What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-31. The failure of the macho good brother

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Sparks exploded in the air, vibrating constantly. The black spear and the silver-white blade arm collided and danced with the crisp and sweet sound. Kanan, who had taken off his black sweater, revealed the black tights underneath. The vest highlights the tight yet soft muscle lines. He kept fending off the tall monster wearing black armor in front of him. The snake-shaped tattoo that climbed up the right cheek squirmed slightly, connecting to the arm that had turned into a sharp knife. Kanan gritted his teeth, with a fierce red light in his eyes as he tried to deflect the black arrow that hit his head. After firing the spear, she took advantage of the monster's flaw, took a quick step forward, brandished her blade arm and struck suddenly at the monster's abdomen. With a really heartbreaking sound, the monster quickly retreated, and Kananla... After closing the distance, Kanan was just about to get close to him and pursue the victory, but he saw the monster spinning the black spear with one hand and swiping towards the oncoming Kanan. Even though the black alloy spear was shining with cold light, Kanan had no intention of retreating. Taking advantage of the inertia of the forward movement, Hanan kicked the ground and stood up suddenly, letting the spear slide along the soles of his shoes, his eyes flashing. Crazy, she raised the blade arm high in the air, aimed at the monster's head and slashed it down. The face wearing a black metal mask had no eyes and could not show any expression. But when he was facing that face, Kanan felt an inexplicable chill down his spine. At this moment, the monster just opened and closed the spear. , it was impossible to return to defense in time, just as Kanan was about to take this opportunity to kill the head wearing a disgusting mask.

When he crossed in half, he saw the monster holding the spear directly with his right hand, grabbing the gun body with his left hand, and pushing the tail of the spear towards Kanan in the air along the palm of his right hand. Unable to dodge with his eyes, Kanan's pupils shrank. Just as he was about to use his blade arm to block the blow, he saw that the tail of the gun was faster and hit Kanan's diaphragm with the force of thunder. In an instant, Kanan in the air felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Her eyes widened, and she flew out directly and fell hard to the ground. On the other side, she saw that the monster did not intend to give Kanan a chance to breathe. Kanan didn't get up, it just spun the spear with one hand, switching back and forth between the two hands while heading straight towards Kanan.

His eyeballs moved back and forth following the position of the spear. This high-speed change of hands made it almost impossible for Kanan, who was lying on the ground, to judge how the monster planned to attack. Until the monster rushed in front of Kanan, and suddenly threw the spear into his left hand with his right hand. Holding the gunshot with her left hand, she stabbed Kanan's head with the spear like internal electricity. In the flash of lightning, Kanan made a judgment. She gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain and swung her sword arm fiercely. With a crisp sound, he knocked away the spear head that was stabbing him, but at this moment of flaw, the monster seized the opportunity. While Kanan waved his blade arm, the monster stretched out the air directly. With his raised right hand, he grabbed Kanan's head and then smashed it hard towards the ground. Handsome! The back of her head came into contact with the ground violently. Kanan couldn't help but curse. Seeing the monster lift her head and prepare to attack again, Kanan directly retracted the blade arm and hit the wrist of the monster's right hand hard. He stabbed it hard and heard the sound of metal friction. The silver blade arm instantly penetrated the monster's wrist and black thin armor. With his wrist injured, the monster directly let go of Kanan's head, put the spear in his hand on the ground, stood up suddenly like a pole vault, did a backflip to avoid Kanan's attack, and then slightly bent his arms. The legs landed smoothly and distanced themselves from Kanan again. Under the moonlight, the tower, the wooden bridge, the lotus, and the fish swimming in the pond, under the beautiful scenery, the two monsters supported their bodies at the same time, and then faced each other silently, like two warriors, adding a touch of soft beauty to this beautiful scenery. Chill. What the hell. Looking at the monster in front of him that was pacing slightly but not rushing forward immediately, Kanan shook his head which was slightly dizzy from being hit, moved his shoulders vaguely, and muttered in a low voice. He said, This ghost thing was also made by Black Umbrella? The raw material couldn't be some kind of Lanxiang martial arts fighter, right? Are we making a martial arts movie? While Kanan was confronting the monster, Jack He and Shirley were rushing up to the ornately decorated loft, using the cover of shadows to head straight to the end of the loft. While running, while observing the battlefield below through the tight wooden railings, Jack frowned, He stared at Kanan's mutated blade arm. After a while, he turned his head and asked in a low voice to Shirley beside him: Tell me, what is that? Aren't you very familiar with her? You know How can I possibly know something I don't know? Shirley rolled her eyes at Jack angrily. She thought for a moment, then said, Looking at this mutant trait, it reminds me of a species called 'La PI ag' Parasitic BoW, it is said that in individuals infected with this parasite, this extreme limb-strengthening mutation may be born, which is a very rare kind... What's the matter? Although I heard Xue clearly. Li's words, but Jack was still a little confused. After realizing that Shirley had no intention of explaining to him anymore, Jack, who had no father and no education, pretended to understand, nodded seriously and said: I understand, Marfa Is that guy sick? If you insist on understanding it this way... Shirley sighed helplessly. By now in the battle, Jack and Shirley have realized that the new one who can use a spear has emerged. The monster, just like the white monster I encountered on the battlefield of Idonia before, was rushing to capture them alive, but I don't know if this monster and the previous monster belong to the same force. I can't see it head-on. After defeating the monster, Jack looked around and thought - it. But if he wants to realize this plan, he must ensure that someone can hold the monster head-on. Just when Jack was about to give up, he saw Kanan pull off the black The sweater exposed the toned and sexy muscles, and smiled and said to Jack and Shirley: Let the adults solve the problem here, and the young people can just let go and do what they want to do! After all, Kanan The tattoo on his right arm goes directly to the side of Kanan's face, with red and yellow colors.

The colored liquid splashed in all directions, and the twisted bones and tendons directly tore Kanan's skin to pieces. It turned into a silver exoskeleton and was tied to Kanan's right arm, turning Kanan's right arm into a giant sword. The blade! This scene frightened Jack and Shirley who were standing behind them. Ha?! Isn't this going to work? Looking at Jack and Shirley, who looked dull, Kanan felt secretly happy for no reason. She pretended to be disdainful, hiding the pride between her eyebrows, and turned her back to the two. A young man waved his hand and said: Go quickly! Seeing his mission target running further and further away, the tall and slender black-armored monster was naturally unwilling. It wanted to catch up with its spear, but was clicked. Nan blocked the way. I'll leave it to the adults to solve the problems between adults, don't you think? Kanan asked with a sneer as he held up his spear with his blade arm to stop the monster. In this way, after repeatedly trying to break through without success, the monster finally came to the conclusion: if he did not kill Kanan, he would not be able to continue completing the mission. Just like that, the two monsters fought together in the moonlight.

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