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On the evening of March 30, 2030, Lanxiang City. Headquarters calls Team A. Your mission remains unchanged. Go to the Ace of Spades' and suppress the outbreak of biological crisis. After the command in the communicator ended, the helicopter pilot pressed the communicator next to his ear and immediately replied: Collect it. So, we'll land on the 'B of Clubs' and we'll advance to the Ace of Spades and find those UN staff. Listening to the constant replies from the helicopter cockpit, Chris Redfield sat silently next to the helicopter door, overlooking the modern metropolis below him. As far as he could see, there were high-rise buildings - a series of buildings. There are dazzling lights shining on the building, but the sky above the high-rise buildings is showing an unnatural red color. This is not ordinary light pollution, this is the fire caused by burning buildings! Look at the street where explosions are constantly heard. There was a hint of coldness in Chris's expression as he looked at the alleys and the pedestrians running wildly. He knew that in a big city like this, the nights would never be peaceful, but right now, the city was a little overheated. ? Taking the tragic scene below into his eyes, he gradually realized that what he was facing was not some small group of militants or out-of-town gang members. What was before him was

In a real war, Chris whispered in a voice that only he could hear: It seems that this commission is very difficult. Chris Redfield, one of the ace mercenaries under the Asia Armed Forces, was ordered by the BSAA Commissioned, come to assist BSAA in dealing with a biochemical crisis that broke out in Lanxiang City.

To be honest, at the beginning, Chris didn't want to come here with BSAA. After all, in his opinion, no one could disturb his leisurely vacation. What's more, the young man who called himself Piers Nevins had such a bad attitude. , always yelling at him. But the most important thing is that for some reason, Chris has a vague feeling in his heart that once he leaves with BSAA, this leisurely and comfortable life will never come back. Sitting on a chair in the Etonian restaurant, looking at Pierce who looked like a fried baboon, Chris was just thinking about how to reject him when a phone call suddenly came over. Chris looked at Pierce deeply. He glanced at it, then took out his mobile phone. When he saw the caller ID on it, he was slightly startled. It turned out to be Secretary Bai's call. A bad premonition arose in his heart. Chris answered the call and tentatively said: Hello, Miss Bai? Yes, it's me. A familiar indifferent voice came from the phone. Come on, Bai Muqing, the commander-in-chief of the Central Asian Armed Forces, said straight to the point: BSAA is at your place.

Yes, Miss Bai, they said a lot of unclear things, and I was about to send them away. Glancing at Pierce again, Chris turned his head and whispered back to Xia. No need, Redfield... Just hit him. After Chris finished speaking, Bai Muqing on the other side of the phone said in a cold tone: This is a cooperation between BSAA and our Huanya Armed Forces. You need to handle a commission. Considering the development of the Huanya Armed Forces, we have agreed Yes, I will reissue the follow-up procedures and documents with BSAA. If you have nothing to do over there, pack your things and leave now. Wait, Miss Bai, I... Chris wanted to say something else, but on the other side Bai Muqing hung up the phone directly. Listening to the busy tone coming from the speaker, for a moment, Chris felt a little emotional. In this way, with all the reluctance, Chris set off as the foreign aid provided by the Huanya Armed Forces to BSAA. In the helicopter, compared to Chris who was preoccupied, Pierce, who was guarding the other side of the helicopter door, looked much uglier. After all, the BSAA team members seated in the helicopter were all wearing BSAA's standard dark green combat uniforms. Only The old captain Chris, who had worked so hard to find his way back, was wearing all black. The silver wolf head epaulettes belonging to the Huanya Armed Forces are really eye-catching!

To be honest, as a sane adult, Pierce could naturally see how reluctant Chris was to come back with them. Just when he was worried about how to persuade Chris, he never expected that a mysterious woman called him. He actually helped them solve all their problems. Looking at the way Chris answered the phone, Pierce could be said to be shocked. Since joining BSAA, this was the first time he had seen Chris talking to someone in such a low voice. The woman even She also hung up the phone on Chris! Who is she? Although there are many questions and concerns in his heart, Chris is willing to go with them, which is better than anything else. When Chris packs the equipment, Pierce picks up the bag from the box He took out the BSAA standard combat uniform, hoping that Chris could wear it, but unexpectedly, Chris just glanced at the uniform and threw it aside.

The pockets are so small, even the melon seeds can't feed two birds! You want me to wear this to fight?! Crazy?! Ignoring Pierce, whose face was gloomy and about to drip, Chris patted his body proudly. Huanya Armed's special version of the black combat uniform said with a proud look on his face: 'Simple black, domineering shoulder straps, and enough pockets! Look at this, this is what a soldier should wear! Oh my god, Pierce feels like he's going to die Crazy, how could the Silver Blade Captain of BSAA wear mercenary clothes and go to the front line?! In the end, under Pierce's persuasion, Chris reluctantly put BSAA epaulettes on the shoulders of his black combat uniform. , and it was still glued to the underside of the Huanya Armed Forces epaulettes. The two) \\ organizations that could not be reached by the rods tightly stuck the organization's logo together, making Pierce feel that there was no place on his body that was not awkward. For some reason, Pierce just feels that something about Chris is different from before. Although he is still the familiar person, if the previous Chris was a great, bright and righteous warrior, then the current Chris is. A bit like a street scoundrel. Forget it, just wear whatever you like and say whatever you like. The person is still alive and has been found.

Here we are, what could be more rejoicing than this? By the way, after this incident is over, it’s time to investigate this Huanya armed group and abduct important BSAA cadres. What are they doing?! Skip it One after another high-rise buildings, the helicopter finally arrived at the scheduled landing site Plum Blossom 8. On the old-looking building under the helicopter, a heavily armed BSAA soldier waved a green signal light, indicating that it was OK. After landing, Chris, who was guarding the helicopter door, stood up like a conditioned reflex. Immediately afterwards, all the BSAA team members in the helicopter cabin stood up after Chris. The zipline was lowered from the helicopter. Pierce took the lead and descended from the zipline, followed closely by the BSA team members. The team members in the waiting room all landed on alert. Chris held the zipline and landed skillfully. On the roof of a building full of debris and debris. After glancing around at the BSAA warriors around him, Chris nodded subconsciously. After confirming that the surrounding situation was safe, he prepared to follow the BSAA warriors to the streets according to the mission objectives he had seen before. However, at this moment, he heard The communicator nearby suddenly rang, and a man said anxiously: Team E is calling HO! We encountered the enemy at 'square 3'! We are exchanging fire! Received. Immediately, the command came from the communicator. The reply from the ministry. Listening to the voice coming from the communicator, Chris realized again that at this moment, he was embarking on a real battlefield.

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