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Walking through the raging flames, the BSAA soldier wearing heavy protective clothing held a flamethrower in his hand and kept scanning the surroundings through his mask. Whenever he saw human pupae formed by people infected with the C virus in the surrounding ruins, he walked quickly He walked forward and used a flamethrower to roast the man's pupa until the man's pupa made a crisp popping sound in the firelight. After the man's pupa was cooked, he turned his head and fixed his sight on a strange person. On top of the human chrysalis, the body of the human chrysalis was twisted and leaning forward, maintaining the posture of reaching forward, so the BSAA warrior poured the flames on the body of the human chrysalis without hesitation. This is a building outside the city center of Lanxiang City, codenamed Ace of Spades by BSAA regulations. Not long ago, a group of terrorists infected with the C virus hijacked many United Nations staff in the building. After experiencing a series of After a hard battle, the BSAA finally succeeded in rescuing the hostages and evacuating them all. A few minutes later, the BSAA's combat sail fired missiles, blasting the entire building into rubble along with a large number of C-Virus infected people inside. Fire. With a burning face and a slightly tired Chris Redfield, wearing a black combat uniform, he sat silently on the ruins, looking down at the human pupae scattered under the ruins, as well as the BSAA fighters who were cleaning up. When his eyes were fixed on the strange human chrysalis crackling in the flames, the posture of the human chrysalis with its arms stretched out seemed to overlap with the fragments in the record. They were BSAA team members. In the cold weather, I supported my body in the white mist. My eyes without pupils were bleeding. I assumed a posture like a chrysalis and kept roaring, Captain, save me... Captain, save me. Captain. help me..

Huanya Armed Forces... You broke your head. Snow Sweeping... In the sea, a large number of words and phrases began to emerge from Chris's mind, quickly merging with his memories of the half year after he woke up in the hospital. From the war half a year ago, the weird woman, the abominable monster and the tragic death of the team members, to Li Yehang, Li Yehang’s girls, and the dreamlike six months working in the Asia-Pacific armed forces. Chris .I remembered everything. There were sounds of footsteps in his ears. Pierce walked step by step towards Chris who was squatting on the ruins. When Pierce walked behind Chris, Chris stared at the ruins and flames and whispered. He said: Pierce... Captain? Hearing Chris calling Zi 2, Pierce subconsciously responded, Ada Wang, that bitch female cousin, what happened to her? There was no expression on his face. , but the flames between the ruins were reflected in his eyes, like burning anger. After a moment, Chris asked in a deep voice. Faced with Chris' question, Pierce was slightly stunned, and then his face was ecstatic. He was about to Bu came up and said excitedly: Captain! Have you remembered?! Well, I remembered it, and I remembered a lot of interesting things. Chris nodded and answered Pierce's question, Chris looked gloomy. Asked: Answer my question, that woman, where is she now? She is the leader of N∈o Umbrella, these terrorists. Pierce was explaining the situation to Chris, but saw Chris raise his head He stopped his hand and interrupted Pierce's words. He said in a deep voice: None of this is important. I just want to find out now, is she in this city? There have been eyewitness reports in Lanxiang City. Yes, she is. Here. After a moment, Pierce replied in a low voice. He lowered his eyebrows and paid close attention to Chris's reaction. However, it was obvious that Chris's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation. There was no trace of it on Chris' face. Capturing the slightest trace of anger. Very good, great. Great. Standing up, Chris weighed the MHAI in his hand, then turned to Pierce and said: Go tell everyone that it's time to Got to work. Yes, Captain. Looking at Chris's serious face with an inexplicable gloom, Pierce whispered back: Yes, Captain. Ada, don't let me catch you, he whispered softly. , Chris jumped down along the ruins, and murmured in a low voice: I will break all your limbs, and then crush your internal organs bit by bit out of your mouth, dry them in the sun, and feed them to the king. Cat led Pierce through the ruins quickly, scanning the surrounding firelight. Under the ruins, the team was already in position. The BSAA soldiers responded to the order Chris had just issued. They were holding guns, guarding the surroundings, and were ready to set off at any time. However, at this moment, he saw Chris frown slightly, and he subconsciously said: No, this stance... is too loose... What? He couldn't hear what Chris said clearly and followed behind him. Pierce subconsciously wanted to ask something, but Chris suddenly shouted to the BSAA team members standing in front: Girls! Tired of living?! Come closer here! It seems that you are being targeted. Chris was startled when his subordinate shouted foul language. The BSAA team members standing far away from the ruins subconsciously moved towards Chris. Just when Chris was about to approach him, suddenly, the ruins in the distance suddenly angled. It collapsed, and billowing smoke and dust poured out from the entanglement of the ruins. In the smoke, something seemed to come out. However, before it could launch an attack, Chris saw that his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he directly raised the weapon in his hand. The gun fired a burst of fire at the smoke and dust. Accompanied by blood exploding out of thin air and a strange hissing sound, a large cloud of smoke and dust was raised again. Faintly, Pierce, who was standing behind Chris, seemed to see something crawling over. , disappeared into the building nearby. It was not until the unknown monster escaped that Pierce raised his gun with determination, and all the BSAA fighters who had their backs to the monster were also in shock. There is no doubt that if Chris had not issued that message just now, Order, this sudden monster will attack at least one person! I Calm down! It's just an invisible snake! I saw that ghost thing! Just when the BSAA battle was panicking, Chris said: Stepping forward to stabilize the soldier's morale, he pressed the communicator next to his ear and reported to HQ.

Reported: Team A calls HQ! We encountered some kind of unknown BOW at Ace of Spades! Preliminary judgment is that it has the ability of invisibility! Let each team pay attention to precautions! After saying that, Chris hung up the communication and turned around , shouting loudly to the surrounding BSAA soldiers: Next! Attention everyone! Keep the team dense! If you find any suspicious situation, report it as soon as possible! Don’t run over alone to try to be a hero to me! He, the girl, understands ?! Understood! Although it was not clear why Chris emphasized this, and it still sounded like a scoundrel lecture, the team members immediately responded to Chris loudly. Very good, you saw that ghost thing just now. It is a great threat to citizens and friendly forces. We can't let it roam in the city... Turn around and quickly walk to the end of the team. In front, Chrismer silently stared at the traces of the insects dragging across the ground under his feet, then raised his head and looked at the old residential building in front of him. After a moment, he took a deep breath, and then shouted an order at the top of his voice. : Now, everyone, follow me! Be careful not to fall behind! Let's go and kill that damn thing together!

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