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In the dark corridor, Turado sat leaning against the wall, his heart completely filled with fear. Especially after hearing Rita's words, his whole body trembled, and seemingly meaningless sobs came out of his throat. Rita's cold gaze, he covered his face with his arms in vain, and kept mumbling: I'll tell you everything, don't kill me, don't kill me. Oh, are you pretending to be crazy? Looking at huddled up. In Turado in the corner, the elegance on Rita's face rarely disappeared, replaced by a biting chill. She knew that as the executive officer of Black Umbrella, no matter how dirty the man in front of her was, he would not be exposed. With this look, she leaned over slightly and said with a sneer: Mr. Executive Officer, you are so resistant to letting me see your face. Could it be that... where have we met before? No! No! I haven't. I've seen you! Seeing that his disguise was seen through, Turado still refused to give up. After hearing Rita's question, he immediately let out a weird howl, the sound sounded like something was stuck in his neck) Chicken, even Rita couldn't help but frown. To be honest, Mr. Executive Officer, when my Zaimi told me that your name is Fanxi Turado, I struggled for a long time. After all, this name is too familiar to me. I ignored those who tried to pretend to be crazy and get away with it. Turado, Rita said to herself: If you don't remember, then let me help you recall that in June nine years ago, at the ancestral home of the Griffith family, we met once. At that time, I was pushed to the ground by the security forces, while you stood with Jason Palka. After nine years, I never thought that I could see you here again. l Listening to Rita's words, Turado in the corner gradually stopped trembling. He no longer showed weakness, but moved his arms little by little, revealing his dark-skinned face. Although there was still fear in his eyes, he He forced himself to calm down and said: Ah, nine years later, I can actually see you again. To be honest, I didn't expect that. I thought you had gone up and down with the Oriana. I should have followed the master. The ship sank together, but at that time, a man stretched out his hand to me, giving me the motivation to live again. With a cruel arc at the corner of her mouth, Rita sneered and said: Thank God for Chongqing, When I was most helpless, he sent my lover to me. Thank God for Chongqing. When I had the strength, he sent my enemy to me. Your enemy? His eyebrows were raised slightly. , Turado tried to quibble, he frowned and said in a deep voice: Make no mistake, Miss, cooperating with Mr. Palca is a big shot, and it was Mr. Palka who poisoned Mr. Griffith. The European branch is in charge of the experiment, and it is our partners who provide the drugs that control your consciousness, and I, I am just a small person, a messenger... After a slight pause, Turado continued to explain: 'And , If you really want revenge, you might as well start from within the Griffith family. After all, as far as I know, the drug that poisoned old Griffith seems to have been provided by a branch of the Griffith family. Oh, this is innocent, Mr. Turado. Seeing that Turado completely shied away the responsibility, Rita couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. That's the fact. Your enemy is the big shot behind me. It was the Griffith family, or even the European branch that presided over the experiment, not me. Shaking his head slightly, Turado said in a deep voice: With all due respect, Miss Maid, stay with the Griffith family, and give me a message. After all, a talent like you is just a maid. This is to bury you. We also have a share of the credit for your ability to get rid of the shackles of the Griffith clan, don't we? The expression on her face gradually stiffened, and Rita stared blankly at the shrinkage. Turado was in the corner. She was not stunned because she thought Turado's words were reasonable. She just couldn't believe that the man in front of her could say such a thing shamelessly. Is the reason why I can live happily with my husband is because you are there to cause trouble? Objective cause and effect seems to be the case, but if you think about it for a moment, you can understand that this is an out-and-out logical rape! On the other side, see Li Turado was stunned, and Turado thought Rita was shaken, so he struck while the iron was hot: Think carefully, Miss Maid, you don't have to be obsessed with serving others, do you? You are beautiful, you are powerful, you have unprecedented capital, You should be a leader more than a lowly person! You are a born superior! I have no intention of listening to your trash talk. Rita responded coldly.

No, you should listen! Not only did Turado find the courage, he suddenly stood up. He stared at Rita and said urgently: Think about it! You don't know what you mean to her. How important it is to this world! I watched your battle on the monitor! There is no doubt that you are the new human being! It is the direction of evolution that our organization has been pursuing! As long as you are willing to provide the method of evolution To the big shots behind me, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth! You will gain tremendous power! As long as I am recommended by the executive officer, you may even directly enter the joint committee! It seems that some people are thirsty, Tula Moistening her lips more, she continued to seduce: If you are not willing to join us, if you want to stick to your loyalty as a maid and avenge your old master, then I can help you! The organization behind me is huge. , if you want to leverage it, you can't just have your own lever, you also need a fulcrum like me! I'm familiar with everything inside the organization! I can help you! So? Rita asked indifferently What on earth do you want to say? I want you to understand! Maid lady! You can't kill me! Turado emphasized loudly: Whether you want to overlook the world or complete your thoughts , you all need me! You can use me! I am of great use value to you! Looking at this little executive who can do anything to survive, for some reason, Rita suddenly felt guilty in her mind. After passing the expressionless Li Yexing, she shook her head slightly, looked at Turado with her gray eyes, her lips parted lightly and said: Mr. Turado, what do you think is between you and revenge?

Important to me?

Of course it is me! Turado replied without hesitation. No... Following Li Yexing's example, Rita shook her head gently and said, Guess again. Revenge? He pursed his lips and said another answer. A trace of fear flashed in Turado's eyes. It's still wrong. She shook her head again. In Turado's increasingly frightened eyes, Li Li Ta sneered and revealed the answer. She said in a deep voice: Revenge is not important to me, and you are not important to me, but killing you is very important to me. Hearing Rita's answer , Turado's mouth grew a little bit, and he wanted to open it again, but when he saw the corner of Rita's mouth suddenly split, the startled Turado raised his head and directly said all the words on his lips. She swallowed it and took it. On the other side, Rita put on her ferocious smile and whispered like an evil ghost: Executor Turado, when you are waiting to go to hell, don't blame me too much. After all, you are the one who let me die. Not so peaceful, but what Miss Bai meant. Bai. Turado was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized something. He widened his eyes and shouted: Wait! I can do it too! I can... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uttered a howl, which echoed in the blood-soaked Long Sheng Building without stopping for a long time.

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