What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-36. The fierce maid and maid stood up on the spot

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As the captain of the purge force made a gesture to indicate that the target was dead, the tense atmosphere in the hall finally relaxed. Taking this opportunity, the captain of the purge force turned around and put his hand on the communicator next to his ear. Shen Sheng reported: Executive officer, this is the BOW elimination force. We have killed the target who broke in. We can confirm that the other party is B0W with unknown power. He is highly intelligent. You don't need to report, I will do everything. I saw it... Immediately, the voice of the executive officer Turado came from the other side of the communicator. I wonder if it was the captain of the purge force. The executive officer Turado seemed to be frightened. He was in shock. Executive officer, do we want to set off as planned? the leader of the purge force continued to ask. No, don't worry, wait first... Executive Officer Turado on the other side of the communicator whispered: First, recover the body of the BOW according to the highest level of specifications. We will take it back to the headquarters. The highest level. Hearing Turado's words, the captain of the purge force shuddered slightly, and then frowned. He knew very well that recycling at the highest level would generally only happen in the test site, where the equipment was fully equipped. The biggest problem with this recycling specification is that it takes a lot of time. Thinking of this, the captain of the purge force couldn't help but asked in a deep voice: Executive Officer, what should I do about the volunteer matter? Nothing to do, the apostle has restored his ability to move, let him go... The picture on the other side of the communicator Lado smiled and said: The body of a BOW with high intelligence and high camouflage ability is much more important than the life of the executive. If this body can be recovered, even the joint committee will not be able to make things difficult for us. Understood. After a moment of silence, the captain of the purge force nodded. He cut off the communication, and then said to the surrounding team members: The new order from above is to suspend support for friendly forces and prioritize the recovery of the monster in front of us. The corpse, according to the highest standards. As he spoke, the captain stretched out his hand, pointed at the team members in front of him and began to give instructions: Group A go to the third floor and take down our equipment. Group B and Group C will stay with me and wait. We have to deal with this ghost thing first, and when Group A comes back, we will. At this point, the captain of the purge force suddenly stopped. He was keenly aware that his shadow reflected on the floor tiles was being updated. The big shadow swallowed up! Captain! Get out of the way! On the other side, because it was blocked by the figure of the leader of the purge force, it was not until the thing supported its shape that the surrounding team members suddenly realized that something seemed wrong. They raised their heads instantly. He raised his gun and screamed at the captain of the purge force. On the other side, under the gas mask, watching the shadow gradually cover his own shadow, the captain of the purge force had broken out in a cold sweat, but The more critical he was in this moment, the calmer he became. After a moment, he took a deep breath. Then he turned his head sharply, and at the same time he roared and pulled the trigger. Accompanied by the roar of gunshots, large amounts of blood mixed with small pieces of meat splashed on his combat uniform and body armor. Even so, the captain of the purge force still did not dare to release his fingers. However, until the bullets were empty, that The figure still stood in front of him. At this moment, the captain of the purge force finally saw the face of that thing clearly. It had no face at all! Yes, at this moment, the captain of the purge force couldn't describe what exactly was standing in front of him. At first glance, the thing looked strange. It seemed to have a human shape, standing on two legs, with heavy arms and a head, but the head was very smooth, with no facial features or hair on it. Together with the head, the monster's body was integrated, showing a childlike appearance. It is tender pink, and you can faintly see red and purple blood vessels, but there are no natural depressions or bulges on the body. Only the monster's chest has a big bloody hole, which was just removed. The captain of the army shot it with a gun! At this moment,

The hole was filled with squirming blood vessels and granulations, filling the wound at high speed. The monster in front of him looked like a humanoid shape that a preschooler had randomly pinched out of pink plasticine! It’s just that this thing was taller than his body. The captain of the purge force had to make a full circle! On the other side, feeling the gaze of the captain of the purge force, the monster seemed to be sizing up the captain of the purge force. After a moment, the monster's head suddenly moved towards the two sides. The side opened, revealing the entangled and swinging bloodshot threads and tooth-like bone spurs inside, like a huge mouth. The next step, the monster suddenly bent down, and its mouth was about to clear the upper body of the troop captain. Swallowed. The two legs were connected to the waist, kicking wildly towards the sky, but could not let out a scream. However, the monster kept squirming. In front of the members of the purge force, the monster looked like a snake - As if he directly swallowed the captain of the purge force alive! And the monster's belly also swelled by a full circle. In full view of everyone, the monster's belly began to squirm and tumble. Then, the monster opened its mouth again and swallowed a big mouth. Balls of body armor, combat uniforms, firearms and various equipment mixed with mucus were spit out.

At this moment, the entire hall on the first floor was completely silent. Captain! Accompanied by bursts of frightened screams, bullets were fired at the monster again with the sound of gunshots and flashing gunfire, but the monster didn't even notice. Under the gunfire, the monster The body began to shrink and condense little by little, and the soft skin became harder and tighter, finally turning into a blue rubber coat with purple Puwei flower patterns, and the round and strange head began to grow gray hair. , facial features grew, and within a few seconds, the monster condensed again and transformed back into Rita wearing a cyan gelcoat. Really, I obviously don't want to do this, for fear of betraying the second lady, but you are always naughty and test my bottom line again and again. There is trouble lingering between the eyebrows, and sadness is dotted between the lips. At first glance, Rita looked pitiful at this moment, but almost every member of the purge force present could see from that

The pair of gray eyes saw a hair-raising madness and a biting malice that was about to turn into reality. Look at you, you ruined all the clothes my husband bought for me. It's really distressing. How will Rita explain to her husband? Her tone was like a love-struck one, with an intoxicating naivety. , but wrapped in an indescribable weirdness, Rita's mouth had an elegant arc, and she chuckled to herself in a tone as if she was discussing what to eat for dessert after a meal: How should I punish you? Let me do it well. Think about it. Well, think about it... i frowned slightly, and the maid dressed in a hail of bullets rubbed her chin, as if she was distressed about something. Then, she suddenly raised her head, her gray eyes flashing with excitement and said, Yes Have said it, I saw Rita facing the hail of bullets, opening her arms as if she wanted to hug her, letting the bullets explode into bloody flowers on her body, holding tight, the green color on Rita's abdomen The skin began to tear, and the white fleshy membrane full of blood vessels below began to bulge little by little, revealing the person's facial features, as if something was about to struggle out, and then there was a pop sound from the fleshy membrane exploding. , mucus mixed with blood and water splashed everywhere. A human face actually grew out of Rita's abdomen!

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