What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-32. The plans of the macho good brothers

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Seriously, is that guy Mafal okay? He quickly passed through the bullet-riddled pavilion in front of him. Seeing Kanan knocked to the ground by the monster's fist, a faint trace of worry appeared on Jack's eyebrows. Worry, on the other hand, seemed to have noticed Jack's gaze. The monster turned its head suddenly, and was about to jump, but saw Kanan lying on the ground as violently as if he had made a corpse.

He straightened up, hugged the monster's thighs with his arms, and forced the monster whose feet had just left the ground to the sky and tore it down. The body was unbalanced, and the monster was carried headlong into the pool, splashing a large amount of water. Kanan took advantage of the situation and hit the monster's back. Her eyes were full of ferocity. She raised her blade arm high and was about to stab the monster's spine, but The monster suddenly slapped its palms, splashing water on Kanan's face, and then turned over and knocked Kanan into the pool. At the same time, he punched Kanan's face hard. See. Kanan and the monster jumped from the edge of the rockery into the pool. The water splashed everywhere. Jack withdrew his sight and speeded up again. He jumped up, jumped up the stairs on the opposite side, and then went straight to the attic. He went to the room at the end, and when he entered the room, he turned his head and locked his sight directly on the red sports car with a faint light in the room. Jack! With a call coming from behind, Shirley also jumped up. She quickly climbed up the stairs and came behind Jack. When she saw the bright red sports car, Shirley looked happy and said: This is the one. ! l It can only be this one. Reluctantly looking away from the two black motorcycles, one red and one black, Jack's face was a bit knotted. At this moment, the snow behind him Li suddenly exclaimed: That's right! Jack, we don't have a car key! You don't have to have a car key to drive. Looking at the bright red sports car, Jack narrowed his eyes slightly and said, Leave it to me. While Jack and Shirley were studying how to drive away an expensive sports car in the attic without paying a penny, the battle in the pool was still not over. Kanan's monsters were entangled with each other - sides like wheels. They were rolling around in the pool - beating each other's faces crazily. The swimming fish were frightened, the lotus plants were crushed by each other, and the water splashed everywhere. Kanan, who had blood on the corner of his mouth, grabbed the strange neck and used His forehead slammed into the mask of the holy object, and at the same time he roared: Try this!

With the sound of clang, Kanan's forehead hit the center of the metal mask hard, leaving a dent on it. It seemed that the impact of Kanan's forehead had an effect, even though it was separated by Mask, but the monster's movements were still stagnant. Kanan took the opportunity to quickly suppress the monster's chest, raised the knife again and stabbed the monster's neck fiercely, but saw the monster was about to hit the knife arm. The moment it hit his throat, he twisted his body desperately. Accompanied by the harsh sound of metal being torn apart by friction, Kanan's blade arm directly penetrated the black exoskeleton and pierced half of the monster's shoulder. The monster put its backhand on the ground, stood up suddenly, and directly hit Kanan. Throw it off. Pulling away again, the soaked Kanan and the monster quickly climbed up in the pool, then subconsciously turned their heads at the same time and looked at the black spear stuck diagonally in the pool. The monster was facing the spear. , as soon as he took a step forward, he was forced back to the original position by Kanan waving his sword arm. You can't fight if you can't get the weapon? Kanan shook off the water droplets on the sword arm and smiled mischievously. He said to the monster in front of him: Big man, you are a bit average.

Although he said harsh words, his heart was filled with impatience. He kept glancing at the second-floor attic from the corner of his eyes. Kanan said in his heart, hurry up. Auntie won't be able to handle it! To be honest, Kanan should be better. Neither of them likes to fight this kind of enemy. It doesn't mean how fast the opponent is or how hard the opponent's fist is. The biggest problem is that no matter how many times Kanan attacks the opponent, there is no obvious feedback from the opponent. She could talk, couldn't howl, wore a mask on her face, and could get up quickly no matter how many times she was knocked down. In this case, Kanan had no idea which of her attacks had worked. She even felt I don't know if the monster's status has changed. Just as Kanan was struggling, suddenly, behind the glass wall of the second-floor attic in the distance, the headlights of a red sports car suddenly flashed and emitted a burst of light. Seeing the light, Kanan felt his heart tremble. When he looked at the monster confronting him again, Hanan grinned slightly, then turned around suddenly, stepped out of the pool and rushed to the shore in two steps, and ran straight to the shore. Leaving the attic behind the flower bed, on the other side, looking at Kanan's leaving figure, the monster's head and neck instantly completed ninety degrees, and turned its head to look at the black alloy diagonally inserted in the pool in front of her eyes. Spear, and then glanced at the fleeing Kanan, it instantly made

Turning around and facing Kanan's back, the monster held the bottom of the pool with both hands, arched its body, curled its legs, and then jumped high like a frog, exploding into a splash of water in the pool. He stretched his body in the air, then stretched out his arms, and ran straight behind Kanan. However, Kanan suddenly turned his head, with a proud smile on his face. The next second, he heard the sound of an engine suddenly exploding above his head. , and then, broken glass all over the sky fell like raindrops, and a red sports car was seen speeding out from the second-floor building, smashing the glass curtain wall. In the cab, Jack, who was holding the steering wheel, said excitedly: 0B ! Let’s see how you avoid this!” In mid-air, the unarmed black-armored monster watched the red sports car fly over Kanan’s head and come straight towards him, but he couldn’t dodge at all, so he stretched out directly towards the front of the red sports car. It stretched out its arms, as if hoping to stop it, but in mid-air, all its actions were in vain. The red sports car hit the monster's abdomen, knocking the monster directly out of the air. After crashing into it, it carried the black-armored monster through the air like a missile, straight towards the angry-eyed Vajra statue in the pool. With a loud boom, the bright red sports car reported its fate instantly, and the angry-eyed Vajra statue fell into pieces.

Splashing gravel continued to fall into the water, creating splashes of water.

As he drove away in the red sports car, he saw the somewhat twisted door of the red sports car being kicked open. Then, Jack stepped on the water, shook his head, and squeezed out between the safety haze. Jack, are you okay? Shirley quickly came to Jack's side and asked with a concerned look. It's okay. I'm fine, but the car is not fine. Jack smiled, turned around and looked at The monster in the pool was pressed under the car, and the monster in the middle was resting on the base of the Vajra statue, lying among the rubble, waving its arms feebly. Even though it was protected by a metal exoskeleton, its too slender body The waist is still distorted and deformed visible to the naked eye. This guy will probably never stand up again. Good job! Jack! He slapped Jack's back hard, making Jack cough. The exoskeleton on Kanan's blade arm retracted little by little and turned back into the tattooed one. On her right arm with a strange tattoo, she looked down at the struggling monster in the pool, grinned and said: Hey! Idiot! After showing off like a winner, Kanan nodded with satisfaction. She turned around and looked at Jack and Shirley shrugged and said, Okay, now that the most difficult guy has been dealt with, I think we can go. Wait. Just when Kanan was about to leave, Jack suddenly stopped Kanan. , when Kanan turned his head to look at him, he stretched out his thumb and pointed at the penthouse behind him with the broken glass curtain wall. He chuckled and said to Kanan, I don't think we need to walk out. , isn’t it?

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