What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-51. Good men and good brothers will never die with their bare hands

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Walking through the streets illuminated by dim street lights, feeling the strong wind constantly passing over my body, and experiencing a Hollywood-level escape amidst the hail of bullets, Kanan felt that my heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and my spirit began to deteriorate. She was getting more and more excited. On her arm, the black tattoo turned into dark red little by little, squirming crazily between the skin. At this moment, Kanan only felt that the time in front of her eyes seemed to slow down, and every part of her body Her senses began to become clearer, and vaguely, she even felt that she could see the fire trajectory dragged out by the armed helicopter! In this way, Kanan predicted every fire sweep of the armed helicopter, letting the armed helicopter vent its anger. With the firepower, Kanan can always avoid every murderous attempt with great difficulty. It seemed that he was a little impatient, or was irritated by Kanan's provocative motorcycle driving skills. With a burst of light sounds, the missiles hanging on both sides of the armed helicopter were suddenly launched! Dragging their tails. Smoke, took the missile and flew over Kanan's head, went straight ahead, and finally exploded in front of Jack and Shirley's car. Jack was so surprised that he could barely avoid the rising fire, and at the same time he yelled: 'Holy shit! They want to kill us! Shirley shouted at the top of her lungs. Thanks for waking me up! But I have ears! God knows how we can escape from here! Jack frowned and complained loudly: Damn it! It's all Ma's fault. That crazy woman Far! She pissed people off! In the night sky, as if realizing that his attacks could not hit Jack, Shirley, and the strange fly-like woman, the armed helicopter suddenly accelerated and flew over everyone. When the top of its head was directly in front of everyone, it circled around the fuselage, shining its bright white light on everyone, and stopped in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy machine gun hanging on the armed helicopter spit out flames again, hitting the streets with dust. Seeing that the firepower was about to sweep overhead, Jack and Kanan quickly controlled the motorcycles to evade on both sides of the street. Escaped from a new round of fire, the red and black motorcycle sped past the armed helicopter. The armed helicopter rotated its fuselage again, trying to continue the pursuit, but when it turned its fuselage, it saw what was ahead of it. The road was actually hidden in the tunnel! In desperation, the ghost zombie driving the armed helicopter could only watch the two motorcycles drive into the tunnel. On the other side, in the tunnel, Jack, Shirley and Kanan Finally enjoying the short-term comfort without pursuers, Kanan turned his head and said to Jack with a smile: How's it going? Hmm? How's it going? Can you, Jack, do your aunt's driving skills? It's rare. To make a sarcastic comment, Jack gave Kanan a thumbs up and nodded, his eyes full of approval.°0 Ha! Just being clever, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, Jack! He patted him proudly. Patting his chest, Kanan grinned and said, You just want to flatter me and make me happy so that you can trick me into continuing to attract firepower for you, right? Seeing that your little plan has been exposed, Jack Pulling the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, he smiled and said: He who can do the hard work, Aunt Mafal. Hey! Even aunt can scream! Kanan's nostrils turned upward, nodded with satisfaction and said: It doesn't matter, although I saw through your little trick. Calculation, but Auntie, I am super happy now, so, leave the road behind to me, the Lanyang car god. Following Kanan's words, two motorcycles, one red and one black, finally rushed out of the tunnel, and saw At the end of the tunnel, there was a sign indicating road construction ahead! Seeing the helicopter flying through the tunnel heading straight ahead, Shirley was about to stop her when she heard Jack suddenly shout: 'Hurry up! ! On the other side, hearing Jack's shouting, Kanan suddenly lowered his figure and responded with a wild smile: He's a female horse! Is this a young man?! 0ha08! He's so energetic like a female horse! It’s so addictive! Accompanied by the suddenly increasing roar of the engine, the two motorcycles - one in front and the other in front - suddenly accelerated and headed straight for the sign. At this moment, there was a cliff in front of them, and under the cliff, there was a cliff. This is the urban area of ​​Lanxiang! Facing the brightly lit Gaokou buildings, and the swirling firelight and smoke, Jack suddenly rushed out from the cliff on his black motorcycle, streaking across the night sky. After crossing an arc, she went straight to the roof of the tall building, and Kanan followed closely behind, suddenly releasing her hands in the air. Her legs tightly clamped the black motorcycle under her body, and she stretched at the same time. He yelled with both arms: Lan Xiang! I'm back again! The moment the wheels hit the roof, the two motorcycles suddenly bounced up with a jolt, but before they could stabilize, the two motorcycles moved forward. After a while, they flew out again and went straight to the low residential building on the side. After flying back and forth above the buildings, the two motorcycles finally returned to the streets outside the center of Lanxiang.

0 Oh... God. After riding a roller coaster in her lifetime, Shirley was still in shock. On the contrary, Kanan, who was driving a black motorcycle, couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. She kept humming rock music with a nasal voice, her face Even though he returned to the street, he saw that the street was in a mess and chaotic. There was still a faint fire burning at the corner of the street. Looking at the lingering smoke in the distance, Jack couldn't bear it. Zhu Daodao said: This city is about to turn into hell! After that, Jack and Kanan's motorcycles flew up again through the stacked roadblock slopes in front of them. At this moment, Jack, who was at the front, was slightly startled. , I saw a ghostly zombie wearing yellow clothes and a paint mask on the haphazardly built wooden frame opposite, raising the RPG in his hand towards everyone. However, before Jack could shout, he flew higher. Kanan actually passed directly over the heads of Jack and Shirley. Then, with Kanan's excited howl, the rear wheel of the black motorcycle severely crushed the ghost zombie. The ghost zombie subconsciously thought About to launch the RPG in his hand, Kanan unexpectedly grabbed the PG with quick eyesight and put it on his shoulders. With the impact from the motorcycle, the wooden platform, which was not strong in the first place, collapsed, and the pedal

Jack and Shirley, who landed on the ground with the scattered wooden frame, suddenly drifted to a stop at the end of the roadblock with the bumps. In front of the roadblock, they saw one foot on the motorcycle and the other foot on the ground. She was carrying it with one hand. Holding the snatched RPG, she lit a cigarette for herself with the other hand. Exhaling a puff of white mist, Kanan rolled her eyes with pleasure. She lightly weighed the RPG on her shoulder, and then He carried it behind his back and said to Jack and Shirley with a bad smile: I told you, just leave it to aunt. Wait a while. If that stupid helicopter dares to block our way again, I will feed it. this

As expected of Aunt Mafal! Clenching her little fists, Shirley looked at Kanan eagerly, as if little stars were shining in her eyes, while Kanan raised his head, with his nostrils pointing to the sky, scratching his head and saying proudly. : Haha! Shirley's cub is still cute! Much cuter than Jack's cub! Damn! Jack cursed in a low voice. As he started the engine again, he raised his eyebrows and said to Kanan beside him: With you? It's really difficult for that guy Li to have a crazy woman in the same room!

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