What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-35. The passive beating of the fierce maid

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Accompanied by the sound of a gunshot, the seemingly stable and harmonious atmosphere in the chaos was instantly torn apart. A blood flower suddenly exploded, dyeing the snow-white woolen coat bright red. Rita, who was shot, smiled slightly. After being stunned for a moment, he lowered his head subconsciously and murmured in a low voice: Isn't this a good conversation? Why did you shoot?

Wait, the leader seems to have been communicating with someone. Could it be that the big shot above them gave the order? As her thoughts flowed, Rita rubbed her chin and frowned slightly and came to the conclusion. For some reason, she She just felt that there was something, something that seemed to be handled improperly, but for a moment, the point was lost. It wasn't until her eyes fixed on the spreading blood stains on the woolen coat that Rita suddenly became aware of it. Wait... did you dirty the clothes that your husband bought for me? It took Rita two full seconds to realize what had happened. Suddenly, the curve of her mouth became extremely stiff and elegant. The smile froze on the spot, and for a while, Rita felt that her core was agitating crazily, so agitated that she almost jumped out of her body. Under the coat, the white skin had begun to reveal the traces of blood vessels. Yin Hong, until her rage was barely suppressed by her calmness, Rita raised her head and carefully looked at the militants in front of her.

There is no doubt that judging from the equipment, the group in front of her should indeed belong to Black Umbrella, but their equipment is fundamentally different from the security forces that Rita is familiar with. Although they are wearing the same style as the security forces, They have black combat uniforms, but their black body armor looks much thicker than the body armor of the security forces. In addition, the style of the gas masks on their faces is also completely different from that of the regular security forces. It seems to be more advanced. In their hands were black Umbrella-style HK-46s, but each one was equipped with a frame launcher. In addition, there seemed to be some kind of strange weapon hanging on their waists. equipment. It looks like a gun, but it seems a little different. So, is this the so-called B0W purge force? It seems like nothing more than that. Compared to Rita, the members of the purge force opposite were not so calm. They looked at the woman in front of them standing silently, looking at 9 weeks without changing their expressions. The members of the purge force were covered by gas masks. There was a look of shock on all faces. If the blood stains on the woman's body hadn't been spreading, the captain of the Qing force would have thought that he had hit him wrong! Although they were also born out of the security force, the B0W purge force and the security force There is an essential difference between their responsibilities. As members of the security force, in addition to handling some external tasks, they also have a part-time job to help the technical department with the important task of testing new BOW combat data, and if a team is completely wiped out during the test . Then it is the turn of the BOW elimination force. They will use the minimum cost to completely suppress the out-of-control BOW. If necessary, they will directly suppress it. They are only subordinate to the headquarters and have rich experience in dealing with BOW. Therefore, when watching After Rita took the bullet but did not fall down, in just a moment, the captain of the BOW elimination team made a judgment. Although I don’t know what happened to this guy, one thing is for sure, it is definitely not a human! “Fire!” His finger pulled the trigger first, pouring the 5.56-caliber armor-piercing bullet directly into Rita’s body. The captain of the purge force stared. Along with his orders, more than a dozen members of Zhou Zhou's purge force immediately opened fire. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire filled the entire first-floor hall of the Longsheng Building, and the violent firepower instantly exposed the people exposed in the center of the fire. Rita tore flesh and blood flying everywhere. This is really an unexpected decisiveness... Before the head, which had lost half of its head, fell to the ground, the pink tentacles covered with blood vessels and mucus suddenly emerged from the broken part of the neck. After being born, he grabbed Rita's head and hung it behind her back. Rita's bloody lips wriggled slightly and said in a plaintive tone: I, as Mr.'s maid, must be exposed in front of outsiders. You are such ugly people, you are really ignorant guys. As soon as she finished speaking, Rita's knee was broken directly by the armor-piercing bullet, and Rita fell to the ground without her husband supporting her, and on the broken leg, countless Tiny tentacles squeezed out from the fracture, dragging the broken leg still wrapped in black silk with holes, crawling across the ground like a bug, and got under Rita's skirt. It belongs to a female horse! What is this? What the hell?! Even though he had rich experience in fighting BOW, the captain of the purge force still felt his stomach churning when he saw the scene before him. He was already sure that the woman in front of him was - only wearing human skin. BOW! However, this woman is not comparable to any model he has ever seen. Even the weirdest and most terrifying BOW he has ever seen is not even half as good as the woman in front of him! When I think about this woman, she looked like a real human before. Just as he was talking to himself, the captain of the purge force felt a chill. Back off! Back off! Seeing that the monster lying on the ground, almost turned into a ball of rotten flesh by the intensive firepower, was still fighting. Stretching out tentacles in all directions, the captain of the purge force shouted at the surrounding team members while changing the magazine. When the team members pulled away, the captain of the purge force directly deducted the ammunition. The trigger of the launcher glared and roared: Try this! Freak! With a soft sound, the high-speed rotating round dragged the tail smoke out of the barrel and went straight to Rita lying on the ground. Then, there was a loud explosion, and in the firelight that illuminated the entire hall, the shock wave threw the rubble together with Rita's flesh and blood, splashing everywhere. Ceasefire! Ceasefire! Looking at the billowing fire in front of him. In the thick smoke, the captain of the clearing force raised one hand to signal the team to cease fire. When the gunfire stopped, he raised his gun and stepped closer to the billowing smoke. The flames on the side were still burning faintly, exuding a faint scent. The light on the other side of the hall reflected the changing light and shadow through the thick smoke, making it look like a dream. It was not until a breeze blew in from outside the door that the thick smoke was dispersed, and the ground was revealed.

Rita on. No, in other words, it would be more appropriate to call it a ball of minced meat. It was a large ball of flesh and blood, mixed with broken pieces of cloth. The flesh and blood were covered with scorch marks and wounds. If a normal creature became like this, He was probably dead long ago, but the captain of the purge force knew that BOW could not be treated with common sense. He raised his gun and pointed it at the mass of flesh and blood. He subconsciously wanted to shoot again, but he felt that he had no way to start and was helpless. Then, he had to carefully put down the gun, took off the weird instrument with a screen from his waist, pointed it at Rita and started scanning. It's so slow. This is the first time I've seen a monster that takes so long to sweep. Looking at the slowly advancing progress bar on the screen, the captain of the purge force muttered. It took a long time for the progress bar to reach the end. , suddenly, the prompt The creature is dead appeared in the corner of the screen, and under that prompt was a dense corridor of data. The leader of the purge force swore that this was the first time he had scanned so much data on the body of a BOW. But this is not important. What is important is that this monster is already dead. As for the data, it can be brought back to the headquarters and handed over to the people in the technical department. Thinking of this, the captain of the purge force put down his hand. Special equipment, relieved.

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