What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-42. Strong men don’t accept interviews

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Following a group of BSAA soldiers, they followed the rough stairs that were almost like a slope to reach the bottom floor. The dilapidated walls around them and the clutter everywhere created a strange sense of separation. Obviously when we were overlooking the city from the helicopter, there were high-rise buildings everywhere and the city streets were brightly lit, but we were living in an unfinished building that had not been demolished. This feeling was quite subtle. Seeing that Pierce had already led the BSAAB team in front of the red iron gate of the unfinished building, Chris' body reacted before his mind. He subconsciously walked up quickly and stood on the other side of the iron gate with a gun in hand. He turned to the side and exchanged glances with Pierce on the opposite side. After seeing Pierce nodded, he turned around suddenly and kicked open the red iron door in front of him, only to see the iron door standing abruptly outside. There were two figures in front of him! He was startled. Chris subconsciously raised the gun in his hand, but saw the team members behind him fish out. They seemed to be accustomed to the scene in front of them. They passed directly over the two people and ran towards They walked into the burning street, and one of the two people in front of them was holding a microphone, and the other was carrying a photography sail. Seeing the surrounding BSAA fighters rushing to the front line, they had no choice but to fix their eyes on Chris, with his face on his face. With stylized smiles, they immediately greeted Chris and walked towards him step by step. It seems that these two people are reporters... BSAA has arrived at the scene, they... Holding a microphone in his hand, the reporter muttered quickly, and then he was stunned. He looked at Chris's body and was shocked. Unlike the black combat uniform of the BSAA uniform, the reporter seemed confused, but when he saw the BSAA epaulettes on Chris's black combat uniform, the reporter's eyes showed joy again, and he came quickly. In front of Chris, he stretched out the microphone to Chris and asked with an eager face: Excuse me, can I interview you? Hello?

Get out of here. - Pushing away the camera that was filming him, Chris said with an indifferent expression. Compared to the reporter who didn't understand the situation at all, Chris was more concerned about the scene in front of him. At this moment, the street was already in chaos. Crazy, every store has its doors open and even lights on, but there is no one in the store. Some old street buildings have banners with Chinese characters on them. They look a little incomplete. Moving forward, there is an explosion. The sound was accompanied by a steady stream of rising firelight, and several pedestrians could be vaguely seen running away wildly among the randomly parked cars. It's really terrible... Looking at the scene in front of him, the muscles on Chris's face couldn't bear it. Zhu began to twitch slightly. For some reason, the panic and chaos in front of him made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable. Maybe it was because it was too noisy... Unconsciously, he quickened his pace. Chris began to run faster, rushing towards the center of the chaos. In front of him, an armored vehicle was constantly knocking away the cars and roadblocks blocking the road. Rapidly Running towards the front of the battlefield, at the same time, Pierce behind him shouted to Chris: Quick! Captain! Our target is ahead.

I'm not your captain, I have to be paid for my work! Chris couldn't help but frowned and emphasized, but it was obvious that the surrounding BSAA warriors J. and even Pierce didn't seem to care about him at all. If he said anything, he had to shut up sensibly. Soon, the armored vehicle stopped at the intersection where there was constant noise. The BSAA soldiers on the armored vehicle quickly rushed out of the armored vehicle, used the armored vehicle as a cover, and exchanged fire with the unknown enemy in the distance. Chris saw this and stood up. When he went to help, he heard a loud boom, and the armored vehicle that was used as a bunker flew directly into the sky! The rising fireball directly engulfed the surrounding BSAA fighters, and the oncoming shock wave even knocked Chris over. On the ground. After grunting for a while, Chris shook his head, then struggled to get up, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that the BSAA soldiers who were traveling with him were also thrown to the ground, but their state could not be seen. It was a bit bad going up. It took them a long time before they managed to adjust to their condition and stand up.

Jet vaguely expressed his dissatisfaction with the physical fitness of his teammates. Chris raised his eyebrows and turned his head, scanning the intersection ahead. He saw that there was already a sea of ​​​​fire, and the bombed armored vehicles brought a chain of consequences. The explosion overturned several cars blocked at the intersection. Feeling the heat that was constantly burning his cheeks, Chris knew very well that this road was dead. His eyes shifted, he searched privately, and finally settled on a red iron door on the wall. Chris observed it for a few seconds, then pointed at the iron door and said in a deep voice: Go this way and go around the alley. Wait. After Chris finished speaking, the entire team moved toward the iron gate in unison. They were simply giving orders to Chris's words. Seeing the reactions of the BSAA fighters, Chris actually felt that he was their captain for a moment. However, the next second, this illusion was interrupted, - a citizen of Lanxiang City wearing yellow suddenly ran up, cried and hugged Chris, and shouted loudly that Chris 0 could not understand. Chris frowned and was about to curse when the BSAA team members on the side hurriedly came over and pulled the panicked Lanxiang citizen aside. He glanced at the ordinary-looking Asian-faced passerby, and The wall behind him was full of small advertisements. Chris' expression became a little subtle. He suddenly realized that Asians were a little different from what he imagined. In his impression, Asians should have a handsome face. He has a arrogant face, and he should have angular muscles when he takes off his clothes, and he has extraordinary skills. He can easily punch a hole in a cement wall, and he can marry several wives. It seems that even Chris can He couldn't escape the stereotype... Seeing the citizens of Lanxiang City standing nearby, Chris focused his attention on the iron gate in front of him again. He had just arrived in front of the iron gate. , a familiar voice suddenly came from the communicator, it was the voice from HQ, the man on the other side of the communicator

The commander said: Team A, transfer from route 4 to route 9, and go through the building of 'Plum Blossom 6' to the destination... As he said, the other side of the communicator continued: H is calling all teams, team A is on the way. Heading to Ace of Spades, after they met with Team D, we started to act according to the plan. Accompanied by the sound of communication, Chris exchanged glances with Pierce, then kicked open the iron door in front of him, rushed into the warehouse-like building on the other side of the door, and used the red emergency lights in the house to confirm that the room was safe. After that, Chris quickly entered. He took the lead and led the team up the stairs. Dodging the stray bullets that suddenly shattered the nearby glass window, he followed the passage on the second floor and passed directly over the raging fire on the street. Just as Chris entered In the corridor, when he was about to lead the team to move forward, suddenly, a burst of fire exploded from the wall on the side. With a loud boom, the shock wave from the window directly hit Ke who was running at the front. Reese flew away and hit the rolling shutter door next to the wall hard. Master, a female horse. He fell heavily to the ground. Chris shook his head slightly, and then struggled to get up. In just a few breaths, he adjusted his body to the best condition again, and then, In the surprised eyes of all the BSAA fighters, they walked straight ahead as if nothing was wrong. Oh my God. Next to Pierce, a BSAA warrior whispered, I don't know if it's my imagination, but the captain seems to have become more powerful, as if he is made of iron. He has always been made of iron. Suppressing the faint shock in his eyes, Pierce quickly followed Chris' pace and responded in a low voice.

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