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In the office of Longsheng Building in the center of Lanxiang City, inside the blockade zone, the 9th Executive Officer Fanxio Turado silently took his hands off the keyboard, looking at the screen full of snowflakes and error messages, he He played GG, with a rather mischievous look on his face. It seems that the person who is keeping an eye on N∈o. Umbrella is a little bit... Unable to regain control of the monitoring system during the confrontation, Turado relaxed his body and leaned on his back. Sitting on the office chair, he silently stared at the ceiling. There were no lights on in Office 2, and the light was dim. Only the plain white curtains in front of the window behind him still faintly revealed the firelight outside. Looking at the constantly changing light and shadow above his head, Turado Suddenly laughing out loud, he said softly: It's a pity, the rules of the game are never limited to the Internet. If you can't see it on the surveillance, then I can just run over and have a look in person. Brother, Turado gently pressed the communicator next to his ear, with a proud smile on his face and said, This is No. 9, are you ready?

Report to the Executive Officer. We are ready! Immediately, a reply came from the other side of the communicator: The BOW elimination force can set off at any time.

Yes, very good. Turado smiled and nodded. He put his feet on the desk in front of him, looked at the snowflakes on the computer screen, and chuckled.

He said to the leader of the BOW elimination team on the other side of the communicator: Your mission is very simple. Go to the security force that has lost contact in the city center and bring them back. Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't bring them back. Just bring Michelle back. Just bring that guy back. At this point, Turado seemed to have remembered something, and reminded with a chuckle: Try to bring him back alive. If that guy dies, I will be in big trouble.

Regarding the complicated interpersonal relationships between executive officers, the captain on the other side of the communicator obviously didn't want to say much, so he just replied in a deep voice: I understand, executive officer.

Let's set off if we understand. Don't let the Michelle family's brother wait too long... He chuckled and gave the departure order to the BOW elimination troops. Turado cut

You can still see the interview footage on the Internet. The heavily armed BSAA soldiers were pushing the reporters, trying to expel them, while the police in Lanyang tried their best to stop in front of the BSAA troops, blocking the reporters’ cameras, and shouted harshly. Chinese that Turado didn't understand. Thanks to the reporters in Lanyang, they exposed the BSAA's movements completely, which made it easier for me to move. Looking at the landmark buildings in the live broadcast, Turado's smile became more and more unrestrained, maybe staring at Watching the news is much more efficient than staring at the monitor. He can use the information conveyed in the interview footage to help the BOW eradication troops reasonably avoid BSAA on the streets. It is meters since Turado lost control of the surveillance system. A full half hour had passed since Scheer requested support, but Turado did not immediately mobilize his team. After all, in his opinion, he was a rat in the gutter. Once he moved, there was a possibility of being caught. student, so he chose to open the control system of the Apostle and added new commands to the Apostle. He had a deep understanding of the performance of the Apostle and believed that the Apostle was enough to solve various problems that Michelle encountered. .i Until Michel lost contact with the security forces, and the apostle's vital signs fluctuated. Turado instantly realized that the situation on Michel's side seemed worse than he imagined. After a period of deliberation, Turado finally Having made a choice, he prepared to mobilize two special operations units brought from the headquarters - the BOW purge force, and let them deal with the situation that Michelle might encounter, while he prepared to lead a regular security force. Secret transfer. Now that the move has begun, you must be prepared to change places. This is the lesson Turado has learned from the lives of his former companions. Tsk, Young Master, Young Master, you are really going to cause trouble for others. After complaining casually, Turado pressed his hand on the laptop screen.

Just as he was about to close the computer, pack his things and leave, suddenly there was a sound from the communicator. The captain of the BOW elimination team said, The executive officer has a situation.

What's the situation? What's the situation? He raised his eyebrows slightly, and Turado felt alert. He stopped his movements and pressed the communicator at the same time to ask.

A woman appeared at the door of the building and said she wanted to come in. The captain of the BOW elimination team said with a trace of hesitation in his words, The woman said she worked here and came back to pick up something. A person? Turado asked in a low voice. Yes, replied the person on the other side of the executive communicator:

Pushing away the office chair behind him, Turado stood up and quickly moved to the window. He opened the curtains a crack and looked outside. He saw no one on the street, and there didn't seem to be anyone in the surrounding buildings. It looks like an ambush, and if there is really any problem, the security forces on the roof should notify Zi 2 as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Turado switched the communication channel and asked in a deep voice to the security forces stationed on the roof: This is No. 9. Did you see anything unusual there? He reported to the executive officer, but found no abnormalities. Soon, the reply from the security force came over. It's inexplicable. Although he felt weird, Turado was still relieved. He connected the communication of the BOW elimination force again and said to the captain He said in a deep voice, Don't let that woman come in. Just say that you are Lan Xiang's secret force and are about to perform a key mission. This place has been requisitioned by the Lan Xiang government. 7. Let her get out and keep her mouth shut at the same time. Don't leak the secrets. Understood, Execution... There was a reply from the communicator, and then the communication was hung up. But not long after, the communication rang again. The captain of the BOW elimination team whispered: Executor, this woman She refused to leave and insisted on coming in. She said that a document related to a large order of 30 million US dollars was left in the office. If she could not get the document, she would sue.

I... Damn it, do you really think of us as government officials?! Turado cursed subconsciously. At this moment, all he could think about was asking the BOW purge troops to shoot that ignorant woman. No, but his reason was telling him that it would be very dangerous to cause trouble. His heart was agitated, but Turado was stunned for a while.

A woman sitting in an office, how could she have the courage to stand up to a bunch of big men with guns and ammunition? Once this idea came into being, it lingered in his mind and Turado's brows frowned more and more. , the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. After a few seconds, he quickly returned to his desk, put his hands on the keyboard again and tapped quickly, calling up the surveillance system of the Longsheng Building, and then locked it directly in the lobby on the first floor. , a group of black-clad soldiers with loaded ammunition appeared on the screen, who were blocked in the building, as well as the woman in a white coat at the door of the hall. Squinting his eyes slightly, Turado enlarged the surveillance screen little by little, and at the same time put his face on it. As the surveillance screen got bigger and bigger, the woman's face became more and more broken, until it was completely in front of Turado.

I have to say, that is a very beautiful face, with a faintly elegant curve at the corner of the mouth, but there seems to be a faint sadness lingering between the eyebrows, making people want to hold her in their arms. I love you so much, but these are not what Turado cares about the most. Looking at that face, Turado couldn't help but whisper: This woman...why does she look so familiar to me? I seem to... I've seen her Where exactly have I seen her?

His eyes widened little by little, and his expression gradually became dull. Turado opened his mouth slightly and made meaningless sounds, as if he was petrified by what he saw in front of him. After a while, he suddenly came back to his senses. In an instant, countless emotions passed through his eyes, including confusion and doubt, but the most overwhelming ones were shock and fear. Beat her to death! In panic, Turado straightened up suddenly. He pressed the communicator next to his ear and shouted with his eyes wide open: Beat her to death! Kill her to death!

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