What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-40. The macho man’s dust has settled

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Stepping over the broken glass on the ground and leaving bloody footprints, Rita stepped out of the broken glass door of the Longsheng Building. She tightened her black coat tightly to cover the sheathed sword in her arms. The black alloy long knife swept the gray eyes around. At this moment, the streets in the blockade area were empty. Only the blazing fire was still burning in the distance, and occasionally there were bursts of explosions. At the far corner of the street, a group of weirdos with cracks on their skin, wearing oil paint masks on their faces, and carrying machetes and sticks in their hands rushed past, completely unaware of Rita at the door of the Longzai Building. i It's okay. Watching the monsters leave the corner, Rita's elegant smile reappeared on her face, and she whispered softly: I don't want to waste time because of you. Then, Rita turned her head and walked towards the street on the other side. Looking at the familiar shops and high-rise buildings around her, Rita sighed softly. She still remembered that a few days ago, she went shopping here with Kanan and Bai Muqing. At that time, the streets were busy with traffic and people, and it was so hot. , but now, it seems to have become an empty city. All those who can evacuate have been evacuated, while the citizens who have not been evacuated are hiding at home and watching the live broadcast while shivering. Because her mobile phone was damaged in the previous fire, Rita was unable to contact anyone. Fortunately, she had anticipated this situation and made an appointment to meet at a meeting place. She followed the route in her memory and headed towards Kabul. Nan walked straight to the high-end club where she set foot. After walking for almost half the distance, she turned into a small alley where the lights had not dispersed, and finally stopped in front of a small restaurant. Ah Si Beef Brisket. Looking at the flashing sign in front of her, Rita muttered softly in jerky Chinese. After a moment, she lowered her head, stepped through the smashed glass door, and walked directly into the restaurant. Because the lights were not turned on, the light in the restaurant seemed extremely dim. At the small square table near the window, a familiar figure was sitting there silently.

Wearing the familiar uniform, her legs wrapped in pseudo-black stockings were tightly held together. Bai Muqing was holding a green beer bottle in one hand.

Staring out the window blankly, if it weren't for the long black alloy knife leaning against her seat, Rita would have thought she was just a young female socialite who had just gotten off work and was waiting for her meal in a restaurant. It seemed that the gap was enough for Rita to enter the restaurant. Bai Muqing turned her head. After her eyes met Rita's, she gently patted the table in front of her and motioned for Rita to sit down. Rita, who was standing at the door of the store, Smiling slightly, he opened his legs and walked towards Bai Muqing, stepping on the broken glass everywhere. Pulling out the chair with one hand, she imitated Bai Muqing and leaned the long black alloy knife in her arms against the corner of the table. Rita sat opposite Bai Muqing, then smiled and said to Bai Muqing, I'm sorry, Miss Bai. Wait. I\u003e I didn't wait too long, I just came... Nodding to Rita, Bai Muqing bent down, took out a bottle of beer from the box at his feet, and pushed it in front of Rita. At the same time, She asked Rita in a low voice: Do you want a bottle? You didn't pay for this, did you? Rita asked with a slight smile: Is it appropriate for us to do this? The boss had already evacuated, and the police were still maintaining order. No one will care about us tonight, but don't worry, I will leave cash on the counter. Waving her hands and looking perfunctory, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said, Also, are you going to drink or not? Now that I have taken it out, Why bother asking? Faced with Bai Muqing's sly smile, Rita opened the cap of the wine bottle with her thumb. She took a sip to moisten her throat, and then, like Bai Muqing, she turned her head and raised her chin. Looking out the window. Your clothes are the executive's coat, right? Bai Muqing glanced at Rita's black coat from the corner of his eye, and whispered: Why are you wearing this?

My clothes were ruined. Recalling the broken woolen coat that was still stained with blood, Rita pursed her lips lightly.

Lip, with a disappointed look on his face, said: It's all my fault. I underestimated the enemy too much, and ended up in such an embarrassing situation. It's really a sin.

I said, don't underestimate the BOW Cleanup Department. He tapped the table with his index finger decorated with black nails. Bai Muqing took a sip of beer and said with a serious face: They are specially used inside Black Umbrella. The equipment of the troops that deal with monsters are all specialized for BOW. I remember that before I left Black Umbrella, they seemed to be still researching neuronecrotic warheads that can be highly effective against T-series BOW. ... Recalling the feeling of being dominated by electricity, Rita's eyebrows showed a hint of displeasure. She gently pushed the wine bottle in front of her aside). Then she straightened her arms, stretched her body, and directly lifted her chest The dumplings were pressed on the table through the blue-gray glue and the black coat. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said, I'm exhausted. The burgundy eyes turned slightly. Bai Muqing did not change his posture, but squinted at Rita who was lying on the table. , her lips parted lightly and she said: Rita, an elegant and perfect maid would not lie on the table like this. It doesn't matter, I am your husband's perfect girl. Except when we are intimate, I have always paid attention to my image in front of him. Hearing Bai Mengqing's words, Rita smiled and pointedly said: As for Miss Bai, Miss Bai is My roommate, in front of his roommates, it's understandable to relax a little, isn't it? You're right, Rita. Bai Muqing thought for a while and imitated Rita, then she lay on the table and talked with Li As they faced each other, she opened her mouth slightly and breathed out the smell of alcohol. Then she muttered in a low voice: Rita, I have revitalized my plan that almost went bankrupt, but I'm so tired... Then Just rest more, Miss Bai has already worked very hard. The blue-gray gel began to fade from the fingertips and continued until the end of the hand. Rita stretched out her hand and gently stroked Bai Muqing's messy short black hair, while Bai Muqing smiled slightly. Squinting her burgundy eyes, she quietly enjoyed Rita's touch. Speaking of which, where is Kanan? Did you take the two children and leave as planned? After a moment, Rita suddenly asked. Yeah.

Bai Muqing let out a listless snort and whispered, We just talked on the phone not long ago and are already on their way. They seem to be in a foreign country.

We encountered a difficult BOW on the planned retreat route. From Kanan’s description, he was probably the ‘apostle’ from the headquarters.” A touch of curiosity. Well, apostle, it was still in the experimental stage three years ago. I didn't expect to have the finished product so soon. Bai Muqing explained in a low voice: At the beginning, the technical department of the headquarters said that it would launch a mass production with ultra-high performance. Type BOW, and then established the Apostle Project. I have only seen the first version, and I have never seen the finished product. However, it is probably the only thing that can match Kanan's description. That BOW is very strong? Rita asked curiously. It's very strong. Bai Muqing replied in a low voice: It's not at the same level as the mass-produced products currently on the market. That's really exciting. She licked her lips gently. A hint of flush appeared on Rita's face, and she murmured softly: I didn't know that the apostle Miss Bai talked about would have genes exuding What a smell. What a dangerous statement. Bai Muqing muttered in a low voice: If a wild dog hears it, how can he dare to go to your bed in the future? It's okay, sir, he's not here. Rita replied with a chuckle. For a moment, the restaurant fell into silence. It would be great if sir was here. After a moment, Rita said softly, Yes, if only. It's good if the wild dog is here... Bai Muqing gently hooked the toes wrapped in black stockings and high heels, and said calmly: -I have to go out to work again in the meeting. I'm exhausted. I want the wild dog to press it for me. Feet._. Let sir press your feet.. Rita's eyes showed a trace of yearning, and she whispered: It's so good... In the small restaurant in the alley, two top BOWs were leaning against each other in the dim light. He closed the window and lay face to face on the dining table like salted fish, listlessly.


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