What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-28. The macho young man’s plan

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It is no exaggeration to say that Satalando Michel is going through the most difficult day in his life. After becoming an executive officer, Michelle has carried out large and small tasks, whether it is directing small-scale arrests and operations, cooperating with various departments, or cooperating with other forces. In terms of negotiation, Michelle did a good job. Although not as good as Bai Muqing, the workaholic monster newcomer, he was still among the best among his colleagues. He didn't understand why this operation made him so embarrassed? In the beginning, , the operation was very smooth, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan. Their team quickly occupied most of the club area, controlled the door of the club, and annihilated most of the garrison forces in the facility. Although those monsters Tough enough, but after obtaining the full set of C-virus infection data provided by the European branch, Michelle formulated a detailed combat plan for every possible infection, and it turns out that this plan is effective. It is so effective that in front of the security forces, those masked monsters in suits and ties have no power to fight back. Just as Team 6 was advancing steadily inwards and was about to enter the deepest experimental facility, an accident suddenly happened. The target of their mission was actually hijacked! They watched as the target of their operation was taken away and fled towards the hall. , Michelle immediately ordered to catch up, planning to cooperate with the security personnel guarding the hall in a front-to-back attack. From here, the nightmare began. There was a flaw in Michelle's plan. He didn't plan carefully how to deal with an unkillable monster. That's right, even if you can't kill him, during the pursuit, a monster that was not in the information hatched out of a human chrysalis that blocked the road! Obviously, the reason why the monster appeared was because of the weird worm that appeared on the ceiling before. !They merged with the monster inside the human pupa! At first glance, the monster seemed to be very similar to a certain kind of lizard-like mutant called Shooter that Michelle was already familiar with, but it was fundamentally different. Those from C Although the monster hatched from the human chrysalis of the virus is durable and can eat bullets, it is still within the scope of normal BOW. However, this C virus monster combined with the black worm is surprisingly powerful! It is not only more powerful than The mutant that Michelle was familiar with was more flexible and knew tactics. It could always find its way into the most unexpected situation.

It suddenly appeared from nowhere and launched a surprise attack on Michelle's team. Regardless of whether the surprise attack was successful or not, the monster would flee quickly with its weird speed, giving Michelle no chance to pursue it. After being tortured physically and mentally by the monster, Michelle devised a plan and used an injured team member as bait, and finally succeeded in blocking the monster. With an order, gunshots rang out and bullets rained down. Continuously hitting the monster's body, black blood splashed from the wounds. Just when the monster other than Michelle was dead, the monster directly hit the surrounding security team members with intensive firepower. He fell to the ground and ran away quickly. The nightmare continued. Considering that the situation in the facility was far more complicated than imagined, Michelle immediately contacted 7 Turado, informed him of the situation he encountered, and insisted that Turado lead the BoW elimination force to enter. After stabilizing the situation, he then contacted the defenders in the hall and asked them to send reinforcements, but to his surprise, there seemed to be something wrong with the communication from the hall. It was always intermittent, accompanied by a large number of Noise. There was a malfunction at the critical moment! The people in the equipment department should die! Cursing, Michelle had to bite the bullet and continue leading the team towards the hall. Along the way, they encountered several more people. A wave of facility security personnel came to stop him, but the lizard monster that was mixed with the black worm before still lingered, running out from time to time, torturing Michelle crazily, and selling him one after another. The security force member who had lost his subordinates was the only one left. The monster came to him again and opened its chest to him, revealing the spikes inside. Just when he thought he was dead When he was about to move, he saw the monster suddenly paralyzed on the ground, without even making a scream, it just melted! After surviving the catastrophe, Michelle was exhausted physically and mentally. He was holding the bullet in his hand that was almost out of bullets. Holding the gun, Michelle walked staggeringly down the splendid corridor. Her mind was filled with the sight of Jack and Shirley before, as well as the familiar figure running at the back of the team. Although the lower half of her face was covered, Michelle I just feel like I have seen her somewhere. With this doubt, Michelle finally returned to the hall. When he looked down the high platform on the second floor, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. Human flesh and blood were used as ink, and human bones were used as the ink. What kind of paintings can be drawn with a pen? Looking at the fleshy mud that was roughly smeared on the ground, walls and doors, even Michel, who was used to seeing corpses, almost vomited, and he covered his head He opened his mouth and struggled to look away until his eyes focused on that familiar back. He saw that the back was the same as the one he had just seen in the corridor, wearing 0L uniforms and sitting in the middle of the hall. Above the golden Buddha, he seems to be thinking about something. Suddenly, the back figure seemed to overlap with a certain figure in his memory. Bai! Michelle shouted subconsciously, and the figure sitting on the golden Buddha frowned slightly after hearing Michelle's call. Suddenly, Michelle was even more sure of his judgment! He believed that he had definitely not admitted his mistake! The person sitting on the golden Buddha was definitely Bai Muqing, the executive officer of the executive department of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee! Three years ago Because she was in the wrong team, she died tragically in a small Eastern European country called Idonia! She is still alive?! Bai! I know it's you! Michelle's eyes revealed as she recognized the woman's identity. He was a little excited. When Bai Muqing was still in the executive department, he once pursued Bai Muqing fiercely, but she was always declined by Bai Muqing. Michelle knew very well that no woman could resist him. In his opinion, Bai Muqing's refusal was either a sign of betrayal. Regarding the reserve of Asian women, either

Wanting to hang him, in short, he thought that as long as he persisted, Bai Muqing would definitely climb into his bed! Unfortunately, Bai Muqing died not long after. When the news of Bai Muqing's death came, Michelle was almost on the verge of a ulcer. He couldn't eat for a whole day, and he even cried and had sex with a female researcher from the technology department at night to seek comfort.

Well, Michelle wasn't actually sad, he just felt it was a pity that he couldn't taste this woman. After all, Bai Muqing is one of the few Asian women that even he thinks is beautiful, and Bai Muqing is really beautiful. She had two beautiful legs... Fortunately, God brought Bai Muqing back to him again. On the other side, under Michelle's call, Bai Muqing finally turned her head. Michelle was eager to meet her eyes, but for some reason he couldn't meet her. It was clear that Mu Qing was looking at him, but he just felt that Unable to meet Bai Muqing's eyes, at the same time, he was also quickly calculating and weighing in his mind. There was no doubt that Bai Muqing was not dead. She might have just committed suicide, or even been abandoned by Black Umbrella! So i So she had to commit herself to other organizations, and now, Bai Qing must be sitting here just to wait for herself! When they met their eyes in the corridor just now, she recognized herself at a glance! As for why Bai Muqing is waiting for herself? Then Do you still have to ask? Either, it’s because she fell in love with Zi 2 a few years ago. Or it’s because she wants to return to Black Ambrey

In short, the other party must have something to ask for! If this is the case, things will be convenient. Michelle quickly made a calculation in her mind. Bai Muqing will definitely come over on her own initiative! But when the time comes, she only needs to show that she is right. Regardless of whether she cares about her reluctantly or not, she will definitely be obedient to him. At that time, he will be able to extract a lot of information from her mouth, such as who kidnapped Jack and Shirley? For example, what happened in the hall? If I can sleep once after this incident is over, it will be perfect! As for whether to take her back to Black Umbrella after sleeping? Hehe, it depends on the attitude of the Joint Committee, the Executive Department No need for rubbish that will ruin things!

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