What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-29. The macho young man’s plan doesn’t work

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With the soft sound of ta da, Bai Muqing walked through the messy hall and stepped up the stairs on high heels. At that moment, her burgundy eyes captured the inexplicable emotion that flashed in Michelle's eyes. , it is obvious that this brother is planning something. It's just that Bai Muqing didn't care too much. Bai! Oh my God, it's really you! Seeing Bai Muqing walking towards her step by step on the stairs, Michelle quickly adjusted her emotions, with hot feelings showing in her eyes. , as if he would cry in the next second. When Bai Muqing climbed to the high platform on the second floor, he quickly walked up to meet her, pretending to be incoherent and said: Oh my god, I heard... they said you were dead, but I still I thought it was true, I really can't believe that at this moment, you are actually standing in front of me, I, I really... Oh, God, you don't know, Executive Officer Miyamura is dead, he Oh, I'm sorry, I ..I just don’t know what to say to you. Standing in front of Michelle, watching Michelle's performance, Bai Muqing said indifferently: Then say something nutritious. After hearing Bai Muqing's words, Mi Xie Er was startled. He observed Bai Muqing's face carefully, but only saw indifference on Bai Muqing's face. At this moment, there was no expression at all on the better face, as if he was indifferent to Michelle. Your eagerness has no interest. No, isn't this woman's reaction a bit too calm? Is it because of her reserve? Yes! - It must be because of her reserve! After not seeing each other for so many years, it's not surprising that she feels reserved, Think about it carefully. When she was working in the execution department, Bai Muqing was always polite to everyone. She always had a smile on her lips. The reason why she has a straight face now is just because she was too nervous. ! It seems that I need to work harder to break through her defense! Nutritious? Oh! Yes, I'm sorry, you know, I'm just too excited. He nodded quickly, with a smile on his face. He became more and more eager and warm, and those blue eyes kept swaying towards Bai Muqing. Michelle opened her mouth, but did not make a sound, pretending that she was too excited to form words. After a while, he He said anxiously: Bai, to be honest, I have been thinking about you every day since you left. I am almost driven crazy. If you are still alive, why don't you return to Black Umbrella? No. Wrong, now the topic will naturally lead to Back to Black Umbrella, giving Bai Muqing a step to make his appeal. In this case, he can put forward conditions! Just when Michelle is confidently waiting for Bai Muqing's answer. , seeing no change in Bai Muqing's expression, she asked indifferently: This is what you understand as nutritious words. I'm sorry that I said too many stupid things and made you unhappy, but I just want you to know. , No matter where you are or where you are, there is a man in this world who cares about you and is waiting for you. Seeing that Bai Muqing still didn't make a request, Michelle shook his head and decided to change the topic first. Bai Muqing stood in front of him and whispered in a caring tone: Bai, how did you get here in the past three years? Where have you gone? The burgundy eyes glanced at the unpressed ear next to Michelle's ear. Bai Muqing suddenly became interested in the communicator. She maintained her indifferent expression and replied to Michelle in a deep voice: Idonia. Seeing Bai Muqing answer her question, Michelle only felt that there was a way! He He hurriedly pretended to be concerned and said: Oh my god, Bai, what are you doing in that damn place?! I didn't do anything, I just participated in the cooperation project between the European branch and the local Idonia... Bai Muqing Replied with that cold voice, A cooperation project between the European branch and the local Idonia? Repeating Bai Muqing's words word for word, Michelle felt as if she had caught something. He frowned slightly and thought about it, and then suddenly remembered after a moment that when the news of Bai Muqing's death was sent back to the headquarters, the European Department seemed to have announced an organization called Organization No. 3, which was responsible for promoting goods among small Eastern European countries. In order to ensure the safety of sales and European branch staff, they seem to have some cooperation with local mercenaries. Thinking of this, Michelle murmured softly: In other words, in the past three years, you have not broken away from the framework of Black Umbrella at all, and you are still involved with the European branch? For Michelle's Bai Muqing did not answer the question, so Michelle Quan assumed that Bai Muqing had acquiesced. He nodded with deep understanding and said: So I understand. Senator Sadleton died, and the reformists' vitality was seriously injured. Where are you? It is really inappropriate to go back at the right time, and feigning death is indeed a good idea. However, the position represented by the European branch is the Queen's Faction, and the Queen's Faction cannot involve the core of Black Umbrella's power at all. If you choose to cling to the Queen's Faction, I'm afraid you will be a dead man for the rest of your life, unable to return to the headquarters. In a few words, Michelle once again threw out his bait. He was hinting that Bai Muqing could choose to hug his thigh. He believed that a highly motivated woman like Bai Muqing would never be willing to succumb to the European branch. As long as Bai Muqing proposed If he appeals, he can induce Bai Muqing to tell more information, and even ask Bai Muqing to do things for him. Now, Michelle is basically sure that if Bai Muqing did not lie, then the achievement of taking away the two mission targets is Europe For the people at the branch, this is easy to handle. He only needs to wait for the Lan Xiang incident to come to ask for someone. If the other party does not admit that he robbed something from the headquarters, then he can directly move out the witness Bai Muqing. , unite them as an army.

