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By the firelight outside the floor-to-ceiling window, Qiandaoyuan Yefeng picked up the black handbag, shook off the blood stains on it, then opened the zipper, and confirmed that the laptop in the handbag was indeed manufactured by the black Umbrella headquarters. After the technical department over there provided it, she zipped it up again and hung it on her shoulder, making sure the blood-stained side faced out. Accompanied by the rapid sound of high-heeled boots hitting the ground, Qian Daoyuan quickened her pace and headed straight to the hall downstairs. However, the moment she stepped onto the stairwell, her steps suddenly stopped. Narrowing her eyes slightly, Qian Daoyuan frowned. She seemed to hear footsteps vaguely. The footsteps came from bottom to top and gradually approached her. 2. But the footsteps of normal people walking would not sound like this. It can be seen from this. , the other party is deliberately lowering his steps! Standing at the entrance of the stairs, Qian Daoyuan silently raised his right hand and pointed it in the direction of the turning of the corridor. His eyes showed the chill of the people in the area, and his breath came from the footsteps below. The sound got slower and slower until it stopped, but Qian Daoyuan still didn't see the other party's figure, so she rolled her eyes and looked to her side. After making sure that her figure was not exposed by the shadow, she focused her attention again. Focused on the stairs. Suddenly, there was a sudden sound of kicking on the ground, and then, a black shadow suddenly emerged from under the stairs. He turned around quickly and wanted to aim his gun at the Qiandao courtyard above the stairs, but unexpectedly, the Qiandao courtyard was in front of him. Ruo Hanshuang, with a gentle sweep of his wrist, he pulled out a pocket pistol directly from his sleeve. Before the handle reached the palm of his hand, he directly pulled the trigger at an alarming speed. Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire. The silence was broken, and the dark figure that rushed out suddenly frowned and retracted under the stairs again.

Where did the rat come from? Seeing that her shot was empty, Qian Daoyuan's expression did not change. She just raised the gun and silently pointed it at the stairs. But she didn't expect that after a while, there was actually a sound coming from under the stairs. A familiar voice came out, and a man walked out timidly. He looked at Qian Daoyuan on the stairs, and Bian Xian smiled and said, Miss, Miss Qian Daoyuan, don't shoot, yes. I, friendly army... looked at the man walking out step by step from the turning point of the stairs. Qian Daoyuan was slightly startled. He saw that the man had a typical European and American face, and his body looked a little thin. On his head Staring at the messy golden curly hair, his face was unshaven, and there were faint dark circles under his eyes. He held a cigarette in his ear and heart-shaped sunglasses around his neck. His upper body was covered with maple leaves. The leaf-patterned Hawaiian shirt had only two buttons undone, revealing the three scars on his chest. His lower body was just as casual as his upper body, and under his abdominal muscles was a large t-shirt with an elastic band. White beach shorts, with a small half of gray underwear still faintly exposed. Two hairy legs stretched out from the pants and stepped into a pair of sandals. Looking at the smiling man in front of him, Qian Daoyuan's indifferent expression finally appeared. There was a slight change, and after a brief moment of shock, she frowned slightly and said, Hey, why are you here? And what's the matter with your clothes? Oh, Miss Qian Daoyuan, this is a long story. Although there was a smile on his face, his index finger was always pressing the bloody HK4 in his hand.

6's trigger, facing the muzzle of Qiandaoyuan's gun, the man named Powell smiled and said: It's you, Miss Qiandaoyuan, that I can meet you here, this is really beyond my expectation. .. Don't change the subject, answer me, Bowie. Gently stroking the radio with his fingers, Qian Daoyuan asked coldly: Why are you here? I don't remember Mr. Victor or the Joint Committee giving you anything. Action orders were issued. As you can see, I'm on vacation. He held the gun in one hand and tugged on his white beach pants with the other hand, exposing a little more of the gray underwear. Before he pulled the trigger, he dropped the gun in his hand, raised his hands towards Qian Daoyuan, and said with an embarrassed look on his face: Oh, I didn't lie to you, I really came here for vacation at first, but I ended up catching up Something went wrong here in Lan, and I was locked up in the hotel. I originally wanted to call some girls, but that guy from Turado called me and said he wanted me to see something nice, so I slipped out. Who knew it would end up like this? As he spoke, Powell pursed his lips at the bloody HK-46 that was on the ground with his tongue, and then smiled at Qian Daoyuan and said: Look, this is what I just said Yes, I came empty-handed. Vacation? With disdain in his eyes, Qian Daoyuan asked in a deep voice: Has it been approved by the Joint Committee? Of course! Powell nodded hurriedly.

Oh, nonsense. Even though Powell dropped the gun in his hand, Qian Daoyuan still pointed the gun at Powell. She frowned and asked coldly, There is something going on here in Lanxiang. This is the joint committee. Up and down. Everyone knows that you have applied to come to Lanxiang for vacation at this time. Which member of Parliament will approve it?

Oh, my eldest lady, please stop asking. Even if you ask, I can't explain it to you in detail! Powell's polite yet embarrassed smile instantly collapsed and he said with a grimace: Since you are You know everything, why are you digging into the bottom of it?

Looking at Powell's appearance, Qian Daoyuan somewhat understood. It seemed that the reason why Powell appeared in Lanxiang was because he was carrying out a secret mission of a certain congressman. The name of the congressman and the content of this mission were not very clear. Convenient to disclose. However, this may also be an illusion. He shook his wrist slightly, put the small pistol back into his sleeve, and Qian Daoyuan said coldly: Turado is dead. Well, I can see it. His eyes swept across Qian Daoyuan's waist. Looking at the blood-stained handbag, Powell nodded and said with a sad face: It's a pity. 7. I quite like this guy. Michelle is also dead. Looking into Powell's eyes, Qian Daoyuan said suddenly. Huh? On the other side, after hearing Qian Daoyuan's words, Powell was slightly startled, then his eyes widened and he said: When? Within one hour. F carefully observed Powell's reaction and said

The Taoist Academy said solemnly: Like Turado, he died in a BOW attack, and his death was very tragic.

Die... His facial muscles twitched violently. Powell subconsciously took two steps back and said with an ugly face: Can I apply for early retirement? Four people died in three years. The job of an executive has never been so dangerous before!

You even lost your knife, what kind of executive do you think you are? There was a trace of ridicule in his eyebrows. Qian Daoyuan raised his eyebrows and said: Look at your appearance. As an executive, you don't have the characteristics of an executive at all. How is it appropriate to look like this? i ​​Isn't it the same for you? Executive Officer Zero? Powell muttered in a low voice: I don't have a coat, I don't have a sword, and you are still questioning me here...I am a secretary, Not the same as you. Qian Daoyuan retorted in a cold voice. Well, whatever you say is what it is. Rolling his eyes and turning around, Powell picked up the HK-46 that he had thrown on the ground. He turned to Qian Daoyuan with confidence and said: Since Turado is gone, so I won't waste my time here. It's too disturbing to look at here, just like the set of a third-rate scare movie...

After paying, Powell opened his legs and seemed to be preparing to leave. However, at this moment, Qian Daoyuan suddenly said in a cold voice: Wait! What else is there? Miss? There was diligence on his face, but in his eyes With a hint of impatience, Powell turned around and asked Qianshouyuan with a smile. It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something. With a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, Qianshouyuan asked coldly: Powell, how much do you know about the rumors about the Ashford family?

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