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Even though the city center of Lanxiang City is in chaos, on the top of the towering Kunlun Tower, you can still only hear the sound of wind passing through the silence. In this breeze, the hem of the cheongsam embroidered with golden dragon patterns cannot cover up the sound of the wind. With a pair of delicate snow-white jade legs, Alexa Ashford had a stern look on her face. Her flowing blond hair was lifted in the wind, looking directly at the helicopter on the tarmac in front of her, and paying serious attention to the giant-like Harman butler next to her. The voice said: Go up. Miss Ashford, have you really thought about it? Standing behind Alexa, a middle-aged man with an Asian face and a gray suit had a smile on his face. -A little worried, he lowered his head slightly, not daring to look directly into Alexa's eyes, but said urgently: In this case, I can use my connections to contact the Lanxiang Bureau. I believe they will never sit idly by and ignore it. !Nothing is absolute, Yang. There was a hint of indifference in her voice. Alexa frowned slightly and said, There is a problem with the top management of Lanyang City. I can't put my hope in those fat pigs. Instead of waiting. They are moving, why don't I move first! But, that is an aircraft carrier! The middle-aged man named Yang couldn't help but raise his voice. Mr. Yang, you are out of control. Seeing that the middle-aged man in front of him was disrespectful to Alexa, a low and distorted voice came from under Haman's bandage. I'm sorry, I lost my temper. Quickly realizing his mistake, Mr. Yang buried his head deeper. Lowered, he frowned and said: I'm just worried that my grandfather was taken care of by the Ashford family during his lifetime. My father was also a close friend of Mr. Edward during his lifetime. It was precisely because of the help of the Ashford family that the Yang family To be able to achieve today's achievements, people in the Celestial Dynasty pay attention to every drop of kindness and repay it with a spring. The kindness of the Aford family will never be forgotten by Chu Cheng. Therefore, I can't let the last fire of the Aford family do this. Such a dangerous thing! Yang, I understand your sincerity, and the Ashford family also understands your loyalty. Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her, Alexa finally sighed. But then, she The corners of her mouth curved with confidence, and her orange snake eyes were filled with arrogance. She smiled and said: But, Yang, do you think I will do something that I am not sure about? I am in your eyes. , is it so reckless? Of course not. Yang Chuguo replied decisively. That's good. Nodding with satisfaction, Alexa asked with a chuckle: Let's confirm again, Yang, do they really only have one aircraft carrier?

That's right, Miss Ashford... Yang Chucheng replied in a low voice, There is only one aircraft carrier, no frigates, no anti-aircraft firepower, a large number of containers stacked on the deck and a small number of armed elements patrolling. Ha, this is the Simmons family. The bottomless Far East Fleet? There was a hint of sarcasm between her eyebrows, Alexa chuckled and said: It's so ridiculous that I can't help but want to touch - touch old Simons' tombstone, if I let old Simon Si knows that he has such a precious son, why can't he come out of the coffin? Miss Ashford, are you really? It seems that you are still a little worried. Yang Chucheng's face is full of entanglements, but Alexley Sha just smiled. It was obvious that she did not intend to answer Yang Chucheng's question, but Haman on the side said in a deep voice: Don't worry, the lady is a god, holding the power of God, N∈o Umbrella's Far East Fleet people can't stop it. Miss Zhu! I'm not a god. I'm just a rich girl with some wealth and good luck. She waved her hand, interrupting Haman's heartfelt compliment. Alexa smiled. He said to Haman: Butler Haman, don't waste time. I need to go back quickly. After cleaning up the aircraft carrier, I have to deal with Simmons and his scheming little lover. Understood, miss. . Bowing slightly towards Alexa, Butler Harman went straight to the helicopter, and Alexa followed closely behind. When she lifted up, she crossed the door of the helicopter, and Yang Chucheng followed closely behind. He kept asking in a low voice: Miss Ashford, intelligence shows that Black Umbrella's security forces disappeared after entering Neo Umbrella's research facility and the Longsheng Building. We are waiting for you to come back. Process it, or take action on your own?

No movement? Her expression was slightly stagnant. Alexa frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something. After a moment, she said in a deep voice: Let your people find a way to figure out the situation inside. If you If the situation over there allows, just bury them all here. My Black Umbrella needs to be streamlined and not raise people without outstanding talents. Understood. Yang Chucheng whispered back to Xia Dao. After a moment, with the operation of Butler Harman, the helicopter's propeller began to rotate, setting off a strong wind amidst a roar. Then with this sound, the helicopter carrying the Queen finally rose slightly. Up in the sky. Miss Ashford! Pressing down his hair that was a little messy by the strong wind with one hand, Yang Chucheng squinted to resist the dust, and faced the helicopter road that was gradually rising into the sky: Yang Chucheng, the head of the Yang family, here are my best wishes The last descendant of the Ashford family, Miss Alexa Ashford, has a prosperous military career and a successful start! The Yang family is really good. In the cockpit of the helicopter, Yang Chucheng was heard shouting in the wind, Haman The housekeeper couldn't help but whispered: It is a blessing for the Ahford family to have such friends. This is the charm of the Chinese people. To be honest, I have always felt that they are more sanctimonious than the sanctimonious people I know. The robbers must be civilized... Looking at Yang Chucheng who was standing on the tarmac watching him, Alexa smiled and said: So, if I have a child in the future, I hope that the child's genes can be engraved with Some high-quality traces from the Celestial Empire. If that child can inherit my wisdom and his father's bravery, then he will definitely become the most powerful Ashford in history. Miss's child. It seems that he has thought of something too wonderful. In this scene, the old butler Haman showed a shameless smile on his bandaged face. He murmured in a low voice: OK, I'm looking forward to that day. But to be honest, whether it's Neo An Brera or Simmons. Theirs

The movements are somewhat beyond my expectations... Moving the topic away from the heirs of the Ashford family, Alexa looked at the sea in the distance that even the city lights could not illuminate, and smiled slightly. Frowning, he said, I have used logic and interests to analyze the behavior of Simmons and his little lover in class, but no matter what conclusion I draw, there is something that doesn't make sense. I thought it was my short-term Thinking failed to analyze the sophisticated plan they had been brewing for a long time, but it wasn’t until I got the news about the aircraft carrier that I discovered that they really had no brains. To be honest, facing the situation at hand, Alexa I was also a little helpless. It felt like I was standing on the fifth floor and couldn't tell whether it was the seventh or third floor. But when the other party revealed his trump card, he suddenly discovered that the other party was lying in a morgue two floors underground. In the room! As a politician, he flew an aircraft carrier to Shanghai to carry out a large-scale biochemical terrorist attack. As a normal person, as long as he has a little bit of yang, he will not commit such hellish things.

I really don’t understand, how did Simons become the national security adviser of country A?

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