What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-19. The fierce queen is about to enter the stage

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Although he failed to use his own words to make Alexa show the expression she expected, the old butler Haman had already seen the scenery he wanted to see, so he was satisfied. After experiencing the murder of the eldest young master and the second young lady, After what happened to the old family leader, Haman attached great importance to Alexa's education. Knowledge and ability were important, but Haman hoped that the third lady of the Ashford family could be like a real human being, with love and kindness. Good and evil, joy and sorrow. Now, seeing that Miss Alexa, who remained calm despite being cruelly betrayed, could show this little daughter's attitude, Butler Harman felt very happy. On the other side, compared to Housekeeper Harman who showed her aunt's smile under the bandage, Alexa's mood was not so relaxed. As the third sister of the Ashford family, the chosen one was shrouded in strong clouds. Queen, Alexa has never known humility. She considers herself perfect, and she is also very aware that her appearance is very lethal to men. However, in the face of love, which cannot be quantified by parameters and logic, Alexa has a headache. For once I felt the fragility of being a mortal. When we first met, the guy picked up another woman and left in front of me. On Valentine's Day, we talked on the phone with great anticipation, but he asked me how to choose a Valentine's Day gift for another woman...

Can my appearance really attract him? How do I feel that he is interested in my body that I am proud of? Before her thoughts became more and more confusing, Alexis hurriedly interrupted this The unnecessary entanglement, since Alexa had no way of knowing whether she was attracted to Li Yexing, but she knew that nothing could be changed by her random thoughts. Instead of looking forward and backward like an ordinary woman with no future, she could no longer calm down. After Black Umbrella, she went to him personally and used his reaction to witness. After making up her mind to pay attention, the corners of Alexa's lips once again raised a confident and calm arc. She turned her head, smiled and said, How's the situation outside? i It's very chaotic, Miss. N∈o Umbrella's monsters have hijacked United Nations staff and are destroying the city center indiscriminately. BSAA has entered the scene soon. Yes As Alexa bowed slightly, Haman put away the smile under the bandage, and said slowly in his distorted and chaotic voice: There is news from Mr. Yang that Simmons has entered Langyang. After a slight pause, Harman continued: 'In addition, I also received other news. The BSAA has found Mr. Redfield, and he is probably rushing to Lanzhou. Found it? Ha, it's probably my dear who gave the news. Let's go out. Alexa sneered at BSAA's ability to do things. She once again picked up the cup of Longjing, which she wasn't used to drinking, and took a sip. There was a hint of approval in her red eyes. She whispered softly. First: I have to say, I underestimated my dear. At the most dangerous time, I hid the spiritual leader of BSAA and successfully avoided the malicious intent from the International Pharmaceutical Alliance. This is very important for the development pattern of the world's anti-biochemical terrorism. It has an extraordinary influence. My dear, you really made a good move. To be honest, Butler Fenman didn't think that Li Yexing's behavior of hiding Chris was out of any foresight to lay the foundation for the world structure. In his opinion, Li Yexing's behavior was more like a whim, but since Alexa After praising Li Yexing, all I need is Shihe. You are right, miss. Butler Harman said in a deep voice, Mr. Li's talent is admirable and he is a perfect match for you. Butler Harman said After saying the word a good match, Alexa nodded with satisfaction, and the fingers on her thigh began to tap lightly unconsciously. It was obvious that Her Majesty the Queen's mood improved. She turned her head and put the hand in her hand. The small porcelain cup was put back on the tray. Alexa focused her eyes on the computer screen again. She gently stretched out her fingers and said to Haman: I heard that Victor sent someone to Are you coming here? Yes. Butler Harman nodded, and then said in a deep voice, Two executive officers. Equipped with two regular security forces and a BOW. The purge department seems to also carry some kind of BOW. The name is fancy, but I don't know what the combat effectiveness is. With a hint of ridicule at the corner of her mouth, Alexa asked casually: Among these two so-called executives, are there any guys I am familiar with? An executive officer named Fanxi Turado, a Chinese, joined after you left Black Umbrella. Butler Haman paused for a moment, then continued to reply in a deep voice: You know the other lady? , is the young master of the Michelle family. Me! I remember him, with his oily hair and pink face, and he gave me a painting... It seemed that because of the mention of someone she knew, Alexa straightened up subconsciously. Sent you a painting? Ha. Butler Man was slightly startled, and then asked in a deep voice: There is such a thing, but I don't know about it. This is my dereliction of duty. Don't worry, Fenman, I just don't think it's necessary to tell you this kind of thing. Alexa seemed to have remembered something interesting, and said with a chuckle. Excuse me, miss, I would like to know what was painted on the painting he gave you? As if he noticed a hint of Gua, Butler Haman asked curiously. That is my portrait. Alexa replied with a smile. Where is the painting?

“Throw it away.

The painter who came here copied my photos, and then gave them to me in a pretentious manner, saying that he painted them for me personally. This is my portrait, but it is not half as beautiful as myself! In this case, the nature has changed! This is a complete insult to me! There is a trace of anger between the eyebrows, but there is a trace of curvature at the corner of the mouth, As if she laughed angrily at that old incident, Alexa waved her hand and said: Forget it, I probably understand that these guys are here for Wesker's son and Birkin's daughter. Right? Indeed, if they were two stable individuals more than ten years ago, maybe I would also be very interested.

, but it is a pity that without me, the pattern of Black Umbrella will stop here. You are right, miss, only you can do it. Butler Harman leaned forward slightly. Just as he was about to say something, his words were interrupted by the sudden ringtone of his cell phone. After getting Alexa's permission, he He apologized to Alexa, then turned around and answered the phone. It's me, I'm here with the lady... The lady said, it's not time for us to end yet!

Okay, I understand. After hanging up the phone, Butler Harman quickly turned around and said urgently to Alexa: Mr. Yang's information, N∈o Umbrella's informant said that there is a ship The aircraft carrier belonging to the Yuanle Corps of the Simmons family has already sailed onto the high seas and is heading towards Lan Yang. The deck of that warship is full of missiles that can release the C virus!

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