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In the dim light, clods of soil mixed with fertilizer spilled out from the huge flower pot that was shattered by bullets. Most of them were still firmly held by the slightly thick roots of the ornamental plants. The leaves the size of a human face were in pieces, with veins on them. There are still blood stains, dripping drop by drop among the flowers and soil where the wine went out. Not far away, - pieces of broken glass stained with blood and scratched, lying quietly on the dirty floor tiles, Reflecting the lightless ceiling and the flames outside the door. Suddenly, a figure was reflected on the broken glass, and then, black high-heeled boots stepped on the broken glass, making a sound. Wearing a black leather jacket on the upper body, black leggings on the lower body, and black high-heeled boots on the lower body, the woman with black hair behind her head looked indifferent. She raised her hand wrapped in black gloves. He gently took off his sunglasses, and then silently scanned everything in front of him. Long Sheng Building, lobby on the first floor, bloodshot inside, no one survived. As the secretary of Victor, the powerful leader of Black Umbrella, Kandoin Ye Dan often interacts with the technical department and has seen all kinds of BOWs. Even so, after looking at the tragic situation in front of her, she still felt - Physical discomfort. After a moment, Qian Daoyuan folded his sunglasses and stuffed them along his collar, then opened his legs and walked into the hall smeared with flesh and blood. His high-heeled boots stepped on the pool of blood, making a faint sound, until Qian Daoyuan Standing in the center of the hall, the sound stopped. This is the BOW elimination unit. Looking at the Yue corpse on the ground, Qian Daoyuan looked indifferent and commented in a low voice: If it weren't for 'Thunder God', I almost wouldn't recognize it.

This sentence is not exaggerated by Qian Daoyuan. In fact, Qian Daoyuan will not exaggerate. She is just objectively stating the facts. After all, the corpses in front of her are too exaggerated. The combat uniforms were torn to pieces and the limbs were torn. There were corpses everywhere, with mutilated internal organs mixed with blood and water, wine poured over them wantonly, and traces of violent bites everywhere. At present, these corpses were beyond recognition. If they hadn't been thrown randomly on the ground, The BoW purge force, which was all in launch mode, was specially equipped with the Thunder God. At first glance, Qian Dao Yuan couldn't identify the identity of this force based on the corpse. There is no doubt that only B0W can achieve this kind of tragedy, and it will definitely not be a BOW like zombies. After all, zombies eat very elegantly. They will gather in place honestly and eat the food in one bite. Go down, instead of tearing corpses everywhere like this.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qian Dao Yuan remembered the club he had just been to. As one of the powerful executives of Black Umbrella, Qian Dao Yuan knew very well that that magnificent club actually concealed the secrets of N∈o Umbrella. Research facility, after she learned from the headquarters that she could not contact Michelle and Turado, she went to the clubhouse as her first stop.

Located in the central area of ​​Lanxiang City's cordoned off area, the streets near the club were deserted. Qian Daoyuan walked in swaggeringly. The moment she opened the door, the smell of blood that hit her nostrils almost forced her out. Only one person in the club was seen. The hall on the first floor was full of crushed flesh and blood, mixed with a large amount of black liquid that looked a bit like asphalt. If it weren't for the guns and rags, Qian Daoyuan wouldn't even be able to tell what these were. The carcass of the thing. Going up the hall, Qian Daoyuan immediately saw the new mass-produced B0W-Apostle belonging to Black Umbrella. He saw the monster like a frog sitting on the high platform of the building, tilting his head, watching. The ground was motionless, as if observing something. Changing his sleeves and turning on the Identification Friend or Foe system, Qian Daoyuan directly bypassed the golden smiling Buddha covered in black liquid and stepped onto the second floor platform. In the center of the platform, in front of the apostle, Qian Daoyuan The body of Executive Officer Satalando Michel was found. Michel's death was miserable. His eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, his expression was distorted, his face was covered with black liquid, and there was a lot of black liquid on his face. There were several bullet holes between his legs. In addition, Qian Daoyuan was keenly aware that Michelle's knife was missing. She and the apostle stared at Michelle's body in silence. After a while, Qian Daoyuan knelt down and collected a small tube of black liquid from the body. She stuffed the liquid into her pocket, and then aimed her gaze at the apostle again. Seeing that the apostle was unmoved and always focused on Michelle, the Qiandao Academy also found that the black exoskeleton of the apostle's waist was cracked, and the apostle's spine seemed to have become a little twisted, as if The waist suffered some kind of heavy injury. It's inexplicable... Ignoring the motionless apostle, Qian Daoyuan muttered in a low voice. Next, Qian Daoyuan did not stop. She used the black strap of the watch on her wrist to retrieve the map of the club. She came to the monitoring room of the club and tried to investigate the monitoring records of the club. However, the monitoring records showed that in Michel Shortly after Er's team entered the club, the monitoring system was completely offline. Of course, Qian Daoyuan found nothing. Even though she realized that the situation was developing completely out of control, Qian Daoyuan's expression still did not change. She left behind - the apostle of Dongfang followed the information provided by the headquarters. The Longsheng Building was invested and built by companies affiliated to Black Umbrella, and another missing executive was stationed there. However, just as she thought, there was also a problem with the Longsheng Building. But it was okay, at least the Longsheng Building The corpses here can still barely identify the human form. Tightening his black leather jacket, Qian Daoyuan couldn't help but frown slightly. Looking at the appearance of the first floor, the ninth executive officer Fan Xioturado was probably in danger, and he himself If you quit at the wrong time, you will most likely face a terrifying monster that can destroy the BOW purge force. However, the control key of the apostle is still in Turado. If you want to continue the operation of Black Umbrella, , she must get back Turado's computer, and it will take time for the headquarters to change the key and take over the apostle. By then, who knows what will happen.

What variables? You know, Mr. Victor attaches great importance to the son of Albert Wesker! When he learned that the young man in the hands of Neo Umbrella was the son of Wesker, Victor almost jumped with excitement! Qiandao The hospital still remembers that the last time he saw Victor so excited was when he completely took over Black Umbrella and played tricks on his friends. With just a moment of hesitation, Qian Daoyuan made a decision. She would take the risk to recover Turado's computer and let the apostle continue to hunt for Jack Mueller, the son of Albert Wesker. As for other problems, she could personally find a solution. . Having made up his mind, Qian Dao Yuan stepped through the pool of blood, followed the bloody footprints left in the stairwell, and climbed the stairs step by step. After stepping over the bodies of several security force members, Qian Dao Yuan finally found the body in a corridor. Turado's body. Just like Michel, Turado's death was very miserable. The skin on his body was peeled off in large areas, his tongue and eyeballs were randomly thrown on the ground, his body was almost twisted into a flower, and the broken bones were punctured. The torn muscles roughly pierced the skinless body surface, making it look like a towel that had been wrung out but had no time to unfold. Unlike Michel, Turado was not only missing his knife, but also his executive coat. Whether you are alive or dead, you are so disgusting. This is exactly the same as Michelle. Frowning slightly, Qian Daoyuan finally walked up and went straight to the remains next to Turado's body. Fallen black handbag.

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