arc. Alexa Ashford, the chosen queen, sat silently in the guest room on the top floor of Kunlun Tower, letting her fingers slowly slide across the laptop on the small table. It's really... it happened. Big news... Looking at the dim sky that was reflected golden by the nuclear explosion on the computer screen, Alexa chuckled and said, During my absence, Black Umbrella has had its turn to fight with this kind of brain. Are the unconscious people cooperating? At this moment, the news that Tall Oak City in Country A suffered a bioterrorist attack and was suddenly exploded by a nuclear bomb has spread all over the Internet, and the authorities in Country A are unable to block the news at all.

Why did Simmons and that N∈o. Umbrella launch a bioterrorist attack in Tall Oak City? Why did she want to atomically explode the city at the speed of light? Alexa didn't quite understand this question. The only thing worth noting was The key point is that the president of country A was at Tall Oaks University in Tall Oaks, seemingly preparing a speech. Was it because I planned this attack to assassinate the president?

No, probably not. It’s just about killing a president. Politicians in country A should be pretty good at this. There’s no need to make a big deal about it and make the whole city a storm.

After thinking for a moment, Alexa, as smart as she was, still had no idea, so she gave up. After experiencing many things, Alexa found that it was very futile to try to explain everything in the world with wisdom and logic. Realistically, many times, reality itself is more surreal than magical. Just when Alexa was about to check out other information, suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the room. Please come in. Alexisa did not look away, but responded softly, and the next second, the door was pushed open, and a mountain-like figure was wearing an oversized suit, tied with bandages, and holding a The tray with the small teacups on it walked in step by step, and when it was next to Alexa, the figure gently placed the tray next to the laptop, and at the same time said in a chaotic and distorted voice: Miss, this is The West Lake Longjing brewed by Mr. Yang himself. Hearing this, Alexa looked away, her red snake eyes silently staring at the porcelain cup. After a moment, she gently picked it up and took a sip. . She frowned slightly, and after a moment, Alexa put down the cup, turned around and smiled at the huge figure and said softly: Butler Harman, please tell Yang that I am grateful to him for making tea specially for me. I am very satisfied with this sentiment, thank you. Miss, are you not used to drinking tea from China after all? The big mouth under the bandage seemed to be curved, and there was a faint smile in Butler Fenman's words.

I'll let myself get used to it. Alexa smiled and said, After all, Li is from China, right? As a qualified wife, I need to get used to everything in Li's life. As far as I know , Mr. Li only drinks beer, Miss. Butler Harman reminded in a low voice. Beer? She frowned slightly. Alexa squinted her orange eyes, seeming to be thinking about something. After a moment, she shook her head gently and said: Beer is not good. , or drink red wine, I believe Li Yi will definitely like my wine cellar. We also have a lot of good beers in our wine cellar. Butler Harman said seriously: Miss will drink a glass of Corona in her free time. I prefer it. Baker, as for Mr. Li, judging from the amount of purchases, he seems to be more interested in Danish brands or Burgundy sour beers. Of course I don't mind drinking beer. She shook her head and let her long, silky golden hair sway slightly. Alexa chuckled and said, From what I learned, drinking red wine between lovers is better than drinking beer. To make it appear more sentimental, it seems that it will be paired with candles and roses... I'm not afraid, Miss, where did you get the information? Butler Harman asked in a deep voice: Could it be Google again? ?The source of knowledge is not important. Without answering Haman's doubts directly, Alexa gently lifted the broken hair beside her ears and explained softly: And, I think this

It makes sense. I think as a mercenary, my dear, he must have a good drinking capacity. If he drinks so much beer, he will inevitably feel bloated. It is better to drink some red wine, which will make you drunk faster and make it easier to talk to each other later. Heartfelt. Are we just talking to each other? Miss? Steward Harman made a rare joke to Alexa. He seemed to want to see Alexa's embarrassed side, but unexpectedly Alexa said without changing her expression: Housekeeper Haman, although I feel unwilling to do so, I have understood that I am not a god after all, I am a human being, a woman. I have been watching my dear for eight full years, but I am unable to meet him due to the common things in front of me. , I am already in my twenties. If I keep waiting like this, I will

Deteriorated. Miss, you will not deteriorate... Seeing a hint of melancholy appear on Alexa's eyebrows, Butler Harman hurriedly comforted him: I believe that as long as you hide your intention, Mr. Li will bow to you. Under that irresistible charm, I love you so much that I can’t help myself. Really? Even though her body was mature, Alexa still tilted her head gently and asked like a girl, as if she was not confident enough. Of course it's true... Butler Harman bowed slightly: Believe me, no man in this world can refuse the charm of the young lady.

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