What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-37. The fierce maid overturned the car on the spot

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There is no doubt that Rita Griffith is very strong, very strong. As a creature, she is so powerful that it is almost unreasonable. But even so, the maid lady's biggest hobby is still lying in the arms of her lover after all the storms. During the trip, she listened to her lover tell some strange-sounding but extremely true stories, stories that happened in this corner of the world, and stories about heroes. Some of these heroes, Rita had already met, and they knew each other. They got along well with each other, and Rita had never met them at all. However, compared to those heroes, Rita was obviously more interested in the monsters Li Yexing said. From Li Yexing’s dictation, the extremely malleable maid lady There's always some really interesting inspiration to draw from. For example, a special BOW appeared on the battlefield of the Etonian Civil War and caused a serious mental blow to Chris. After listening to Li Yexing's story, Rita suddenly had a new idea about her almost omnipotent body. . Since Rita's abdomen protruded, the man's face rolled his eyes, looking a bit demented, as if he was dreaming. But with the fierce gunshots, the eyes on the man's face suddenly rolled back, As if he had just woken up from a big dream, he rolled his eyes in confusion and looked around. Then, fear finally took over his eyebrows. He looked at the muzzles of the guns that were pointing at him from all directions, and his face screamed: 'Don't fire! Damn it! Don't fire! What are you doing?! Along with the shouts of the familiar voice, someone in the purge force suddenly shouted: Damn it! That seems to be the captain's face! That's when the team member screamed. At this time, the surrounding firepower was still intensively shooting at Rita, who had her arms open. In the hail of bullets, a stray bullet fiercely shot into the eye socket of the human face on Rita's abdomen. Suddenly, bursts of torn apart Heartbreaking screams were heard, and the face of the person whose eyeball was blown out was wailing, My eyes! The female horse's! My eyes! Why?! Why did you fire on me? !Are you crazy? Along with the painful roar of that human face, the members of the purge force finally ceased fire little by little. For a while, the only thing left in the hall was the miserable howl of the human face of the leader of the purge force. With the sound of abuse, under the gas masks, the members of the purge force looked pale and were sweating profusely. Their minds and rationality began to waver a little bit amidst the captain's wails. On the other side, the human face was constantly struggling and twisted in pain. , he seemed to want to raise his hand and cover his eyes, but then he suddenly realized the problem. Where is my body? The face was confused. l Wait... Where is my body? Where has my body gone? Following the question, the face with only one eyeball left suddenly turned its sight to the surrounding members of the purge force. He asked in a shocked voice Said: 'Where has my body gone?! I...damn it, I can't turn my head, I feel like my neck is gone too, what's wrong with me?! Klein? Klein! Woman! Don't hide, I I see you! Tell me, what happened to my body?! Why do I feel like I only have my head left? For God’s sake! Tell me! What happened?!” Among the purge troops, - was holding a name. The gun team members started to retreat with their foreheads trembling, and then, as if setting off a chain reaction, the other team members also began to retreat step by step, like collapsing dominoes. On Rita's abdomen, the expression on the face became more and more intense. Panicked and increasingly desperate, he yelled like crazy: What the hell is going on?! What the hell are you doing?! Tell me! What the hell is wrong with me?! Just as that face was shouting hysterically, a pair of The hand covered with a thin cyan gel pressed on the face, stopping his screams. Then, the sharp claws gently scraped the face, leaving a trail of blood marks, facing the black holes. The muzzles of the gun and the horrified members of the purge force behind them, Rita tilted her head, the corners of her smiling mouth cracked little by little, revealing teeth like steel nails, smiling like an evil ghost crawling out of hell: Use a hat Bombing an unarmed and weak woman, Mr. Captain, are you going too far? ...The captain's face was slightly stunned, as if he suddenly remembered something, but before he could speak, I saw Rita's hands suddenly piercing the ten green claws into the face. Suddenly, the shrill screams resounded through the hall again, and blood continued to spurt down Rita's abdomen until The face sank into Rita's body little by little, as if it was stuck in a swamp, and the wailing stopped. On the smooth, white abdomen full of blood vessels, the blue-gray gel spread again, filling the blank space, and Rita also raised her head again, smiling at a kind of person with a smile that had completely lost the appearance of human beings. The members of the purge force said: How was it? Do you like this farewell from your captain? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?? l After a period of sleepy murmuring, a member of the clearing force said: His spirit finally reached the critical point. He yelled like crazy while pressing the alarm at Rita. Then, as if this madness could be contagious, the reason began to dissipate among the purge troops, and they were completely inaccurate. The firepower came instantly with howls, and Rita, facing the deafening gunfire, strolled in the metal storm, walking step by step towards the hurried retreat with the soft sound of high-heeled boots stepping on the floor tiles. Clearing the troops, she let the gunfire illuminate her in the darkness. It was so easy.

Amidst a burst of screams, he casually tore off the head of a member of the purge force, and then stuffed it into the mouth that had been opened to the extreme like eating snacks, with the bright red tongue stretching out like a tentacle. Rita came out and scraped off the blood on her chest. Rita turned her head, her gray eyes filled with excitement and madness. Facing the purge troops who had lost their fighting spirit, she sneered and said: It's so easy for me. imagination. As soon as she finished speaking, Rita suddenly felt as if something was sticking to her back. She casually threw away the headless body in her hand, with blood flowing from her neck. Just as she was about to turn around, suddenly

, a burst of warmth occupied her, Rita followed and almost fell to the ground. For a moment, she only felt that her body seemed to be a little out of control. This is... She frowned subconsciously, and Rita felt a sense of crisis in her heart. She turned her head stiffly, only to see a member of the purge force holding a strange device with a screen in his hand. , with a wire that kept emitting blue arcs. One end of the wire was connected to the weird device, and the other end was hung on Rita's back. ...The lips had begun to become stiff, Rita frowned and said with difficulty. Then, another wire flew out and was inserted directly into Rita's neck. Along with the electric current, Rita only felt that her limbs It became more and more out of control, and then, accompanied by bursts of soft noises, one wire after another flew from all directions, connected to Rita's body, and exploded with blue arcs. Finally, Rita lost control of her limbs. Her gray eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, her whole body twitched and she fell down.

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