What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-52. A macho man explodes his cylinder

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Simple greetings relieved the tense atmosphere, but this did not mean that the pursuers would die down. The engine of the motorcycle rumbled again. Jack took Li, and Kanan drove the motorcycle into the dark place next to it. Narrow alley. Perhaps because the road ahead was too narrow, and there were glowing billboards above her head, Shirley subconsciously lowered her figure and pressed herself against Jack's back. She frowned slightly and shouted Said: 'I always feel that our next journey will be extremely difficult! Next time I will definitely steal a limousine! Jack, who also kept his figure low, shouted back to Xia. Come on! followed closely behind. He grinned and laughed loudly: If we were driving a car, we wouldn't even be able to get out of the road we just took! We quickly passed through the alley, drifting around the corner amidst the harsh friction, one red and one black. Motorcycles returned to the street. The moment Jack and Kanan turned the corner, motorcycles sped out from behind the roadblock on the other side of the street. Ghostly zombies wearing oil paint masks laughed wildly. Letting out an excited howl - while waving the Molotov cocktails in his hands, he kept throwing them towards Jack, Shirley and Kanan. Seeing this, Jack and Kanan suddenly accelerated, letting the Molotov cocktails fall behind them and explode on the street. Spreading flames. They are endless! Jack turned his head and looked at the pursuers behind him. Shirley had to turn around and fired at the ghost zombies with a gun in one hand. She noticed Shirley's movements. Jack could only say loudly: Hold on as steady as possible, okay? Tsk, I'm really a little annoyed. Although he said he was annoyed, the excitement between his eyebrows revealed his inner thoughts. Kanan controlled it with one hand. Driving a motorcycle, he took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the motorcycles in front of him that suddenly came out of the alley in an attempt to stop everyone. He pulled the trigger and said loudly, Shirley! I'll leave the rest to you. ! I'll take care of it from the front! Just drive with peace of mind, Jack! Come on, Auntie! After bypassing the unexpected roadblock, Jack shouted: I'll leave it all to you! Hey! You kid can only use me when you need him. Will you call me aunt?! Kanan grinned and said: -Not as cute as Shirley! Auntie doesn't like you anymore! The harsh friction sound came from the corner of the street again, and along with the rapid cornering, there was another Several motorcycles carrying ghost zombies rushed out of the alley. They kept throwing Molotov cocktails on the street, trying to use flames to block the way forward for Jack and Kanan, but Kanan was not at all calm. She kept swinging the front of the car to let her motorcycle pass by the flames, feeling the burning sensation caused by the flames grazing her skin. At this moment, Kanan felt as if she was alive. Accompanied by the sound of gunshots, a Motorcycles trying to block the road fell to the ground, and Jack and Kanan would continue to dodge the overturned motorcycles together with the roadblocks. Seeing that the road ahead was completely blocked by a large pile of debris, Jack was heartbroken. , and suddenly drove the motorcycle up the slope that leads directly to the outer wooden frame of the construction site. With the flying motorcycle hitting the wooden board, making a crunching sound, the armed helicopter that had been chasing everyone flew past again. On the roof of the building, he descended to two speeding motorcycles on the wooden frame. Amidst the sound of mechanical operation, the heavy machine gun hanging underneath rotated little by little and aimed at everyone. You dare to come back?! Look. Looking at the armed helicopter that flew all the way over, Kanan could no longer hold back the curve of his mouth. In the horrified eyes of the ghostly zombie, Kanan tore off the RPG he had snatched before and held it alone. He put his hand on his shoulder and laughed wildly at the armed helicopter: You've suffered a lot! You bastard.

The next second, there was only a soft sound, and the dark green rocket flew out directly dragging its tail smoke, and crashed into the cockpit of the armed helicopter. The explosion sounded loudly, and the incoming firelight instantly illuminated the helicopter. On everyone's faces, the cockpit of the armed helicopter was burning with raging flames. It spun in the air and fell to the ground. Then, an even more terrifying explosion sounded, accompanied by a fireball rising from the wreckage of the helicopter. Those ghostly zombie pursuers on the street who had no time to escape screamed and were thrown into the sky. Cool! With a cheerful smile on his face, Kanan threw away the sugar cane in his hand and said happily: This trip to Lan Xiang really didn’t come here in vain! I’m so excited

It seems that due to the impact of the explosion, the wooden frame built outside the building next to the street began to collapse. However, the speed of collapse was obviously impossible to catch up with the two speeding motorcycles. When they reached the end of the wooden frame, the two motorcycles collapsed again. Accelerating, they rushed out, and then fell heavily back to the street. Behind them, another motorcycle rushed out. No matter how heavy the casualties they suffered, those ghostly zombies just refused to give up. At this point By now, Jack and Shirley understood that these guys were no longer here to capture them alive, but that they really wanted to kill them! After turning the corner, the two motorcycles took off again and landed on the lower level of the Gaosui. On the road, a group of pursuers followed closely behind, throwing burning tiles at everyone while letting out excited howls. Seeing this, Jack, who kept dodging the flames, yelled: We are completely helpless. Is it worth using?! Why are they still chasing us?! Shirley behind Jack also complained loudly. What are you afraid of?! On the other side, Kanan stuck the extended magazine into his chest with one hand, changed the bullet with one hand, dragged the slide with his teeth, then raised the silver pistol again, and said excitedly while firing: Party. Of course, the more people the better for this kind of thing! As soon as I finished speaking, I saw another motorcycle jumping off the viaduct next to it. They were carrying the ghost zombies on the car, and they were flying from all directions. \\Fang surrounded them, making the highway already blocked by scrapped vehicles even more chaotic. Driving suddenly became more difficult. For a while, even Kanan was a little tired of dealing with it. Jack saw this and yelled: Mafal !You damn crow's mouth! You bitch! Get out of here! Seeing a motorcycle approaching, Kanan suddenly stretched out his hand and snatched the Molotov cocktail from the ghostly zombie's hand, and then

Then she kicked the motorcycle violently, knocking the motorcycle to the ground. Then, without looking, she casually thrust the snatched Molotov cocktail behind her back. Suddenly, there was a burst of

Screams sounded from behind. Jack! Ahead! There is a roadblock ahead! She opened fire quickly and killed the enemies on the two motorcycles. As soon as Shirley turned her head, she saw that the road ahead was blocked by burning scrapped vehicles, but she heard Jack shout loudly: Hold on tight. The next second, Jack suddenly pulled up the front of the motorcycle, allowing the motorcycle to use its inertia to rush directly onto the roadblock and fly towards the buildings below the highway. Kanan's eyes lit up as he followed behind. , she imitated Jack's example and pulled up the front of the car, shouting at the same time: Not bad! Jack! Under the night sky illuminated by firelight, the red and black motorcycle rushed down the highway, streaking in the sky like shooting stars. After passing through two arcs, it hit the alley of the building complex below. The alley was full of debris and it was impossible to land smoothly. The moment it hit the alley, the two motorcycles shook violently. , and then directly threw everyone down, sticking to the ground, carrying sparks, and slammed into the wall of the alley, sending out thick black smoke. After experiencing intense torture, the two motorcycles finally reported their injuries.

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