What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-46. Macho Man Zero’s Decision

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The rumors about the Ashford family? He tilted his head slightly and looked at Qian Daoyuan with a trace of doubt in his eyes. After a moment, Powell tentatively asked: Miss Qian Daoyuan, that one you are talking about? Ashford, is that the Ashford I know? Yes, that's the Ashford. Recently, there have been some discordant voices in the Joint Committee Rizzo. Some say that the Queen is still alive. .. With a faint murderous intent in his eyes, Qian Daoyuan asked coldly: Powell, do you have any clues about these rumors? Should I have any clues? Powell shrugged, rolled his eyes and sneered. Said: 'You have already said that the discord among the Joint Committee is a topic for the big shots. What can a domestic dog like me who works for the Joint Committee know?' Speaking of this, Powell narrowed his eyes slightly. , he asked in a deep voice: Moreover, at this time, you suddenly asked me about Ashford, tsk, Mr. Qian Daoyuan, are you doing archeology? Or are you concerned about my actions back then and Mr. Victor's decision-making? Do you have any doubts? To be honest, I don’t know enough about the man in front of me named Anderson Powell. After all, among the executives, Anderson Powell of Sequence 4 is the least showy. In the impression of Qian Daoyuan, Powell is a person who seems to be useless and unmotivated, but in fact he is very stable. He can always complete the easier tasks efficiently and the more difficult tasks. , although he can't be perfect, the results are generally acceptable, and extremely difficult tasks are basically not his turn. Although as an executive, Powell's performance appears to be very mediocre, but this does not mean that Qian Daoyuan dares to look down upon him. This man, after all, like Qian Daoyuan, this man belongs to the first batch of members of Black Umbrella, and he also belongs to the remnants of the Umbrella era. Moreover, the troops he belonged to during the Umbrella era were extremely sensitive. Anderson Powell , affiliated to the Umbrella Rapid Response Security Force referred to as U.S., serving as the captain of the action force in the USS, working at the USS training base Rockford Island, which is the home of the Ashford family. In 2003, Black Umbrella To cause an incident, Victor took over and ordered the hunt for the escaped Ashford steward Harman and the Black Umbrella Queen Alexa Ashford who was taken away by him. The person in charge of this operation was still in charge of Powell, Minister of Security. A week later, Powell submitted a report to Victor and applied to terminate the operation. Although the pursuit failed. However, this did not matter, after all, the time had passed. The overbearing power of the Veronica virus was enough to trigger a strong The malignant mutation caused Alexa to die in pain. Considering the turbulent situation Black Umbrella was in at the time, Victor agreed to Powell's application. In this way, the hunt for Alexa Ashford could not be carried out. But now, the situation seems to have become a little weird. l First, strange rumors about The Queen is not dead began to appear within the Joint Committee, and then a certain councilor received a relevant witness report from Lanxiang City, and after sending two executioners After being given different tasks by the officials, the two executive officers and the armed forces around them died suddenly. It seemed that they were attacked by two different BOWs. And all their knives were missing! The situation was already so complicated and confusing, but now, another executive who acted without permission and whose position was unclear appeared in front of him, and this executive was as good as before. The command of the Queen's pursuit... Vaguely, Qian Daoyuan could feel that she seemed to be involved in some extremely complicated situation. Looking around, she began to be unable to distinguish who was the enemy and who was the friend, and who could be trusted. , who cannot be trusted, the doubts before us - one after another...I. Who killed Michel and Turado? Judging from the details of taking away the command knife, it should be the same one who used different types of BOW organization, but with this R, a new question arises. Is this organization accurate? Neo. Umbrella? No, they have too much to take care of themselves. Is it New Umbrella? No, they are busy transforming and doing face-saving projects. They are also Not prepared, Shenya? It is possible, after all, Asia is their land card, but Shenya should not be able to come up with monsters that can destroy the BOW purge force in a short time. What about H.CF? No, if it is H. CF. Zi 2 is afraid that they will not enter the Longsheng Building at all, because they will not use Bowi to attack the Longsheng Building. According to their character, they will directly blow up the Longsheng Building and destroy Turado and his troops. All buried inside

As the names of organizations that might have capabilities and motives crossed her mind, Qian Daoyuan frowned more and more. After finding that she could not match any organization with this attack, she raised her head and started again. Focusing on Powell, at this moment, Powell raised his eyebrows and curled his lips like an old gangster looking at a peep show. This look made Qian Daoyuan feel inexplicably unhappy. Without answering Powell's previous question, Qiandaoyuan spoke to himself and asked in a cold voice: Speaking of which, Powell, do you still remember the creed of our organization?

Obey the discipline, discipline means unity, unite the strength, strength is life, Black Umbrella requires every member to fulfill their duties. Powell tugged the corners of his mouth while whispering softly like an endorsement, with a salty look on his face. With a fish-like smile, he tilted his head, sneered and said to Qian Dao Yuan: Aren't these all clichés? Why did Miss Qian Dao Yuan think of asking me this? It's nothing, I'm just helping you recall, you have to understand , who are you serving and who should you be loyal to? Looking into Powell's eyes, Qian Daoyuan said coldly. Now, she is almost certain that there is definitely something wrong with Powell. Just now, his eyes vaguely glanced at Qian Daoyuan's waist that originally belonged to Turado several times. Handbag, there is no doubt that he is chasing the picture

Lado's laptop came. If Qian Daoyuan hadn't come a few minutes earlier, this guy might not have taken this handbag! Although it's not clear whether Powell wanted to use that key to take over the apostle's operating authority, or whether it was I am interested in something else, but there is no doubt that Powell must know something! The information in his hands may be related to the forces that tortured and killed the two executives, and may even be related to the rumors about the Queen! Close your eyes and let The dry eyeballs were moistened, and Qian Daoyuan sighed slightly. When she opened her eyes again, there seemed to be more in her black eyes - Siling stood on the steps. Qian Daoyuan looked down at Powell below and asked coldly: You haven't deceived Mr. Victor, right? Of course I haven't, I haven't even deceived you... Powell smiled and said: After all, it's not necessary, is it? That's good. He nodded to Powell Qian Daoyuan took steps and walked downstairs with an indifferent expression. When she passed by Powell, she whispered: Next, I will take over the work of Michelle and Turado. As for you, , I will contact the people in the execution department immediately and ask them to pick you up and leave here

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