What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-22. The macho secretary is about to start

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Once again, he killed a group of security monsters who came to block the road, leaving three or four people behind. Kanan took Jack and Shirley, and under the cover of Bai Muqing, they rushed out of the emergency passage and entered a new corridor, which was relatively light. It was bright and bright, and there were no enemies around. Kanan turned his head and asked Bai Muqing in a low voice: Xiao Bai, you didn't follow me immediately. What did you do there?

Being approached by Kanan, Bai Muqing's footsteps stagnated, and then he quickly followed up. At the same time, he frowned and whispered: I didn't do anything. Kanan nodded and murmured in a low voice: Really, I just passed by. At that moment, I noticed that your footsteps had disappeared, so I looked back, and then I saw you lifting your skirt. Why do you ask when you saw it?! Her cheeks were instantly filled with blush, and Bai Muqing frowned. Frowning, he asked loudly and angrily. I didn't see it clearly, so I just asked, Kanan whispered. Xiaobai is really... sandwiched between Kanan and Bai Muqing. Jack and Shirley's expressions were quite subtle. After a while, Xue Li gently patted Jack's shoulder, then leaned next to Jack and whispered, Do you really know these two people? The one in front of me knew each other. We drank together in Idonia, and the one in the back didn't. I guess... Jack replied in a low voice: But, I guess they are all women from the Li family. Li. Frowning slightly, Shirley wanted to ask something more, but she swallowed the words when they reached her lips, because Bai Muqing's eyes were fixed on the back of her head. It was obvious that this Bai Muqing was staring at the back of her head. The young lady knew Xue Li's identity very well, so she didn't want Xue Xue to know too much. In fact, in a sense, Bai Muqing was a little too worried, and Shirley would not give away her life-saving love so easily. , and in a sense, as a girl who has experienced various experiments due to the G virus constitution, she does not want people like herself to repeat the same mistakes as herself and Manuela. Should she The matter of Kanan and Bai Muqing was reported to their superiors. This matter still needs to be discussed. After quickly passing through the luxuriously decorated corridor, everyone finally arrived at the lobby on the second floor. Seeing the victory, Jack and Shirley had a hint of joy in their eyes. They were about to About to speed up her pace, Kanan, who was running at the front, suddenly stopped. She quickly leaned against the corner, turned her head slightly and looked towards the hall on the first floor, then turned around and looked at the person behind her. Everyone shook their heads. What's wrong? Sensing that something was wrong, Jack lowered his body slightly and frowned and asked in a low voice. A large number of armed personnel, well-equipped and equipped with heavy firepower. Kanan frowned and whispered: With you, Xiaobai and I can't force our way through. Security troops? Bai Muqing, who was at the end of the team, asked in a low voice. Well, there are quite a few. Kanan nodded. Frowning slightly, Bai Muqing raised her wrist. The sleeve covering her wrist squirmed and retreated as if alive, revealing the Vacheron Constantin watch on Bai Muqing's white wrist. After seeing the inaccurate time on the dial, , after a quick calculation in his head, Bai Muqing's expression instantly became extremely difficult.

If you don't succeed enough, you will fail too much. No matter you are a teammate or an enemy, it's so disgusting. Bai Muqing clenched her silver teeth and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: Fuck you, Miol, you are a pony. This bastard! I'll kill you! As early as in the previous corridor, when he heard the shouts of the security force commander, Bai Muqing recognized his former colleague, Sequence 8, Executive Officer Sartaran Domiche you. Due to his personality and various reasons, Bai Muqing has a bad opinion of most of his colleagues, and the eldest son of the Michelle family happens to be one of the people Bai Muqing dislikes the most. I think we might be able to try another way out. He stretched his head from Kanan's shoulder and took a look at the heavy firepower in front of the lobby door on the first floor. The startled Jack hurriedly He shrank back and said to Kanan at the same time: This is not a visit to the neighbors. There is no need to go through the main entrance, right?

We can escape just by climbing over the outer wall, but the problem is that if we want to get there, we still need to go through the hall in front of us. Female... Jack cursed under his breath. Just when everyone was at a loss, suddenly, Bai Muqing at the end of the team whispered, 'I'll attract their firepower, you just rush over. Hearing Bai Muqing's words, Jack turned his head subconsciously, his eyes full of astonishment. Shirley behind Jack even said in shock: Miss Bai, you don't want to die.

Not only Jack and Shirley, but also Kanan's face showed a hint of surprise. She turned her head and looked at Bai Muqing. After confirming that Bai Muqing was not joking, she frowned slightly and said, Xiao Bai. , Do you need to fight so hard? The appearance of the security forces has disrupted our plan. Looking at Shirley, whose eyes were full of worry, and Jack, whose brows were furrowed, Bai Muqing turned to Kanan and said: What if If we want to send these two people out as planned, one of the two of us must break up the rear. You are the one responsible for stepping on the point. You are more familiar with this place than I am. It is most suitable for you to take them out, and I can definitely deal with this. After helping the guy, he walked out swaggeringly. Xiao Bai, are you okay? Kanan had never seen Bai Muqing's fighting style. Kanan was a little unsure about Bai Muqing's fighting ability. She whispered: If it doesn't work, we can call Maid Se. Maid Se will only need to This place can be cleaned up in half a minute. No, Rita is our back-up and a trick card. The trick card should be used at the most critical moment. Now the security forces are involved and the situation outside is unclear. I This ghost card must be hidden. After quickly analyzing the current situation, Bai Muqing whispered to Kanan: My insurance measures will not last long, and the pursuers behind me will soon follow. It is time to make a decision. . I understand. After a moment, Kanan nodded to Bai Muqing. She turned around and said to Jack and Shirley behind her: In a moment, obey my orders. I tell you to run, and you just follow. I ran, do you understand? We can't kill Miss Bai. Shirley wanted to say something more, but was beaten by Jack.

After breaking up, looking at Bai Muqing with an indifferent expression, Jack whispered, Can you? Office girl? Call aunt. Bai Muqing made a rare joke. Okay... Jack nodded and said: 'It seems you can do it. Bai Muqing sighed softly, stepped on her high heels, and walked out with an indifferent expression. When she passed by Kanan, Kanan suddenly put his hand on her shoulder.

There was finally a different emotion in her wine-red eyes. Bai Muqing didn't say anything, just nodded. When Kanan withdrew his hand on her shoulder, she turned her back to the darkness and faced the bright light in the club hall. - walked out step by step with the bright lights.

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