What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-20. The macho man looks familiar

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In the closed corridor, bullets were fired from the muzzles of the guns wrapped in silencers, shattering the lights and leaving bullet holes in the walls. On the other side of the corridor, there were people wearing suits and leather shoes, with oil paint masks on their faces. The monsters raised their guns and made bursts of strange screams while engaging in fierce firefights with the unidentified intruders.

He stood up and glanced at the monitor in the corner. Michelle, who was hiding in the corner with a gun, had a trace of dissatisfaction on his eyebrows. He quickly raised his hand, pressed the communicator next to his ear, and frowned at the same time: Turado! We need intelligence! How many enemies are there in the front?! Damn it! The surveillance system has failed! Immediately, Turado responded from the other side of the communicator: I'm trying to get the system back online. !You should proceed along the original route first.

Turado! Don't play tricks on me! Hearing Turado's reply, Michel said sternly: I knew it! You bastard must be causing trouble in secret, right?! Don't accuse me wrongly, Young Master! I There is really a problem here! Turado on the other side of the communicator said anxiously: I suspect that someone physically destroyed your monitoring system! After hearing Turado's answer, Michel I was speechless for a moment, and after a few secrets, he frowned and said, Then prepare to put the 'Apostle' online. Lan Xiang is getting worse and worse, and I don't want to waste time in a place like this! No problem, Young Master, The Apostles are already in place! Turado's voice finally had a smile on the communicator, and he said casually: If there is any trouble, remember to call me, the BOW elimination team is still idle. It's not necessary! He said a cruel word to Turado, and Michel cut off the communication. His face was gloomy and terrible. Hearing the constant gunshots in his ears, he cursed in a low voice: It's all trash. !Just now, Simil clearly heard the information about the escape of the experimental subjects from the radio, but he was not worried. They had already left a team in the hall, equipped with heavy firepower, enough to intercept any monster reinforcements. Or it's a little mouse trying to slip away, but the problem is, he doesn't know how many enemies are waiting for him on the road ahead. According to the original battle plan, Turado will invade the monitoring system of this facility, and then continue to They provided him with information so that he could successfully lead the team to advance, but in fact, not long after the operation started, the Turado guy became silent. Sure enough, you still have to rely on yourself! Letting out a soft breath, Mi Michelle pressed the communicator next to his ear again. He frowned and ordered: Team B, get ready and follow me to attack! After saying that, Michelle suddenly pulled off a shock bomb from his waist, and he leaned against it. He leaned against the wall, pulled off the tab, and then threw the shock bomb towards the other side of the corridor. When the shock bomb exploded, Michelle shouted: Follow me! and at the same time dodged and rushed out. Seeing Michelle, the executive officer, start to rush forward, the surrounding security team members rushed out immediately. However, at this moment, Michelle was seen vaguely slowing down half a step, allowing the two security team members to run away. In front of him, the next second, he saw two figures wearing oil masks suddenly appear from the corner on the other side of the corridor. They screamed strangely and raised their light machines, preparing to fire at the security forces swarming up. Seeing a machine gun being set up on the opposite side, the security force member running at the front immediately pulled the trigger. Just as he was about to subconsciously retreat, he saw Michelle, who was following closely behind, hit him in an extremely natural posture. On his back, his escape route was blocked. The next second, the light machine gun roared. This firepower that even the body armor could not resist, instantly beat the security force members running in front into sieves. Before he could When the body fell down, they saw Michelle holding it up, using it as a cover, putting the gun on the body's shoulder and firing continuously. The bullets were fired with the sound of the silencer, and several rounds were missed. After that, he finally hit one of the monsters in the head, shattering the paint mask on its face, revealing the face that was torn open by bullets and covered with eyeballs and blood stains. Seeing that the monster's movements stopped slightly, Michelle Quickly discarding the corpse in front of him, he kept firing at the monster's head as he advanced. On the other side, as Michelle advanced, a large number of security forces followed closely to guard those who were guarding the monster. The monsters on the other side of the corridor fell to the ground. Seeing the monsters in front of him fall to the ground, burning and turning into ashes, Michelle quickly moved to the corner, probed to confirm whether the surroundings were safe, and saw that there were no enemies on both sides of the corridor. , he quickly made a tactical gesture to signal the team to move forward to explore the way, while he himself opened his sleeves. He tapped the watch-like strap lightly with his fingers, and an immediate light curtain was reflected on his arm. .If you go through the area in front of you, you can reach the deepest experimental facility. Looking at the glowing map on his arm, Michel frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly: Build the laboratory in In the club, are these the partners selected by the joint committee? It seems that those old guys are nothing more than that. Not receiving a response from the front, Michel slowly closed the bracelet. Just as he was about to walk out of the corner, suddenly... - a burst of gunfire suddenly exploded. With this urgent gunfire, the security force members who were exploring the way ahead suddenly heard the sound of gunfire. The helmet suddenly shattered, and blood spattered from the crack. Hidden! Seeing that two members of the security force were shot through the head on the spot, Michelle shouted hurriedly, and at the same time quickly stepped back. He stretched out his long face and stared at the other side of the corridor, only to see In the dimness without light, a woman with a red paint mask on her face and a black sweatshirt was holding two silver pistols, firing fiercely in this direction while running past. Behind the woman, there was a short-haired man in black and a blond girl in white. At the end of the team, there was a woman with short black hair. The woman was dressed in urban clothes that were incompatible with the atmosphere of the battlefield. They were dressed in OL clothes and wore a half-covered black veil on their faces. Although they were wearing high heels, their movements were not slow at all! In the blink of an eye, the four people disappeared with the sound of gunshots under Michelle's gaze. Walk

The end of the corridor. Seeing this strange combination flying past, Michelle was stunned. Do the guys who just ran past look familiar? Especially the woman who ran past, it feels like she’s seen it somewhere before... No! Wait! That’s not the point! Among the four guys who just ran past, There are two who seem to be the targets of this operation! Quickly recalling the faces of the two mission targets in the mission information, Michelle's face instantly became extremely ugly. There is no doubt that the one who was protected by the team just now - Male and female, it is the recovery targets of this mission - Jack Muller and Shirley Birkin! If you die, you can forget it if you don't wait for me, but you are still running around! While changing the magazine - - gritted his teeth Complaining, Michelle suddenly lowered her center of gravity and rushed out from the corner with a gun in hand. While rushing forward in the direction where the foursome disappeared, she shouted: Damn it! Catch them quickly! They are mission target!

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