What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-30. The trembling soul of the macho secretary

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The thing happened so suddenly and without warning that Michelle felt as if her nerves had been fished out of ice water and placed directly on the oven. Until now, Michelle, who was lying on the ground holding her wound, was unwilling to believe what Bai Muqing said. Psychologically, he absolutely did not want to believe that the flower of the high mountain who had been rejecting him would actually be buried in a piece of mud. From the perspective of self-esteem, he couldn't accept that he had worked so hard to chase Bai Muqing for so long, but in the other person's heart, he was not even as good as a wild dog in the mud! Moreover, now The biggest problem is that it hurts too much! She covered the wound in vain, but could not relieve the pain at all. Big beads of sweat continued to lie down on her forehead. Michelle gritted her teeth and kept groaning, her face turned blue. His pain and anger were almost uncontrollable. Despite this, he still tried hard to adjust his tone and said to Bai Muqing in tears, Bai, you...how could you do this to me?! I'm so good to you!

Don't think that I don't know about the disgusting things you do behind your back, Michelle. Looking down at the man at his feet with pleading and puzzlement in his eyes, and a face full of pain, Bai Muqing suddenly felt extremely happy in his heart, which had been suppressed for a long time. Seeming to be greatly released, she gently raised the corners of her mouth and sneered at Michelle: Let me guess, how many women have you said this to, a scumbag? Admiring Michelle's gradual contamination. With an angry and painful expression, Bai Muqing lowered her voice and taunted in a low voice: How many women have you said this to? I don't know, but while covering your dirty things - and saying this, you must be First time, right? The young master of the Michelle family? ... It seems that because of this heartbreaking pain, Michelle's reason began to dissipate little by little. When Bai Muqing mentioned his family, His face instantly became even more ugly. He gritted his teeth and glared at Bai Muqing with a dark face. He growled at the same time: Don't put me and my family at risk.

Are you serious? Young master of the Michelle family? The disdain and ridicule on his face became more and more intense, and his expression even became a little distorted. Bai Muqing sneered and said: Is it possible that you really think you are relying on My own ability - how could I climb up to my current position step by step? No, right? Huh? No, no, no, no, no?

I don’t know if it’s Michelle’s misunderstanding. From the beginning, Bai Muqing’s words have a strange smell. I don’t know if she has learned from the bad guys in Idonia. After a while, Michelle Gritting his teeth, he sucked in the air-conditioning and said viciously: 'Of course I rely on... my ability.

Don't make me laugh! After rudely interrupting Michelle, Bai Muqing bent down, carefully looked at Michelle who was lying on the ground struggling, and sneered with a grin: The eldest son of the Michelle family. Master? Which thing did you really rely on your own ability to accomplish? Did you rely on your father's status to negotiate with your partners? Or did you rely on the advantage of the number of equipment to deal with a few inferior scum? Execution The shame of being an official is talking about maggots like you, right? As he spoke, Bai Muqing seemed to have remembered something and suddenly asked Michelle: Speaking of which, Young Master Michelle is very good at using his men.

I'm a little confused, Master Michelle, where is the team you brought before? Could it be that you used up all of it? At this point, Michelle stopped pretending at all, and his facial features were instantly distorted. , His eyes were filled with resentment, he stared at Bai Muqing, and cursed fiercely: You, female cousin... Well, go ahead and scold me, keep cursing me. Bai Muqing sneered and taunted: Congressman Michelle secretly said You have been promoted to the executive department and are gold-plated, but you don't have any self-consciousness. It's no wonder that Senator Michelle hopes that you will inherit the family business honestly and not get involved in the Black Umbrella matter. From the current point of view, you have been criticized by you. The father you look down on has far more foresight than you. It's better than you! Michelle tried hard to adapt to the pain in her lower body, and retorted with a forced smile: What are you pretending to do in front of me all day long? The chaste and virtuous woman turned around and got mixed up with those wild dogs with mud legs. Maybe this is called a female cousin paired with a dog, right? Bai, you are such a bitch!

I said, it's not you who barked wild dogs, you should respect my man, maggot! A flash of anger flashed between his eyebrows, Bai Muqing suddenly raised her legs wrapped in black high heels, and she was about to Stepping on Michelle's face, Michelle closed his eyes subconsciously when he saw this, but he did not feel the pain he expected. After a while, he opened his eyes slightly, only to see Bai Muqing's expression was indifferent. Diandian retracted his legs. What? Seeing the high heels touch the ground again, Michelle hissed and said in a strange tone: You're so aggressive, I thought you were really going to step down. Bai, tell me, what are you worried about?

I do care... All the expressions and emotions that were entangled in his face disappeared, replaced by the initial indifference. Bai Muqing lowered her head, staring at her insteps wrapped in a single sheet of black silk, and said to Michelle Indifferently said: I just suddenly remembered that the wild dog is quite fond of my feet. If he steps on something unclean with these feet, he might be angry. After hearing Bai Muqing's answer, Michelle was stunned Suddenly, huge humiliation rose from his chest. He frowned and said sternly: Bai Muqing! Are you insulting me?! Do you want to belittle me in such a low-level way? !No, I just stated the facts to you, Master Miol. Bai Muqing responded indifferently: What's more, in my opinion, you are already the lowest level, and there is no devaluation value. , you damn cousin, bitch! As if she had lost her mind, Michelle showed a dull smile while cursing, Come on, tell me, bitch, what does that mud-legged wild dog smell like? Huh? You must have sucked him, right?! Being so comfortable by him

Are you convinced? Hmm? Will you call him daddy?

Yes, I do this often. His taste is a little salty and a little sweet, not too bad. I can always make him want to die. As for making out, I feel very comfortable and every touch brings a sense of joy to me. With the hot love, I can feel my sanity evaporating little by little, as if dancing on the clouds, but I won't call him dad and I don't think he will like this tone, after all, he is not as disgusting as you. . In Michelle's shocked eyes, Bai Muqing answered Michelle's questions 151+, raised her hand, and shot Michelle between the legs again, accompanied by Michelle's Screaming, she said coldly, Also, I've bitten you a lot. It's not you who barked at the wild dog. Please show some respect to my man. You are indeed a maggot. You can't even do such a small thing well? Look at it. Michelle's facial features were distorted by various emotions and pain. Bai Muqing threw away the pistol he had snatched from Michelle. Then, in front of Michelle, Bai Muqing's OL clothes suddenly moved. Get up, - strips of black worms are constantly interspersed, intertwined, and knotted with the black liquid. After a while, the 0L uniform squirmed and turned into a black executive coat of the executive department of the Joint Committee under Umbrella! Don't think that I don't know what you are planning. Whether you are trying to win over me or insulting me without grace, it is actually just to delay time. You are waiting for support, right? There are other security forces in Lanxiangli. , or even BoW, right? I can even make a bold guess - there is an executive in Dian Lan, right? In Michelle's stunned eyes, Bai Muqing's fingers quickly clicked across the phone screen After sending a message to Rita, she put the phone back into her pocket and focused her burgundy eyes on Michelle again. Now, tell me everything you know. After all, you and I I don’t want to try all the tactics used by the Executive Department to dig up information on you, right?

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