What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-47. The macho man revisits his hometown

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Staring straight at the corridor in front of him, he listened to the footsteps getting farther and farther in his ears, until he was at the bottom of the stairs. After a while, Powell, who was standing there, suddenly deflated like a deflated balloon, and let out a deep sigh. , he raised his hand, inserted his fingers between his blond hair, and scratched his scalp vigorously. Ah, what's going on with this woman? She's too scary. Looking back at the shot that just flew close to his scalp, Powell couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: It's because that woman is too strong. , or is it because I forgot? To be honest, just now, when the night wind of Qiandaoyuan passed by Powell, Powell almost couldn't help turning his head - the gun shot Qiandaoyuan, but Bowie knew that, like Qiandao, A woman like Qian Daoyuan definitely has a backup plan. Even if he can kill the other party, he may not die well. What's more, Powell doesn't think he can get past Qian Daoyuan quickly. With nothing to do, Powell gently groped with his index finger. He held the HK 46 radio in his hand, then stepped on his hairy legs, climbed the stairs on flip-flops, and then walked straight forward along the corridor in front of him. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see Turado The corpse was like a twisted and torn towel. Fuck! Looking at the removed eyeballs and tongue in the pool of blood, Powell lowered his voice and let out a burst of exclamation. He slightly raised his eyebrows and said Turado, look at Look at your appearance now. If you are screwed a little more, you can wipe the feet of the little cousin of the Qian Daoyuan family. Squatting down, observing Turado's miserable body, after discovering him After the coat disappeared, Powell had no choice but to put his hand into Turado's trouser pocket, trying to take out something useful to write on. After a while, he took out a note from Turado's pocket. There was an SD card reader and a small half bag of bloody gum. On normal days, I wouldn't mind picking up your chewing gum, but let's forget it now. After all, I don't even know what killed you. It would be bad if you contracted some strange disease... Mouth After muttering softly, Powell threw the chewing gum into the pool of blood, then stood up and began to rethink the situation he was facing. Previously, on the territory of NEo Umbrella, Powell found the expired Michelle and the motionless apostle. When he saw the apostle guarding Michelle, sitting like a frog, Powell realized , his colleague who liked to pry into other people's little secrets was probably far away, so he immediately ran to Longsheng Building, wanting to take over the control of the apostle, but he did not expect that he met Victor's secretary in Longsheng Building , the executive officer with the highest authority is Qian Daoyuan Ye Pan. As a result, Powell not only failed to get the thing, but also exposed himself. He knew very well that Qiandaoyuan would not joke. If she said that she wanted to contact the people from the execution department to take her away, it would not be long before the headquarters came. The executive officer would run to knock on the door of his hotel room. How about I just hide outside like this? Powell looked quite worried as his fingers kept fidgeting with the card reader in his hand. He turned his head and muttered in a low voice: You can't go back and wait to be taken away, can you? Kill the executioner. The staff in the department are very annoying. After all, this is not something that can be solved by writing a few reports... After a moment, Powell stood up, turned his head, and walked straight towards the stairwell leading to the lower floor. While walking, he whispered to himself: Should I tell that guy Yang about the club and Long Sheng? Should I tell him or not? After a moment of entanglement, Powell suddenly stopped and lowered his head. He turned his head and stared at the blood-stained card reader in his hand. After a long while, he continued to move forward and whispered: Forget it, let's take a look at what is in this 5D card first. Really, I don’t know what Yang’s plan is, it’s so mysterious...” By the way, speaking of it, Turado and Michel seem to have lost their knives. It’s really strange. What kind of B0W can H do? Are you interested in knives? Speaking of which, why did that guy Casimir buy my knife back then? Is that crap really so attractive? What if the cousin of the Kandoyuan family knew that I sold the knife to him? Casimir has exchanged wine money, so she still has to give me to Portugal? After muttering to himself, Powell stepped over the bodies of the security force members on the stairs and walked downstairs step by step.

Ah Si: Beef brisket?

Looking up at the signboard with Chinese characters and colorful lanterns above his head, Qiandaoyuan Yefeng finally decided on this as his temporary resting place. Being fairly proficient in Chinese, Qian Daoyuan recognized at a glance that this seemed to be a restaurant selling beef brisket noodles, but at the moment, the restaurant was dimly lit and empty, and the large glass of the restaurant was smashed. If you hadn't guessed, If I'm wrong, the boss here should have been evacuated, and it can be seen that he left in a hurry. Even though there is no glass door, the overall environment of the store is still clean and tidy. The dark alley seems very claustrophobic, and the sound of sirens, explosions and intermittent gunshots are faintly isolated. Qian Daoyuan glanced around and chose at will. There was a seat near the window. When she came to the seat, she was slightly startled. She saw two empty beer bottles on the window sill, and next to the table, there was also a full box of beer. For Qian Daoyuan didn't care about the faint mess in front of her. She sat directly on the seat, then opened the zipper of the handbag at her waist, took out the laptop she found next to Turado's body, and gently placed it. Put it on the dining table, and then start operating it. Entering the apostle's damage system requires equipment authentication and online verification. After a period of complicated operations, the system finally came back online. The system showed that the apostle's waist was tightened. Severe injuries may seriously affect the ability to move, and the last order the apostle received was: Support Sequence 8 Executive Officer Satalando Michel within the specified coordinates.. He tapped the dining table with his index finger, and Qian Daoyuan smiled. Frowning, after a moment, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the headquarters. After a while, the call was connected, and she only heard the main line.

The courtyard came straight to the point: This is Qian Dao Yuan Ye Pan, Sequence 0. The authority code for this operation is 9604. Next, we will report on the operation status in Lanxiang City. Sequence 8 and Sequence 9 have been confirmed dead. The accompanying security forces and B0W have cleared them. The entire army was wiped out, and it is suspected that it was attacked by the hostile force BOW. Next, I will take over the work of Sequence 8 and Sequence 9. Please report the situation to the joint committee as soon as possible. In addition, I confirm that Sequence 6 appeared in Lanxiang, suspected to be If there is derailment, it is recommended that the execution department immediately send someone to take him back to the headquarters and wait for questioning. Now, please pick up the technical department for me.

Technical Department? This is Qian Daoyuan. I have taken over the operation of the apostle. I need new action coordinates... Traced? Well, good, I understand. He tilted his head, clamped the phone with his neck, Qian Daoyuan Freeing her hands, she quickly deleted the daily tasks on the apostle's operating system, set new tasks and new goals, and when her middle finger hit Enter, she held the phone again while trying to call up the surveillance video on Turado's laptop. - Side channel: The apostle's parameters have been reset. Next, let the intelligence department connect with me. I need to control the latest news in real time..

While talking, Qian Daoyuan clicked on the target folder, and then she was surprised to find that the folder was empty! He deleted all the surveillance videos? Why? There was a trace of doubt between his eyebrows, Qian Daoyuan Just as she was about to click on another folder to take a look, suddenly, there was a voice from the other side of the phone. So she held the phone with one hand and said: Intelligence Department? This is the Qianshou Institute. I need your... huh? Wait, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? How is this possible? Are you sure you want to tell me that an aircraft carrier belonging to the Simmons family is passing through the sea and heading straight to Lanxiang, and the deck is full of weapons capable of releasing C Virus missile?

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