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Accompanied by the roaring engine, the buildings on both sides of the street passed by quickly. Jack lowered his body and controlled the red motorcycle under him to fly on the streets of Lanxiang. Shirley lay behind Jack, holding both hands. Firmly wrapped around Jack's waist, although she successfully escaped from the facility, Shirley still didn't get a chance to contact her superiors. Frowning slightly, showing a hint of trouble, Shirley, who was holding Jack tightly, turned her head and glanced aside. On the other side of the street, she saw a black motorcycle standing side by side with her and Jack's red motorcycle. Speeding on the motorcycle, Kanan Mafal held a cigarette between her lips and teeth, grinning wildly, her slightly red eyes full of excitement. She was wearing a black tight-fitting vest, revealing her arms. Put on the slowly moving tattoo and let the strong wind blow against you, blowing over every inch of your skin. Speaking of which, Miss Mafal is also a cool girl like Miss Bai. I just don't understand why she is so persistent in letting herself and Jack call her 'aunt', even though she is the same age as me. Almost...

Thinking of this, Shirley couldn't help but lower her gaze and looked at Kanan's pants pocket, where a small half of her cell phone was faintly exposed. At this moment, Shirley urgently needed to report her situation to her superiors. After all, she had already She has been missing for half a year, but for some reason, Kanan showed strange repulsion towards letting her talk to her superior on the phone. At first, Shirley thought that Kanan didn't want her to talk to her superior. , because she was worried that she would report the matter of Kanan and Bai Muqing to her superiors. But even after Shirley made it clear that she knew what to say and what not to say, Kanan still refused. Willing to lend my cell phone. Oh, Shirley, please don't make it difficult for auntie. Adults have their own troubles. Kanan replied to Shirley at that time. Seeing that she couldn't talk to Kanan, Shirley couldn't force her. She had her own calculations in mind. As long as she left this area, it wouldn't be too easy to make a phone call? Hey! What are you looking at, Shirley? On the other side, noticing Shirley's gaze, Kanan suddenly turned his head, smiled and said to Xue Jing: Do you want to change cars with Aunt Mafal? Sorry, this is not possible, Aunt Mafal loves black. Come on! Awakened from her reverie by Kanan's sudden conversation, Shirley was slightly startled, then widened her eyes and said, Don't look at me! Look in front of you! Huh? After hearing Shirley's words, Kanan He hurriedly turned his head and saw a red and white metal roadblock blocking the road ahead. So Kanan gently swung the front of the car and lightly let the car pass by the roadblock at the maximum distance, waiting to avoid the roadblock. At the roadblock, she turned her head proudly, smiled at Jack and Shirley who were driving another motorcycle, How is it? Auntie's driving skills? Tsk, you call this driving skills? Jack sneered softly, because he was facing the roadblock. The wind that came was too strong, so Kanan didn't hear Jack's words clearly. However, after understanding the faint sarcasm on Jack's face, Kanan's face became a little uneasy. Just when she was about to perform a show When the car took off in the air, suddenly the roar of the propellers sounded behind it, and then, a beam of white light shot down from the sky, directly shining on Jack and Shirley. His eyebrows were raised slightly, and Kanan subconsciously He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw an armed helicopter in the rearview mirror! It rotated its propellers, and just like that, two motorcycles, one red and one black, hung in the air! And on the other motorcycle, Shirley, who was lying behind Jack, turned her head quickly. When she saw the armed helicopter, her eyebrows showed a trace of panic. But Jack, he just glanced at the rearview mirror, and then lowered his body subconsciously. At the same time, he complained in a low voice, No.

Behind the two motorcycles, a black armed helicopter without any markings illuminated the road ahead with strong white lights, followed closely. Along with the terrifying roar, the heavy machine gun hanging under the armed helicopter began to spit out tongues of fire crazily on the street. The steel storm dragged scratches on the ground and headed straight for the red motorcycle driven by Jack. , watching the bullets on the road ahead hitting streaks of fire, Jack gritted his teeth, lowered his body again and loudly said to Shirley: Hold on tight! Hearing Jack's cry, Shirley subconsciously tightened her grip. The arms around Jack's waist simultaneously pressed his body tightly against Jack's back. Feeling the warmth from Shirley, Jack suddenly pulled up the front of the car to avoid the bullets that swept from the front, and then directly The motorcycle was pressed against the road, and with the sound of roaring engine, it sped up and headed straight for the road ahead. Seeing that the firepower failed, the armed helicopter dropped to this height little by little, dragging the firepower towards Jack and Shirley's red motorcycle again. However, at this moment, there was only a tinkling sound, and the helicopter's windshield slammed violently. Bullet holes were blasted on the ground one by one. The bullets penetrated the windshield and shattered the green paint mask on the driver's face. With blood splattering, the driver let out a muffled groan, and Due to an operational error, the helicopter shook in the air and almost hit a street light. Hey! Although she didn't look at the road ahead, Kanan still relied on her extraordinary memory to turn quickly. She turned around, holding the handle of the motorcycle with one hand and the handle with the other. With a very sexy pistol, he kept firing the alarm at the armed helicopter hanging in mid-air, causing the bullets to hit the helicopter with sparks. Seeing the helicopter shaking in the air, almost losing balance, Kanan let the silver pistol fire at the helicopter. Turning in the palm of her hand, she turned around quickly and pushed the motorcycle lower. After crossing the curve, she quickly controlled the black motorcycle to keep a distance from Jack and Shirley. At the same time, she turned around again and put the gun His mouth was aimed at the helicopter that was still pursuing. Don't just stare at Jack and Shirley! Look at me more! With a crazy smile on his lips, Kanan tried hard to maintain the stability of the motorcycle while pointing one shot at a time at the cockpit of the helicopter. The trigger was pulled, and with a crisp sound, another bullet successfully hit the windshield, but this time, the armed helicopter did not

Affected, it changed its angle in the air, trying to better block Jack and Shirley in front, but Kanan was like a fly, resisting the flight of the armed helicopter all the time. Finally, after the third shot hit the windshield of the armed helicopter, the armed helicopter finally changed its target. It adjusted its angle again, rose in altitude, and began to spit out tongues of fire crazily at Kanan's black motorcycle. l°Hey! That's right! Let me see what you can do! Let me see who is the Lanxiang Car God today! Being targeted by the firepower of the armed helicopter, Kanan not only did not panic, but became even more excited , she casually flicked the sparking cigarette butt away with her thumb, and then grabbed the front handle of the car. Suddenly, the black motorcycle dodged bullets like a black mamba snake, meandering forward, but the speed was It's scary. If you're not careful, the car will overturn directly. Is it okay if she does that?! Turning her head, she watched Kanan's motorcycle constantly weaving in and out of the heavy fire from the corner of her eye. Shirley couldn't help but ask loudly.

The devil knows! Looking at the black motorcycle in the rearview mirror, Jack cursed in a low voice: This crazy woman!

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