What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-27. The macho secretary’s plan

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Blood is stained on the flowers and leaves, and drops fall into the soil, making a soft ticking sound. The walls, handrails, and dense corridors are covered with bullet holes. In the midst of the smoke that has not yet dissipated, facing the The golden Smiling Buddha facing the door is covered with blood-stained black spots, like tears dripping down the corners of the Smiling Buddha's eyes. The red blood is mixed with black liquid, like some kind of weird painting, spreading wantonly on the ground. The spray covered up the scorch marks caused by the explosion. This beautiful and paradoxical painting was dotted with yellow bullet casings, torn pieces of black cloth, and the fine bones and flesh. Gently stretched out her pink and fragrant tongue, licking away the blood stained on the corner of her lips, with a trace of flushing on her face. I don't know whether it was because of excitement or violent exercise. The black hair beside her cheeks was slightly scattered, hooking her delicate neck. , Covering her slightly narrowed burgundy eyes, Bai Muqing crossed her legs and took care of her OL uniforms meticulously. She faced the door of the club that was full of bullet holes and blood stains, and sat there silently. The head of the golden Buddha in the center of the hall looks down at the artwork on the ground that was painted by Zi Er himself. Really, dad and grandpa, they always say that my paintings have no soul. Tilting her head slightly, as if she was drunk, Bai Muqing pursed her lips and said with a smile, Isn't this picture of hell very soulful? From the soul? The red light in her eyes became brighter and brighter. Bai Muqing raised her hand, gently took the index finger decorated with black nails into her mouth and licked it until the fingertip fell from her lips, bringing out a silver thread. , she chuckled and said, I just don't know if Wild Dog will like my paintings...Suddenly, as if she was awakened from a dream, Bai Muqing suddenly opened her eyes wide, and she stared at the man in front of her who had been The gorgeous hall was a mess that he had smeared with his own flesh and blood, and he murmured in a low voice like he was dreaming: Wait, what am I doing? It was only then that Bai Muqing realized that he seemed to be addicted to killing just now. It's so strange. I don't remember that I was such a bad woman... Bai Muqing's expression became indifferent again without paying attention to the broken corpses in front of her. She rubbed her chin and whispered while thinking. Said: What is this? A side effect of becoming a monster?

The entanglement was tight for a moment, and after a while, Bai Muqing was relieved. To her, the lives of these guys in front of her were worthless. After all, they were just damn bastards, working for Black Umbrella. It's just a different time, a different place, and a different way of death. They are all going to die anyway, so why can't they die more meaningfully?

For example, Bai Muqing was used as a tool to vent pressure... I don't know how the progress in Kanan is. If nothing unexpected happens, this club should have escaped with those two people, maybe because No longer accustomed to the silence, Bai Muqing, who was alone, began to talk endlessly. Just as she was about to leave the club as planned, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind. Bai!

Suddenly being called, Bai Muqing was slightly stunned, and then thought about it. Oh, by the way, there is another pest that has not been dealt with. I had forgotten about it, but I didn’t expect you to come to the door yourself. On the other side, on the second-floor high platform behind Bai Muqing, a somewhat embarrassed executive Michelle wiped his face. The blood stains from his teammates made his face look cleaner. Then he raised his head and stared at the back of the figure sitting on the golden Buddha in the center of the hall. At the same time, he shouted again: Bai! I know it's you. !After a moment, Bai Muqing turned his head indifferently and looked at the man standing on the high platform on the second floor, his former colleague, from the corner of his eye. It must be said that even though he looked slightly embarrassed, Michelle was still a rare person. The handsome man, the blood stains and scratches on his body, as well as the stained combat uniform and disheveled blond hair, not only failed to hide his handsomeness, but also added a hint of chill and masculinity to him. I believe that just based on this With just a face, he can win over most women in the world. Coupled with his prominent family background, this man is simply a prince charming who only appears in soap operas. By the way, while working in the execution department , this handsome, mature and rich Mr. Michel once launched a fierce pursuit of Bai Muqing, but Bai Muqing smiled and politely stopped him. It seemed that it was because he had been unfavorable in his love life in the past. , the more Mr. Michelle was rejected by Bai Muqing, the stronger his pursuit of Bai Muqing became. Bai Muqing was the first woman whose family background was not as good as his but still rejected him. This was simply unbelievable to Michelle, so , he persevered even more, and he firmly believed that as long as he didn't give up, he would be able to impress Bai Muqing with his true feelings, family background, money, and his handsome face. It's a pity that Bai Muqing has a good impression of Bai Pi. You have eyes, especially the kind of white-skinned people who cling to themselves. What's more, Bai Muqing always feels that her life is more like the popular online literature from China than the soap operas, which are still low-class. But here In this kind of works, characters like Michelle seem to have no other role besides being used to set off the protagonist of the novel and being slapped crazily in the face by the protagonist of the novel. However, life is not a novel. In Bai Muqing’s view, this is because It was because of Menghui that her father was able to get promoted steadily, but it was nothing. There was no comparison between the self-conscious embroidered pillow and her own wild dog, so she was not going to let Li Yexing slap this guy in the face. Bai Muqing was not going to let Mi O'er lived to see Li Yexing. iThinking of this, Bai Muqing's eyes shifted and fixed on the long black alloy knife on Michelle's waist. The knife is a good knife, hard, sharp and tough, but this knife's The symbolic significance is greater than the practical significance. That knife is a symbol of the power of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee. Bai Muqing and Hitomi Mijishima each have one in their hands. Since my plan has gone wrong, I have to be somewhere else. It's obviously not enough to kill all the security forces after remediation, but if I can hunt down an executive officer and give him his command knife as a trophy

Wild dog, surely the wild dog will forgive me for my mistake? At this point, Bai Muqing finally looked at her former colleague with a hint of eagerness in her eyes. It seems that Mr. Michel is not without merit, but I wrongly blamed him. Thinking of this, Bai Muqing turned around with an indifferent expression and faced Michelle on the platform. Only then did she suddenly notice that there seemed to be no one around Michelle. She remembered that she ran past from the corridor before. At that time, a large group of security forces were still following him. How long had it passed? How come only Zi 2 was left? Suddenly, Bai Muqing realized that his unintentional intervention might have gained some meaning. Unexpected results, my Ouroboros seemed to have some wonderful chemical reactions with the monster that was pregnant in the C virus human chrysalis, and this set of chemical reactions left all the heavy weapons in the hall, and the lightly armed security forces went deep. It's a bit too strong. This matter can be written in the work report. The wild dogs will definitely be very interested. Thinking of this, Bai Muqing's heart became even more excited. She straightened up slightly and looked up from the golden smiling Buddha. She jumped down and let her high heels touch the ground, making a pleasant sound. After she stood firm, she opened her legs wrapped in black stockings with an indifferent expression, and walked step by step towards the platform on the second floor. Michelle walked up.

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