What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-43. A macho man’s after-dinner meal

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Team B is calling HQ. We are exchanging fire with the enemy in 'Heart 4'! The situation is unfavorable! Requesting immediate support! In the communicator, other teams also belonging to BSAA are shouting for support. Ha on the other side of the communicator is quickly Replied: Received, H calls Team C to go to '4 of Hearts' to support Team B. Accompanied by the constant sound coming from the communicator, Chris led the BSAA team as he ran through the corridor, followed the shattered floor-to-ceiling windows and jumped into the alley below. When his feet touched the ground, Chris - - When he looked up, he saw a terrorist wearing a paint mask on his face and holding a machete in his hand. The knife chopped down the Lanxiang City citizen who was blocked in the corner. Then, the terrorist immediately turned around and quickly got away from Chris. out of sight and ran towards the other side of the alley. Leading the BSAA team and rushing forward quickly, Chris squatted down and checked the civilian lying in a pool of blood. Seeing that the man was no longer breathing, Kirsty stood up and turned to look at the iron gate at the end of the alley. , frowned and whispered: Slaughter unarmed civilians? Even Lopulus is not so hesitant.

Subconsciously, he tightened the grip of the M4AI in his hand, and gently pressed the trigger with his finger. Chris opened his legs and quickly ran towards the iron door where the terrorist left before. When he reached the door, he gently pressed his hand on the On the iron gate, he turned his head at the same time, waiting for Pierce and the team members behind him. After a while, the team members were on alert. Chris exchanged looks with Pierce, nodded, and then suddenly raised his feet. Come on, step open the iron gate, and quickly pick up the gun. Chris takes the lead and goes straight through the iron gate. When he looks up, he sees a terrorist holding a rifle and his back to him.

It seemed that because he heard the sound of the iron door being kicked open, the terrorist turned his head subconsciously, but the next second, he only heard a gunshot, and the terrorist's head turned to the BSAA soldier who was guarding behind the door. The gun opened the flower, and the oil paint mask covering his face also shattered together. With the scattered blood flowers turning into dots of flames in the air, the terrorist, who had almost lost half his head, knelt down directly. on the ground. Seeing that the terrorist did not fall, Chris immediately raised his gun and aimed at the terrorist's head. Then, Chris was stunned, because this I. The terrorist's head actually started to pop out - silk With the steam, Xiaofu's flesh and blood began to be filled up quickly! What the hell is this?! Looking at the terrorist's head that was filled with flesh and blood in front of him, Chris couldn't help but stare. His eyes exclaimed in shock: Is this still a person?! As soon as he finished speaking, the monster's head had been repaired. It stood up, raised its head towards Chris, bared its teeth, and exposed its full face. The face had cloudy eyeballs. Well, it seems that it is indeed not a human being. Without raising the gun, Chris directly pointed the gun at the strange head and fired the gun again. Half of the monster's head was blown away, but the monster showed no signs of falling down. Even though only half of its head was left, it was still steaming, trying to repair the wound while roaring at it. Chris raised his submachine gun.

I just heard a roaring gunshot. It turned out that the sniper rifle in Pierce's hand had fired. The large-caliber bullets rushed out of the gun chamber in the gunfire, passed through the air and struck hard at the remains of the monster. On the lower half of the head, he directly smashed the monster's head to pieces. Watching the monster's stiff, headless body fall to the ground and turn into ashes in a flame, Chris stood in a daze. In situ. It has to be said that some of these things in front of him are beyond Chris's knowledge. Pierce calls HQ! We have encountered a 'ghost zombie'! On the other hand, Pierce, who had killed the monster, raised his hand and pressed the communicator to his ear and said urgently, I can confirm that this is the same as what we encountered in Idonia. It's the same type! Received, cheer up. Immediately, a reply from HQ came from the other side of the communicator. Seeing that Pierce had ended the communication with the headquarters, Chris turned back and glanced at the BSAA team members behind him. He thought for a while and moved closer to Pierce. , frowning and asking in a low voice: Ghost? Yes, Ghost zombie, a very annoying B0W, with many difficult to deal with characteristics, it can be regarded as our old opponent. See Chris's face. Doubtful, Pierce hurriedly explained. Finally, he did not forget to ask: Captain, didn't you read the operational information I sent you? Yes, but I didn't read it very carefully. He recalled what Pierce had given him. That thing that looked like a flashlight, Chris bit the bullet, covered up his embarrassment with a serious look, and nodded to Pierce. In fact, Chris didn't know how to use that thing at all, and he turned on the strange instrument. It was Chris's eye. As he led the BSAA warriors running on the chaotic streets, Chris frowned and silently recalled everything from when he woke up in Lopulus Hospital with amnesia until now. , He can be said to have been severely beaten by Li Yexing for half a year. Thanks to Li Yexing's high-intensity training, Chris's condition after being discharged from the hospital not only did not slip, but actually improved. And after each training session, Li Yexing would chat with Chris and talk about strange things.

Chris, let me tell you, I encountered a monster when I was in the Middle East. It... Chris, let me tell you, I encountered a monster in Malvia. Parasite, it... Chris, do you know zombies? The ones that walk very slowly. Tyrant, that thing is so cool! Chris, let me tell you, one year, in that part of the Caribbean , I...the memory was awakened little by little as he thought about it, and Chris suddenly realized that in the past six months, he seemed to have been taught a lot of strange knowledge by Li Yexing through storytelling, such as various monsters, as well as how to deal with various monsters, and how to observe the weaknesses of monsters

And so on... Those monsters are undoubtedly what BSAA calls B0W! In my impression, Li Youxing seems to rarely mention how he fights with people. As soon as he talks about commissions, Li Yexing's words are only about... The battles between various monsters. Objectively speaking, compared to the battles with humans, the death battles with various monsters are indeed easier to talk about after dinner. However, when Chris is in front of him... In this situation, when I started to recall Li Yexing’s little stories, Li Yexing’s stories seemed a bit strange. Why did he tell me so many things about monsters? Did he know that I would one day talk to these monsters? Dealing with monsters? - For a moment, a faint suspicion occupied Chris's mind. The Asian friend who seemed kind and generous and had a group of wives and concubines who would not grow old became a little more mysterious in Chris's mind. But no matter what, for a mercenary, the commission must come first, so after a moment, Chris put down his unnecessary thoughts. He raised his head, facing the hot firelight, and took BSAA with him. Team 6 started to move forward.

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