What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-23. The macho secretary talks casually

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At this moment, Bai Muqing was extremely irritable. After getting to know Li Yexing, she was surprised to find that as long as she was confident about something, there was almost nothing she could do well. Once this happens, it is easy for people to have mental problems. After spending three years with Li Yexing, Bai Muqing became less and less confident. She began to doubt her abilities more and more, and even began to suspect that her efforts were worthless. The smooth sailing in the first half of her life was all because of the stray dog. Shit luck, the less confident you are, the more eager you are to prove yourself. The more eager you are to prove yourself, the easier it is for your mentality to go wrong. The easier it is for your mentality to go wrong, the easier it is for you to mess up things. The easier it is to feel uncomfortable... Even Bai Muqing herself realized that she seemed to be trapped in some kind of vicious cycle. She began to try to find the root of the problem, but she couldn't figure it out.

Although Rita and Kanan comforted her in private, and Li Yexing often advised her to leave more time for herself, she just felt that she couldn't solve the problem. At the very least, she had to run Huanya well. As long as Huanya She is still valuable! Bai Muqing is no stranger to the Japanese girl Hitomi Mishima who lives under the same roof with her, shares the same love, and often does morning exercises with her. She knows that Li Ye has done this The girl had an affair with some big shots, so Li Yexing attached great importance to Lan Xiang's actions. This was a war, a battle of revenge for Li Yexing and the girls. As an elitist who is always surrounded by a sense of crisis, Bai Muqing must not allow the slightest mistake in this operation! Then instability emerged. An executive officer led a group of security forces, disrupting Bai Muqing's plan. It was a mess. The high heels touched the wooden floor lightly, making a crisp sound. This seemed so abrupt in the silent hall. For a moment, all the security team members guarding the hall raised their heads and turned their eyes. Passing the golden Buddha in the center of the hall, he focused on the platform on the second floor. Under the gaze of the security force members, Bai Muqing walked to the center of the high platform on the second floor with steady steps, and then jumped down with a burst of high-heeled shoes. The crisp sound of marble. Don't move! Seeing women wearing black gauze and urban OL outfits jumping down one by one and walking step by step towards the center of the hall, the security force members with heavy machine guns immediately shouted loudly. Hearing the roar of the security force members, Bai Muqing stopped. She looked around and saw the security force members equipped with cap bullets 3. There were also several heavy machine guns, and they were holding HK- 46. ​​Perhaps because Bai Muqing looked non-threatening, they did not directly raise their guns.

Who are you? On the other side, seeing Bai Muqing stop, the leader of the security force asked with a frown. I want to get out from here. Without answering the security force member's question, Bai Muqing raised his hand indifferently and pointed to the club door, which was protected by the security force behind him.

Looking at Bai Muqing, the leader of the security force swallowed subconsciously. Although Bai Muqing covered his face, he could still see that Bai Muqing was definitely a beauty. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely stop the other party and force him to have sex with her. Xiao Yanni, but now, he still has a mission. As a member of the security force, with so many teammates watching, he doesn't want to be caught by the executive officer, so he frowned and shouted: Little girl , I don’t care where you come from J. I don’t care either. Now, wherever you come from, go back to me, otherwise, I will beat you into a sieve! Do you know how hard I work? Ignoring the words of the security force member, Bai Muqing asked with an indifferent expression. How do I know how hard you work?! I only know that none of us will be let out! The security force member frowned. Roared: Now! Immediately! Go back! I have to get up at 0 o'clock every morning to wash up, do morning exercises immediately after taking the medicine, and then have breakfast. Before eight o'clock, I have to complete all preparations, and then brave the severe cold of Idonia. Going out to work. As if he didn't hear the shouts of the security force members, Bai Muqing muttered with an expressionless face: Our company is still expanding, and all kinds of information are sent to me every day. There are all kinds of documents waiting for my approval. I will work until 12 noon, have a quick lunch, and then repeat the work until 5 o'clock in the evening.Go home and finish dinner late. Ban, I have to continue working on documents until late at night. I can only sleep four to five hours a day, leaving all the stress to the next day. When the local gangs and the military are in trouble, I even have to work all night. Sometimes I also have to travel for at least two or three days or as long as a week. Since starting my business, I have hardly had a day to really relax or rest. All the time for intimacy with my lover has to be squeezed in. Most of the time, I even She had to compress the time for intimacy with her lover and the time for work. Surrounding Bai Muqing, the members of the security force were dumbfounded. Although Bai Muqing was expressionless and indifferent at this moment, his words were like a man being captured. A resentful woman who was out of breath due to the oppression of life. Along with this long and smelly complaint, Bai Muqing spoke faster and faster, and her tone became more and more excited. In the end, she suddenly raised her head, staring at her eyes and going crazy. Said: I'm obviously so tired! I've worked so hard! But I still can't make it to the end! The security forces are all trash! The officers are all disgusting! I tried my best to consider others, but I was betrayed! Why?! Speaking of this, Bai Muqing's tone suddenly softened, and she whispered: No, no, I should thank them. It is because of their stupidity that I can get close to the most nostalgic scenery in the world. But! Obviously! I've changed to a new working environment! Those scumbags look down on me at all! They only listen to the wild dogs! They treat me in both ways! They don't regard me as their boss at all! The wild dogs are not obedient at all! They have been with me for three years

She still hasn’t given up smoking for years! Miss Tillilis doesn’t care about anything! Rita can only pamper that wild dog Kanan and is even more of a cuckold friend! Miss Hitomi only knows how to pamper that guy! Miss Tillillian even...even... Oh my God, I can't say it! Work is so unsatisfactory! The family pressure is so great! Bai Muqing inserted her fingers into her short black hair and scratched it angrily. Bai Muqing let herself go completely. She suddenly raised her head and stared at the wine-red He stared fiercely at the security force member who shouted at him before, gritting his teeth like a ghost in the Nine Netherworld angrily, And now, you, you bunch of scum! Trash! Trash! You have to rush out to trouble me again. What's the point of causing trouble for me! What are your intentions?! It's because there are always guys like you who cause trouble! That's why I have to work as hard as I do now! My high-rise red wine waltz with the wild dog, the cabin at the mountain stream waterfall, the sand The little villa on the coast is far away! For God's sake! Can't you just die on your own?!

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