What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-33. The hospitality of a fierce maid

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Under the dark night sky, the streets of Lanxiang City were illuminated by firelight. It was dark. There were still many citizens in Lanxiang City who were still running away in a hurry. The police officers in Lanxiang City were desperately trying to maintain the situation. When people were evacuating in order and the extremely congested traffic was being cleared, a figure was going up against the flow of people. She wears a black and purple lace jinwei flower headdress on her short gray hair. Her gray eyes seem to hide the elegance and silence of a lake. Under her fair and small nose, the corners of her cherry lips seem to have a hint of light. With a smile on her face, there is no doubt that she is a very beautiful woman. Her every move exudes elegance, and the plain white woolen coat on her upper body adds to her... -Silk graceful and luxurious, even if there are two legs wrapped in black stockings under her skirt, no one will think that she is not modest enough. Wearing black high-heeled shoes decorated with purple rose patterns, Rita Griffith, the former head maid of an aristocrat and now the perfect maid serving only one person, smiled and squeezed through the crowd facing her, maintaining her elegant pace. Moving forward. l\u003eThat lady! There is danger ahead, and citizens are being evacuated from home (This lady! There is danger ahead, and citizens are being evacuated)! At the street entrance, even though it was crowded, the police officers who were highly focused still found this person mixed in the crowd. Among the rebels, seeing Rita walking past step by step, a police officer immediately stepped forward and stopped her. Sorry, I don't understand. Gently shaking her head at the police officer who stopped her in front of her, Rita said with a smile, as if she was planning to fool around, but unexpectedly, the police officer said loudly to her in smooth British English: This Madam, there is danger ahead. For the safety of your life and property, I cannot stop you.

Go in! Is that so? She frowned slightly, with a hint of sadness in her gray eyes. Rita seemed to be about to cry and said, Officer, can you be accommodating? I have something urgent... What are you going in for? Seeing Rita's pitiful expression, the police officer blocking the road subconsciously softened his tone. My husband asked me to go do something, and his secretary told him that it was okay. There are important things left in the company. Rita whispered softly. Sorry, I'm afraid this won't work. Hearing Rita's appeal, the police officer shook his head and said: Madam, listen to my advice, it's too dangerous over there. It's gone, can't you see? The fire is burning to the sky. Sorry, I have to go, police... Rita shook her head gently, with a firm look in her eyes. She raised her head and pointed into the distance. A building that was not tall but still conspicuous said: It's not far, it's over there. I can be back in just ten minutes. Looking at the woman in front of them, the police officers were extremely confused. Logically speaking, their task at this intersection was to maintain order. As for forcing someone to enter, they couldn't stop them. After all, this place has not yet been blocked. However, at this time, the crowd was pouring out in large numbers, and it was difficult to ensure that public security could be as normal as usual. After a moment of hesitation, the police officer finally compromised. He said helplessly: Okay, ma'am, to be reasonable, we should send Someone is accompanying you, but you have also seen that our people are a little stretched even to maintain order... No trouble, police... Seeing the police officer preparing to let you go, Rita nodded hurriedly and said, Thank you, police officer. Come on, Li. Ta then turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, an inexplicable light flashed across the eyes of the police officer who let Rita go. He stretched out his hand and stopped Rita again. After Rita turned around, , he walked forward with a smile and said: Sorry, I just forgot, madam, could you please show me your ID? While making the request, the young police officer glanced at Rita's face with a vague look, as if He wanted to catch a trace of nervousness and panic on Rita's face. For some reason, he always felt that there was a strong sense of disharmony in the woman in front of him. However, the police officer was destined to be disappointed. Seeing Rita's expression as normal, she nodded to the police officer, reached out and took out a delicate wallet from her coat, opened it, and then said to the police officer: Officer, they are all here. Take the wallet from Rita. He repeatedly compared the information on the ID with Rita herself. After a moment, the police officer smiled and closed the wallet, handed it back to Li with both hands, and said with a chuckle: Sorry, Gerry. Ms. Feis, I wasted your time. As you can see, this is a special period. We must be more vigilant to ensure the safety of people behind our backs. I understand, Police... Rita bowed slightly and replied with an elegant smile: Thank you for everything you have done for Lanxiang City. It's your duty. The police officer nodded and said to Rita with a smile. :go quickly. After ending her conversation with the police officers, Rita turned around and walked against the flow of people toward the distant fire. After she was far away from the police officers guarding the intersection, she smiled and murmured softly: You are really vigilant.

In the chaos, the sounds of cars and crowds rang out from all around, constantly stimulating Rita's senses, but Rita turned a deaf ear to the noise around her. When she came to a convenience store, she ducked slightly and turned in. She walked into the alley next to the convenience store and hid her figure in the shadow of the alley. As she continued to go deeper, the noise from the crowd seemed to dissipate slightly, but the siren seemed to have become louder. Finding a dark corner, Rita stopped. After confirming that no one was around, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and clicked on a picture. Suddenly, a partial map of Lanxiang City appeared on Rita's face. On the screen of his mobile phone, on the gray-white map, there was a conspicuous red circle, marking a building. Below the building was written Long Sheng Building in small English. Long Sheng. She whispered the name of the building. Rita narrowed her gray eyes and smiled even more. This Long Sheng seemed to be a commercial building, with various offices and studios inside. A lot of people, but at this moment, the Longsheng Building is already in the blockade area. Presumably everyone has been completely evacuated. Even if some people have not been evacuated, the police may not have any spare power.

. 6 Rent, In the end, Rita didn't care about the building, she cared about the things in the building. The BOW purge force, BOW codenamed 'Apostle', and an executive officer named 'Turado'... softly recited the information Bai Muqing told her not long ago. Rita whispered to herself: That is to say , is Miss Bai's former colleague, right? Thinking of Bai Muqing's previous phone call, Bai Muqing had told her not to let the other party die too peacefully, Rita's eyebrows slightly raised, showing a subtle emotion, and she turned over the phone Stuffing it back into his pocket, he smiled and whispered softly: Miss Bai's resentment is so great. I must have had a very stiff workplace relationship when working at Black Umbrella, right? But... forget it, after all, I can entertain my sisters well. colleagues and let them experience the warmth of being at home. This is also part of the perfect female job, isn't it?

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