Having made up his mind, Michelle felt that he had a chance to win. Just as he was waiting for Bai Muqing to request him, he heard Bai Muqing's red lips lightly open, and said faintly, It doesn't matter, I don't plan to go back to the headquarters. In an instant, Michelle was stunned. He couldn't help but said in surprise: Bai! Are you serious?! Do you really want to wipe out all your talents in the European branch?

That's right. There was an imperceptible evil curve at the corner of her mouth. Bai Muqing finally saw it. Her expression was indifferent and she used her cold and gentle expression.

He said to Michelle: In Idonia, I met the love of my life, so I don't plan to go back. The expression on his face was stiff, and his brows twitched slightly. Michelle suspected that he heard wrongly, After a while, he said with some uncertainty: Bai, did you just say H?

I said, I have a lover, and I don't plan to go back. Bai Muqing said with an indifferent expression. Wait! He was sure that he heard correctly. For a moment, Michelle's face became extremely ugly, but also In just a moment, he hid his emotions. In his opinion, there were few men in the world who could surpass him, let alone that poor place in Idonia. Bai Muqing must be evacuating. Lie! In order to expose Bai Muqing's lie, Michelle's tone unconsciously brought a hint of oppression. He said with a fake smile: Oh my god, there is a man in this world who can actually get Miss Bai's favor. This is really incredible. Forgive me, do I know what kind of job he does? Trying to suppress the corners of his mouth that wanted to raise, Bai Muqing replied coldly: Mercenary. l

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall became weird. His eyes collided with the air. Michelle said nothing, just stared at Bai Muqing silently, with a smile on her face. He was waiting, waiting for Bai Muqing to be discouraged and tell him that she was just joking, but when he looked at each other, After half a minute, Michelle's face couldn't hold back anymore, and he faintly realized that Bai Muqing seemed to be serious!

...Find a mercenary? After a while, Michelle asked with some uncertainty. That's right. Bai Muqing replied, trying hard to suppress the evil smile on his lips. You... found a mercenary in Idonia? Yes. Looking at Michelle's 0 eating flies -like expression, Bai Muqing's heart became more and more happy. Bai! You were in Idonia, hanging out with those wild dogs rolling in the mud?! Suddenly, the smile on the corner of Bai Muqing's mouth disappeared, replaced by the coldness between his eyebrows that seemed to freeze everything. , At this moment, it seemed that even the surrounding temperature had dropped! Michelle was keenly aware of Bai Muqing's emotional changes. He finally realized that his words just now seemed a bit excessive. He was about to open O to remedy, but saw Bai Muqing's sleeves Two strange black worms suddenly stretched out from inside, and pulled out the pistol hanging from Michelle's waist. She caught the pistol and pulled the trigger directly. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhh!!!! After the gunshot, accompanied by Zhenxi’s heart-breaking scream, Michelle fell to the ground with her head on the bleeding legs, her face turning purple. Blue veins bulged out from his nose, and painful and rapid groans kept coming from his nose. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and kept inhaling while twitching uncontrollably. Show respect to my man, you disgusting maggot. Looking at Michelle who was writhing in pain like a maggot on the ground, Bai Muqing's burgundy eyes released undisguised murderous intent. She tilted her head slightly, raised the corners of her mouth cruelly, and asked in a cold voice to Michelle, who was struggling in pain, Wild dog, are you the one who barked?

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