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The bright moonlight shines down, illuminating the lotus flowers in the pool, and the water ripples, frightening the swimming fish. Such beautiful scenery, with a gentle look, would have made the ancient Chinese poets indulge in high spirits, but in that magnificent garden, the air But it seemed to be frozen. Even though it was June, Kanan still felt chilly, just because of the strange monster in front of him that slowly walked out from behind the angry-eyed King Kong. Weird? Yes, weird. For a moment, Han Nan, who had never been to school, could only think of this word.

The monster had a human shape, but it was extremely tall, at least two and a half meters tall, maybe even close to three meters. Its limbs were as long and slender as chopsticks, and it was covered in black exoskeletons that shone with metallic luster. At first glance, it looked like a humanoid. It's more like a robot, but compared with the tall body, the monster's head, which is only the size of a normal human, looks particularly weird. On the back of its head, there are wires inserted, and it is wrapped in silver-white armor. The living spines are connected together, and the monster's face is wearing a black mask without openings. Only the mouth has a thin gap, as if it is a mouth that cannot be opened. The moonlight sweeps , a faint light reflected on the monster's metal exoskeleton, allowing Kanan to see the scratch marks on the monster's exoskeleton, which seemed to have been struck with bullets. Obviously, before Kanan arrived here with Jack and Shirley, this monster had wiped out all the monsters wearing oil paint masks in the garden. If those bullet marks alone were not enough to support such a judgment, Then, what the monster is holding is enough to prove everything! In the hands of the monster, there is a head full of eyeballs, which is the security personnel guarding the facility! The monster in the suit is still It was still there, grabbing the monster's wrist with both hands, and kicking hard with its leather-shoeed feet. Because its face was covered by the monster's palm, it couldn't even scream. Can you swallow it continuously? In this weird atmosphere, the monster turned its head little by little and looked at Kanan and Jack and Shirley behind Kanan. Although there were no eyes on the mask, Kanan felt that the other party was staring at him. For a second, the monster slowly lifted up the weirdly twisted black metal spear with a length of three meters, and stabbed it into the chest of the security guard held in the other hand. The spear was pierced, and the security guard's struggle became more intense. Blood continued to flow out from the wound, turning into dots of flames in the air. After a moment, the monster suddenly exerted force, and the bladed gun head scratched from the chest in an instant. Split the security guard's body open.

Feeling that the security guard in his palm was no longer struggling, the monster let go and let the burning corpse fall into the pool. It silently looked at Kanan with the spear faintly glowing with fire. After a moment, it Suddenly he rotated his neck and tilted his head to a strange angle, almost forming a ninety-nine-degree angle with the slender neck.

In the scalp and hair salon, the hair stood on end, two Plaka parasites that could no longer judge the generations from the conventional BOW angle were secreting hormones crazily. Kanan's pupils instantly turned red. She lowered her body and faced directly at the slender and strange hair. The monster pulled the trigger, and at the same time shouted to Jack and Shirley behind him: Damn it! Be careful! With Kanan's roar and gunshots, the monster's knees suddenly bent, and then it suddenly jumped up and dodged. At the same time, the bullet exploded into a splash of water in the pool. It jumped high in the air, its hands constantly rotating and playing with the black spear in its hand, as if it was using some kind of martial arts. Then, the high-speed rotating spear Stopping suddenly, the monster held the spear tightly with both hands, pointed the gun head down, and stabbed Kanan fiercely. He raised his hands high and fired continuously at the monster falling from the air, watching the bullets in the monster's body. Sparks exploded on the exoskeleton, and Kanan gritted his teeth.

He yelled: Run! Although he was stunned by the monster in front of him, when he heard Hanan's cry, Jack reacted quickly. He hugged Shirley and rushed towards the side. It flew over, while Kanan violently rolled forward one by one. The next second, there was a loud dang sound, and the monster landed hard on the place where Kanan was standing before. Kanan, who had escaped the fatal blow, stood up suddenly. Before he could turn his head, he saw the monster quickly spin its body, using the force of torque to throw out the black spear in its hand like a whip, and hit Kanan directly on the waist. . Damn! Before he could even feel the pain, Kanan, who was struck by the huge force on his waist, cursed and flew backwards, hitting the rockery next to him. Cao was hit hard on his back, and Kanan could only Feeling that his breathing was stagnant, he looked up and saw the monster stretching its waist, spinning the black spear crazily with one hand, dancing the spear like a whirlwind, and using the left hand to rotate the spear at high speed to accompany the movement of the monster's arm. , naturally took over on the right hand, and then, the monster suddenly grabbed the spear, leaned back 0, stretched his right arm, and then suddenly threw the spear at Kanan's head like a javelin. Get out. The black spear tore through the air and rushed towards Kanan's head. Kanan gritted his teeth and turned his face forcefully. He only heard a loud noise. The spear smashed into five pieces of the rockery and pressed against Kanan's head. The cheek was stabbed into the rockery. Before Kanan could make the next move, the monster had already rushed in front of Kanan. Its fist pressed against Kanan's ribs, knocking the air out of Kanan's lungs. Squeezing them all out, he pressed Kanan hard against the stone wall with his backhand, and at the same time pulled out the long a that was pierced into the rockery. He was about to poke Kanan through. At this critical moment, the gun The sound suddenly sounded, and sparks tinkled on the monster's mask. As if it was interrupted, the monster shook its head slightly, and then twisted its neck to look at the person in the distance. Shirley was holding a pistol and firing continuously at its head, while on the other side, Jack had already rushed in front of the monster, and using the inertia of his sprint, he roared,

- He hugged the monster's thigh with such force that even the monster staggered a few steps. But it's only a few steps.

Holding a spear in one hand, he pressed Jack's shoulder with his hand to restrain Jack's advance. The monster lowered his head and looked at Jack who was pushing him desperately, as if he was thinking about something. The next second, Kanan and A shocking scene appeared for Shirley! She saw the monster suddenly lifted Jack up with one hand, clamped the handle around his waist, then turned around suddenly, and opened its long legs like a pair of chopsticks like a 100-meter athlete. , without looking back, he ran toward the stairs leading to the outside of the facility. It was actually trying to run! Jack! Seeing that Jack was about to be kidnapped by the monster, Shirley couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise. She thought She wanted to shoot to stop him, but looking at Jack being pinched by the monster, with his butt facing her, Shirley was worried about accidental injury. In desperation, she saw a red light suddenly shoot out from between Kanan's eyebrows. When you snatch a man in front of him, are you pretending that your aunt doesn't exist?

With a roar, Kanan's arms suddenly stretched out like rubber bands, and his hands fiercely grabbed the ankles of the sacred object. The flying monster subconsciously loosened its grip on Jack. Jack, who fell to the ground, rolled his arms and stood up, then quickly retreated. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the unbalanced monster suddenly stretched out his hand before falling to the ground, supporting the ground with one hand, and then It landed firmly on the ground with a backflip. Facing the crowd, it rotated its hands again, dancing a black gun flower. It slightly bent its legs, lowered its center of gravity, and once again assumed an attack posture. Looking at the monster in front of her, Kanan's face became extremely ugly. After a while, she cursed in a low voice: Handsome! What the hell is this female horse?!

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